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Running Head: The Misconception of Pit Bulls

The Misconceptions of Pit Bulls:

A Literature Review of A Misunderstood Breed
Kourtney Nechelle Boutte
University of Texas at El Paso

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


Pit Bull dogs have been notoriously known for fighting and severe aggression towards other
animals and humans through out their history. Misconceptions are often spread through the
media and social outlets making it even more difficult to find the truth about this specific breed
of dogs. The Pit Bull dog was bred to be a working dog by bull baiting an uncontrollable bull;
however, with the increased popularity of dog fighting, the demand for an aggressive, killing
machine became a lucrative career for gamblers during the nineteenth century. Nonetheless, it
was proven that the aggressive behaviors bred into the Pit Bull dogs were reversible with the
discovery of the Pit Bulls from the Michael Vick case in late 2007. This breeds demeanor is
heavily dependent upon the type of training received from puppyhood to adulthood.

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


The Misconceptions of Pit Bulls: A Literature Review of A Misunderstood Breed

An overwhelmingly large audience has viewed Pit Bull dogs in the media as a violent and
vicious breed for years. The attention that the media has brought to only the most aggressive
cases of Pit Bull dog violent incidents has seemingly formed a stigma amongst the entire breed.
Due to this outpour of media coverage over the years, several misconceptions just in the United
States have formed against Pit Bull dogs. A Tampa Bay Times article entitled Fears unleash bill
targeting the pit bull states, the fear of dog attacks, and of certain types of dogs, is on the
rise (Anton and DeGregory, 2010). Because of this increase in the fear of dog attacks, there was
a bill proposed specifically aimed to ban Pit Bull dogs in local communities in Florida. The issue
of the proposed bill against the Pit Bull dogs is only the beginning of what appears to be a result
of several misconceptions.
Media may facilitate the spread in the many misconceptions of Pit Bull dogs, but the
main question prevails as to what these misconceptions entail. Another issue arises as to who
should take the blame for the negative connotations attached to this specific breed of dog. There
are cases where dogs are provoked to attack, and incidents where dogs are more prone to lash out
towards citizens in a community without warning. Chris White, a Pit Bull advocate, said, the
logical, ethical and moral way to handle dangerous dogs is to place the responsibly back into the
hands of the owners (White, 2015). However, on the opposing view of advocacy for Pit Bull
dogs, others advocate against them. For instance, is a website designed to
specifically advocate for the victims who have been viciously attacked by Pit Bull dogs. The
website mentions, Pit bull terriers were selectively bred for dogfighting. This is why pit bulls
dont let go once they bite (Pit Bull Attacks-Victims of Dangerous Dog Attacks, n.d.).

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


Opposing views about the conceptions and misconceptions of Pit Bull dogs have the
tendency to convey questions or concerns that include:
1. What are some common misconceptions of Pit Bull dogs being mentioned by
communities in the United States?
2. When did the image of the Pit Bull dog breed transition from being admired to being
frightened by even dog enthusiasts?
3. What was the purpose of breeding Pit Bull dogs since they are now considered an
aggressive breed?
4. How will the kind of training a Pit Bull receives from birth to adult hood affect its overall
These questions focus on several common misconceptions about Pit Bulls, their history of being
adored to feared, their purpose before the misconceptions, and the types of training they typically
What are some common misconceptions of Pit Bull dogs being mentioned by communities
in the United States?
A reputation is sometimes the most valuable possession to be owned, but if it becomes
tarnished, then it is irreversibly perceived in a tarnished light for a long period of time. Pit Bulls
have gained a negative reputation through out the years with the help of the stories in the media
and Internet. One misconception that has been mentioned about Pit Bulls includes them being
specifically aggressive towards humans. However, an article entitled 10 Common
Misconceptions About Pit Bulls states that, when a Pit Bull attacks a person, there are always
other factors involved, such as protection of food. Any dog may bite if provoked ("10 Common
Misconceptions About Pit Bulls," n.d.). The article attempts to debunk the myth that Pit Bull
dogs have the tendency to be aggressive towards humans unprovoked.

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


Communities are more likely to come together and ban a specific breed for an attack on
a citizen, and the blame is almost always placed on the dog. Nonetheless, Tallahassee worker
Edna Elijah was attacked by what was thought to be a Pit Bull dog. Although Elijah was not
reportedly injured, Her incident encouraged Tallahassee legislators to place a regulation on
specific breeds of dogs (Anton and DeGregory, 2010). In protest, Pit Bull enthusiasts felt it
necessary to come together against the proposed bill suggesting that the dogs should not be held
completely accountable.
Another misconception about Pit Bulls according to the 10 Misconceptions About Pit
Bulls article states, an aggressive Pit Bull cannot be rehabilitated (10 Common
Misconceptions about Pit Bulls, n.d.). The fact of rehabilitating a Pit Bull is a common
misconception according to the article because of the Michael Vick case in 2007. In October of
2007, following the court case, forty-nine of the dogs seized from the dog fighting arena was
able to rehabilitated, and only one Pit Bull was euthanized due to aggressive behavior. The fortynine Pit Bulls were deemed suitable to go to sanctuaries or foster homes for socialization
training ("Animal Fighting Case Study: Michael Vick | Animal Legal Defense Fund," 2011).
According to First Lieutenant Deylon Douglas, aggressive Pit Bulls were a misconception he has
heard of before owning his currently two-year-old Pit Bull named Kweli (personal
communication, March 28, 2016). Douglas wife Mandi recalls walking Kweli in their
neighborhood and watching others with small dogs clutch them in fear as they walked by
(personal communication, March 28, 2016). After a couple of years of owning Kweli, It became
even more evident to Douglas that not all Pit Bulls possess aggressive behavior. Pictured below
is two-year-old Kweli with his sister, Diamond.
Figure 1. Pit Bull, Kweli, cuddling with Miniature Schnauzer, Diamond.

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


Source: First Lieutenant Deylon Douglas (2016).

When did the image of the Pit Bull dog breed transition from being admired to
being frightened by even dog enthusiasts?
Currently, the Pit Bull dog is considered an aggressive and hostile breed of dog that is
trained to kill other dogs. However, it is questionable as to when the image of the Pit Bull
transitioned from being admirable in the past to being feared by communities that are dog
enthusiasts. Before the mid-80s, stories of pit bull attacks are practically non-existent, states
Jon Bastian, author of the article How did pit bulls get such a bad rap? (Bastian, 2015). Bastian
also mentions a theory that mentions the brief history of the Pit Bull itself. The theory places the
origin of the pit bull in England at the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066, when butchers
would use large, Mastiff-type dogs as bullenbeissers, which translates to bull biter (Bastian,
2015). These bullenbeissers were trained to bite and latch onto the nose of bulls in order to
gain control of the large animal after it would become frantic. Regrettably, bull biter dogs were
used in bull baiting as a sport, where the dogs were placed into a pit. The audience would watch
and gamble on which dog could hold on to the upset bull the longest (Bastian, 2015).

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


Figure 2. Pit Bull dogs detaining a bull. This is also known as bull baiting.

Source: Jessup, D. [Photograph]. Retrieved from

With the ban of using bull baiting for sport, dog fighting became popular as an
underground andillegal activity in the UK in the nineteenth century (Bastian, 2015).
Immigrants to the United States brought their dogs and sport of dog fighting with them, but the
Pit Bulls were placed back as working dogs. As an unfortunate result of their history as fighting
dogs, the American Kennel Club would not recognize the breed until 1936 (Bastian, 2015).
Because of the history of their negative past of bull baiting and fighting, citizens have fear of the
Pit Bull dog breed across the United States. According to Jon Bastians article, Pit Bull fighting
became more active in the 1980s even after it being banned in all of the fifty United States
(Bastian, 2015).
What was the purpose of breeding Pit Bull dogs since they are now considered an
aggressive breed?
Because of the aggression that the Pit Bull is associated with, many people question the
purpose of the breed since they are now feared by society. As mentioned before, the Pit Bull dog
was mainly used for bull baiting in the early 1800s and later transitioned to fighting. However,

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


from the very beginning pit bulls have been used as farm dogs, family dogs, military mascots,
and all purpose companions ("Breed Information-An All-American Dog: Breed History," n.d.).
The point of breeding Pit Bull dogs as a breed through out history was to facilitate work along
side humans and not for fighting. Dog fighting became such a lucrative underground sport that
the Pit Bull dogs were later bred to become a fighting and killing machine towards other dogs.
How will the kind of training a Pit Bull receives from birth to adult hood affect its
overall demeanor?
It is believed that the type of training a Pit Bull receives will have a standing affect on its
overall demeanor. It is true that this breed of dog was later bred for dog fighting, but there also
had to be specific types of aggressive training. Training a dog to become aggressive can
negatively impact the dogs behavior, but it is not irreversible. If a dog is trained to become
aggressive and fight from puppyhood, then it will be programmed to be vicious. In the Michael
Vick dog fighting case, as mentioned before, dogs were found chained to axels and just out of
reach from each other, a typical arrangement for fighting dogs ("Animal Fighting Case Study:
Michael Vick | Animal Legal Defense Fund," 2011).
First Lieutenant Deylon Douglas believes that a Pit Bulls overall demeanor significantly
depends on the type of training it receives all through out its life (personal communication,
March 28, 2016). If a dog is raised to become a fighting mechanism, then chances are it will be
programmed to only fight until it wins. On the contrary, if a Pit Bull is trained to be affectionate
and socialized, then it will not be prone to attack humans or other dogs. Douglas, who has two
young children, explains how his Pit Bull is more protective over his children despite the many
stereotypes against the breed (personal communication, March 28, 2016). Below is a picture of
two-year-old Kweli displaying him in a non-aggressive, attentive position.
Figure 3. Pit Bull, Kweli, lying observantly.

Instructor: Veronica Cruz


Source: First Lieutenant Deylon Douglas (2016).

There have been several misconceptions formed against Pit Bulls through out their
history. Some of these misconceptions have been proven to be merely myths fabricated out of
fear of this supposedly aggressive breed. Nevertheless, there have also been cases of humans and
other dogs being attacked by Pit Bulls. History has shown that a hard working breed was
intentionally turned into an aggressive fighting dog for an underground business that is still in
existence today. The Michael Vick dog fighting case proved that aggressive Pit Bulls are able to
change their behaviors even after being bred to fight. The misconceptions about Pit Bull dogs are
widely spread through media, but sometimes, it is the result of not knowing enough information
about a misunderstood breed.

Animal Fighting Case Study: Michael Vick | Animal Legal Defense Fund. (2011). Retrieved
Anton, L. L., & DeGregory, L. (2010, April 9). Fears unleash bill targeting the pit bull | Tampa
Instructor: Veronica Cruz



Bay Times. Retrieved from

Bastian, J. (2015). How did pit bulls get such a bad rap?. Cesar's Way. Retrieved 10 February
2016, from
Breed Information-An All-American Dog: Breed History. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Jessup, D.Retrieved from [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Pit Bull Attacks-Victims of Dangerous Dog Attacks. (n.d.). Retrieved from
White, C. (2015, September 2). Myths, Lies and Misconceptions: The Life of a Pit Bull
Advocate. Retrieved from
10 Common Misconceptions About Pit Bulls. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Instructor: Veronica Cruz

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