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Claire Teal & Mario Adam Espinosa

Professor Collete Caton
First Year Writing
15 February 2016
Works Cited Practice
"Famous Greek Battles." N.p., 14 June 1999. Web. 12 Jan. 2004.
Goldman, Henry, and Elizabeth Howard. Ancient Civilizations. Philadelphia: Gold
House, 1989. Print.
Ingram, Joan. The Secrets of the Greeks. 2 Feb. 2004.
Web. n.d.
Norton. Writing Utensils. Encyclopedia of the Mediterranean 5th Edition. (1985). Print.
Pankratz, Karen. "Plato's Lasting Infuence." Ancient Rhetoric 10.3 (2002): 24-31. Web.
Shepherd, Greg. Personal interview. 17 July 2005.
Smith, Joshua. Those Insufferable Greeks. Infamous World Empires. Ed. James
Wygonik. Denver: Colonial Press, 1983. 201-247. Print.
Swales, John. The Concept of Discourse Community. Writing about Writing: A College
Reader. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle, Doug Downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011.
466-479. Print
The Beauty of Greek Architecture. Dir. Alexander Morrow. Westing Forge, 2001. Film.
Xavier, John. The Amazing Greek Islands. Washington Post 2 Sept. 2005: D1 Print.

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