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1. A very good morning to the :

b. Senior Assistant : TN HJ ITHNIN BIN YUSOF
c. Head of Student Affairs : MR ABDUL KHOHAR BIN TOPANDI
d. Head of Co-Curricular Affairs : MDM NORSIDAH BINTI ADAM
e. Heads of Departments,
f. Respected Teachers and students.
2. We shall begin todays assembly by singing :
a. The National Anthem Negaraku and
the state anthem Lagu Bangsa Johor
Everybody please stand still and be quiet
Thank You.
3. Now, I shall call upon

to offer the morning prayer. Thank you.

4. Next, I would like to invite

to lead the recitation of the RUKUN NEGARA. Thank You.

5. I will now call upon Mr / Ms .. who
was on duty last week, to give his/her report. I hope all of you will listen
and take note.

6. I will now announce the teachers who are on duty this week.
They are : (read the name of the teachers)
If you have any problem at school this week, you may see them for help.
7. Now, I would like to call upon any teachers who wish to make
8. To continue our assembly this morning, I will now call upon :
a. The Senior Assistant/ The Student Affairs Head/ the Head of CoCurricular Affairs : to
say a few words. All students are advised to listen carefully and
take note. Thank you.
9. Last but not least, I would like to invite the principal of SMK Seri
Tangkak, to deliver his /her speech.
Thank you to our principal.
I hope that all of us will get the benefit and learn something from the
speech. All students should take everything he said seriously.
10. Now, we have come to the end of our assembly.
We shall now sing the school anthem Semesta Jaya
Everybody please stand still and be quiet.
Thank you.
That concludes our assembly this morning. Now all students may leave
the Assembly Square quietly and in order.

The people of SMK Seri Tangkak / are determined / to
uphold firmly / the National Philosophy of Education / to
produce poised individuals / in terms of intellectual /
spiritual / emotional / and physical / as well as / to create
integrated / and harmonious Malaysian society.
Therefore /
WE / the people of SMK Seri Tangkak / pledge to attain these
aspirations / based on our love / and loyalty to our school /
and by holding firmly / to the Principles of RUKUNEGARA:
Belief in God
Loyalty to King and Country
Upholding the Constitution
Rule of Law
Good Behaviour and Morality

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