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Driver distraction has been identified as a cause of approximately one quarter of car crashes

A study by researchers from the Griffith Health Institute on the Gold Coast, Queensland has
found that eating while driving is just as dangerous as sending text messages.
The results basically indicate that the trials involving texting or eating when driving both caused
about the same amount of decrement to driving performance, said lead researcher on the
project Dr Chris Irwin, from Griffith Health Institute.

In a recent case in Georgia USA a man was fined for eating a cheeseburger while driving. He
was later exonerated because there hadn't been an accident.
Marlon King, an ex-Premier League footballer, was jailed in Nottingham, UK for 18 months for
causing a three car pile-up while he was driving and eating an ice cream.
With texting on a mobile phone holding the number one spot for driver distraction, the Australian
Road Rules takes a tough stance on handheld mobile phone usage while driving. It is illegal and
includes a fine and loss of demerit points.

There are no rules that prohibit eating while driving, but distracted drivers are a danger to
themselves and other road users. If eating while driving interferes with a drivers control of the
vehicle, the driver may be committing an offence depending on the circumstances.
Its not illegal to eat while youre behind the wheel, however it is illegal not to have proper control
of your vehicle.
If a driver is detected by police for not controlling their vehicle properly, they will be subject to a
$415 fine and three demerit points in accordance with the NSW Road Rules, she said.

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