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Nhi Tran

Professor Holly Batty

English 113B
10 May 2016
See Any Changes?
After receiving the grade for Disabilities essay, I have gone over Professor Battys
comments. Then, I realize that I have made so many mistakes and the biggest foolish mistake is
on formatting the essay. My margins are too big, so my essay has not meet page requirement.
According to Professor, my counterargument is not powerful enough to convince readers to agree
with my perspective. Moreover, I must work on editing, and rephrase some sentences.
Therefore, I take in Professor Battys advise by correcting one mistake add the time.
First, I corrected the margins to make sure its in one inch per each side, and my essay looks
shorter, it is not even four pages. Hence, I decide to have separate courter argument as body
paragraph. As you can see my essay becomes four full pages now because I add more
information to support my courter argument so my essay accomplishes the page requirement.
Secondly, I look at the final draft that have Professors comments and correction to correct the
mistakes with comments such as plural, and sentence fragment. Moreover, I delete some
unnecessary word in several sentences to make my sentences in each paragraph become more
clear and concise.
Lastly, there is some idea that does not make sense to me as I reread my writing.
Therefore, I must put more effort on editing the ideas that do not clear to reader like what
Professor recommend, and remove the inaccurate facts from my writing by rephrasing the whole

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