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Projecto: Mi arbol genealogico.

Sketch a family tree on a small poster board.

1.Label how they are related to you. Ex. Mi abuelo, mi madre, etc.
2. In your family tree include the following:
a. grandparents
b. parents
c. siblings at least 2
d. uncles/aunts
e. cousins
3. Type a paragraph in Spanish describing your family. Include the following information per
a. Name
b. age
c. physical descriptions (tall, short, young, old, etc)
d. describe hair color and length.
e. describe their personality (talentoso-a, sociable, etc.)
f. Something they like to do.
Rubric del arbol genealogico
Flow chart on poster or power point presentation.
Typed sentences describing each member
Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.
Presentation: Describe 5 family members (memorized)

20 pts.______
40 pts. ______
20 pts.______
20 pts. ______

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