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Incident Report

Tim McGraith, Instructor
Hannah Eckwall, student
DATE:March 13, 2016
SUBJECT: Rehoming Cats Malfunction
Description of the Incident
At Approximately 3:15 p.m. on March 12, 2016, Sarah Martinson was dropping off her
two male cats that she could no longer keep because she is moving, so they will now
live on our farm. Sarah and I were both trying to remain calm and let the boys smell out
the new territory. I also have two male dogs which had startled the cats and they both
ran in opposite directions into trees. We waited a few minutes, to let them get used to
their new surroundings, the dogs were also a little more calmed down too. The cats
were too timid to come down from the trees so we left out their food dishes from home,
and also some water.
A few hours later my roommate Tyler Peters noticed the cats were gone. He assured
me that he would go out and call for the cats to see if he could see or hear them hiding
Causes for the Incident
When Sarah and I had her car door open and waited for the cats to jump out
themselves and get used to the new territory, the dogs had startled them causing them
to run and hide. We also concluded that if the dogs would have been on leashes they
wouldnt have had the opportunity to run up and chase after or startle the cats.
Sarah and I would make the following recommendations to prevent this from happening
1. Have the dogs on leashes so they can smell the cats and thy can get used to
each other but they arent able to chase them as easy.
2. Have the cats in kennels instead of letting them just jump out of the car on their
3. Instead of letting them out in the open, we should have had them in the barn
which is more of a confided area for them to get used to their new home, and
they wouldnt have been able to run.

Site Report

Polk County Government Center, Building Owner

Dana Reese, Administrator
Hannah Eckwall, Eckwall Construction
Remodeling East Wing

On March 8, 2016, I conducted a sight inspection for the remodel estimate for the rooms
107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 located on East Wing, Golden Age Manor, at 220
Scholl Court Amery, Wisconsin. The administrator and maintenance department
accompanied me during my inspection and we discussed the changes that they would
like to make to the rooms. They would like the rooms to become Medicare Suites for
residents who need to be extra comfortable while possibly on hospice care. The suites
will have a hotel feeling to them instead of the average nursing home room.
Condition of the Existing Location
The existing bedrooms will remain at the original size of 20 feet wide (east to west) by
20 feet long (north to south). The bathrooms are 10 feet by 10 feet, and the storage
closets are 8 feet by 8 feet. The structure in all 6 room spaces meet the current
construction standards. Throughout the entire building the ceiling height is 10 feet high.
In every room there are also two large windows that span 4 feet wide by 3 feet high that
span to the base board heaters in all rooms.
Room/ Bathroom Remodel
Ms. Dana along with the maintenance crew would like simple updates done to the
rooms. The current tile floor will be coming up and replaced with hardwood flooring. The
textured walls will be sanded and painted over to have a nice clean finish on the walls.
The cabinet storage closets will be stained a dark cherry to make the room appear more
modern. The trim will be replaced along with updating the toilet and sink fixtures. The
beds and side tables will be replaced with modern furniture pieces along with dcor to
make the room feel more like a hotel suite.

Project Estimate
The estimated cost of materials and labor for this project is between $10,000 and
$13,000. The estimated time line to complete this project is between two to three

This estimate is based off of the remodel of the rooms and does not include the cost of
the specific interior design elements for the rooms. In consideration that the funds will
be provided by the facilities private bank account I would recommend putting a budget
on what Ms. Dana is allowed to spend on the finishes for the room. I recommend a
follow-up meeting is held with myself, members from Polk County Government Center,
Dana Reese, and the maintenance department since they will be providing labor during
the remodel.

Field Trip Report

TO: Tim McGraith
FROM: Hannah Eckwall
DATE: March 14, 2016
SUBJECT: Verizon Wireless Trip
On March 14, I went to Verizon Wireless to purchase a new Wireless phone charging
The Store
The employee was extremely helpful and inviting. He answered all the questions that I
had pertaining to the new charging device that I had. He quickly created a new account
for me so I was now programmed into the store. Everything in the store was organized
by brand, and then from brand it went by the device which would include phone
chargers. Well they have wall chargers, car chargers, wireless chargers and
multipurpose chargers. The specific charger I purchased can only be used for certain
Benefits of the trip
The store did not open until 9 a.m. but the employee was gracious enough to open the
doors 15 minutes early for me. Now I am able to charge my phone wirelessly which is
extremely beneficially, considering my plug in port is broken. Otherwise, I would have to
purchase a whole new phone device. I am also now a member in their system, and the
employee is also going to help me try to get a new phone without having the pay the
insurance fee since this is already a replaced insurance phone.

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