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Cereal Box Project

Due Date: Friday, May 27
Name: _______________________________________________
Title of Book: __________________________________________


3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

Cereal box front includes all

components (colored illustration, title,
author, your name, genre)
Cereal box back includes a written
summary, at least 1-2 paragraphs in
length, of the book
Cereal Box back includes a colored
illustration to accompany the written
Cereal box left side includes a detailed
description, at least 1-2 paragraphs in
length, of the ingredients or main
Cereal box left side includes a colored
illustration of the ingredients or
main characters to accompany the
written description
Cereal Box right side includes a
detailed description, at least 1-2
paragraphs in length, describing the
setting of the story
Cereal box right side includes a
colored illustration of the setting to
accompany the written description
The presentation was well delivered
(spoke clearly, stayed on topic, spoke
loud enough)
Cereal Box contains few spelling or
grammar errors
Overall cereal box was presented in a
creative, clear, and neat manner
Cereal Box Book Report is the correct
genre: Mystery
Total Points (+ /33)
Project goes above and beyond
(Extra Credit Points)
Overall Grade: _________________
J. Siciliano 9/2011

Cereal box Project

Due Date: Friday, May 27
Using a large, empty cereal box as a form, students cover each of the sides in the
following ways:

Paper-cover or paint the box, being sure to leave the slit and tab
operational. Students should be able to open the box.

Draw and color an illustration to

cover the front of the cereal
box. Include on this section the
title of the book, author,
illustrator (if necessary), your
name, and the genre.

Neatly write a summary and

attach it to the large surface
on the other side of the cereal
box. Your summary should be at
least 1-2 paragraphs in length.
You should also include a colored illustration to accompany your summary.

On the one side of the box, list and

describe the ingredients (characters) in
the story. You should also include a
colored picture of the characters.
On the other side of the box, describe
the setting of the story and include a
colored illustration. Remember to
describe in detail!

J. Siciliano 9/2011

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