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English 3 Writing task 20% - Describing Past Events

INDICATOR Write about who your favorite teacher was last semester at ITM and why do you think it was such a good
teacher in a 80-90 word email.
SITUATION The Department of Student Welfare is doing a survey on who ITM students favorite teachers were last
semester and why they were such good teachers. They want to gather all this information, so they can make a public
recognition to the best teachers during the last semester courses.

1. Students will work individually.
2. In the email you must:
a. Address the e-mail properly to Dr. Lina Moreno, Chief of The Department of Student Welfare.
b. Mention who your favorite teacher was and what subject you took.
c. Write at least three things he-she did (or taught) that you liked the most and mention why.
Plan your e-mail here (This will not be evaluated)
Name of the teacher_________________________________________Subject________________________________
Things you liked


Write your e-mail here.


NAME: _______________________________________DATE_______________ COURSE CODE _________________










Relevance: All the information is related to the


Target Reader: The information is properly

addressed to the person or organization mention in
the task

Length: Student writes the information using a

minimum of words mention in the task.

Readers attention: Student holds the readers

attention by providing quality information and
making the text easy to follow.






Communication Purpose: The reader is well

informed and easily understands all the text without 1
having to read closely.

Cohesion: The organization of the text is accurate

and coherent.


Coherence: The text shows evidence of an

appropriate organization within the sentences that
are according to the level.


Vocabulary: The student uses a varied, precise

vocabulary related to the task assigned.

Structure: Student shows ability using grammar

accurately and appropriately to convey intended
meaning according to the level.

Mechanics: Student makes proper use of

capitalization, punctuation and spelling so it does
not interfere with the meaning or communication
purpose of the task.





NAME: _______________________________________DATE_______________ COURSE CODE _________________

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