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Quino 1

Emy Quino
Professor Spitler-Lawson
English 113B
Project Text Rough Draft
Emotions Run a Perfect World
What is a world without being able to make your own decisions? A
world where you dont get to choose who you love? A world of not being able
to make choices? That is a society to an ultimate strict level. A proper society
is run with freedom, rules, and self control. The society in The Giver takes
control to another level and allows the people in the community no control to
feel their own emotions and no ability to run a family the way theyd like to.
Unlike The Giver, people in the real world are allowed the freedom to pick
whom one loves, parents, and allowed to shape a family any way they want.
The Giver doesnt allow people to pick their families but are assigned a
family. The people in the community are assigned who to marry and must
apply to be given children, which are not biologically theirs. There are
women called Birthmothers, which is where a young woman is pampered for
three years as she gives birth each year. After that job she will be a laborer. It
is very heartbreaking that a mother carries a baby for 9 months, deliver, and
then never get to see it again. Its a traumatic experience for mothers. It
must also be heartbreaking for the women that dont give birth to their own
children. These families are just randomly picked to be together and arent
created naturally. By naturally meaning, picked by love.

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Annotated Bibliography
Davis, Roco G. "Writing the Erasure of Emotions in Dystopian Young Adult
Fiction: Reading Lois Lowry's the Giver and Lauren Oliver's Delirium."
Narrative Works 4.2 (2014): 48-63. ProQuest. Web. 2 May 2016.
This article discusses all the main points and issues in the The Giver. This
article gave set examples about how the people in the story are taken
their emotions and how it works for their community. I found this article
on ProQuest which I found through the CSUN Oviatt Library. I searched
Emotions in The Giver and it was one of the first to pop up. It is a
peer reviewed articled and if its on a school database I think its a very
reliable source. This source is useful to my paper because it ties into
the point I am making in the paragraph and the quote which was given
from the article, really does make my essay strong and supportive.
Gross, Melissa. "The Giver and Shades Children: Future Views of Child
Abandonment and Murder." Childrens Literature in Education 30.2
(1999): 103-117. Rpt. in Children's Literature Review. Ed. Lawrence J.
Trudeau. Vol. 187. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Literature Resource Center.
Web. 2 May 2016.
This article discusses the main point of abandonment issues in the story and
goes in depth on describing the different things that went on in the
story that were wrong choices as people/parents. I found this article on

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Gale through CSUN Oviatt Library. I searched parenting in the giver
and this popped up in the list. I found it through a site provided
through the school database which is a reliable place to find good
sources. This article was useful because reading it made me realize all
the horrible things that went on in the book that I just kind of skimmed
past and it really backed up my points.

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