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Rebeca Nunes Rodrigues


Media that stir emotions

The chapter discuss about the different types of fear a child can feel depending on age.
In fact, I could relate to this. Until I was about 8-years-old, the content I watched on TV was
really restrict so the few frightening medias I remember from that time are the hyenas Lion
King scene and the cartoon Courage the Cowardly Dog. Both could be classified as family
entertainment, so my parents didn't know how frightening Courage the Cowardly Dog actually
can be.
It is interesting to perceive that the examples given have both paranormal themes and
are visually scaring. After that time, my real fear turn into crimes and violence towards my
family, what is much more reasonable. Although after watching movies like Carandiru I was
also afraid of cops invading my home to kill my family, what has a low probability. As time
goes by, that fear eventually disappeared.
The concept of implicit memories also applied to my experiences. There are few details
about the movie Carandiru in my mind, but I do remember the nightmares I had, and all the
About how media can relate to depression and getting over a loss. It seems like
people can use media to avoid to deal with real emotions. Depressive people can spend
hours playing videogames or binge-watching TV series, so they go through a lot of emotions
and can feel for a while that they have get over a loss.

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