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Writing activity: Writing a letter of apology to a customer

Cute Cupcake Creations

Ms. Penelope Sweet
Sales Manager
Portland, Oregon
Mega Market
Mr. Rich
Purchasing Department
Salem, Oregon
June 24
Dear Mr. Rich,
Thank you for your email about the shipping mistake. There was a problem with the
order numbers. You ordered product 2655 but received product 2654. I apologize for
what happened. Please accept this 25% refund as an apology.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Sweet
Sales Manager

Dear Mr. Rich

Thank You for your mail about the shipping mistake. There was a problem
with the order . You ordered product 2655 but received product 2654. I
apologize for what happened . Please accept this 20% refund as an apology.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. Alemn
Sales Manager

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