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In this lesson, we will continue to talk about the Civil Rights Movement,

and how we can begin to understand how the different parts of the
movement fit into the TEMPS format
Purpose Statements Content: Students will understand that the Little
Rock Nine were integral to the furthering of the Civil Rights movement.
Language: Students will demonstrate understanding by reading an article
and answering questions about the Little Rock Nine, and then discussing the
event as a class.
Objective Students will be able to connect different parts of the Civil
Rights movement to form a coherent picture of history by answering
questions about the Little Rock Nine
I will tell the students that we are going to review the previous class
(Bus Boycott = ECON)
Have students write on another half sheet and answer these questions:
o What was the goal(s) of the Boycott?
o How did the Boycott accomplish its goal(s)?
Assuming these are not answered adequately, explain that we are
going to quickly research the topic and answer the questions in pairs
(on another sheet of paper)
Tell students with whom they are paired with and explain that five pairs
will be selected to write their answers on the board.
When the students have answered the questions, pick the pairs, and
have the entire class choose which answers are the best.
After this, make sure the students have it written down somewhere
that the boycott is related to economics
Transition into talking about the Little Rock Nine
o Hand out the reading and guiding questions
o Ask the students to google Little Rock Nine and pull up the
o Tell them to read the article while looking at the pictures to get
some context (they can work with a partner if they so choose,
but I will be walking around to make sure people are on task)
o When they are done reading and answering the questions,
discuss the questions, and answer any that they might have
Bring up Posse Comitatus Act of 1878
Have students look up the act, and tell me what it
Do you think that Eisenhower broke the law to
enforce a Supreme Court decision?
Assessment I will assess by use of the entrance slip and making sure the
students understanding is where I want it, and through the use of the
discussion at the end of class that is facilitated by the reading guide.

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