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SKILLS BUILDER SKILLS BUILDER FOR YOUNG LEARNERS np Elizabeth Gray Bas Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing in 2000 Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 - Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: INTERNET hip: // © Elizabeth Gray Design & illustration © Express Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. ISBN 1-84216-657-3 Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Jessica Dixon (Editor in Chief); Kevin Williams and Rachel Field (senior editors); Andrea Lowe and Kristen Woods (editorial assistants); Brian O'Neil (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team; Tony Boyle (recording producer); and Emily Newton, Daniel Parker, Thomas Hull and Laura Gibson for their support and patience. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Special thanks to young Julie and George for their contribution to the recordings of the listening material. Colour Illustrations: Pan (Ee Unit 1 Listening Reading and Writing ..... Unit 2 Listening ... Reading and Writing Unit 3. Listening Reading and Writing Unit 4 Listening . Reading and Writing Unit 5 Listening ... Reading and Writing... Speaking Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 ‘Thematic Vocabulary List i isis Listening Part 1 5 questions Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Linda Richard Steven Maria James Christina Listening Part 2 5 questions « Listen and write. There is one example Full name: 1 | Age: 2 Address: 3 | Phone number: 4 | Would prefer to come on: 5 | Time preferred: Unit 1 SS A LAA SS PE ETE Part 3 » 5 questions « What do these people want to buy? Listen and write letters in the boxes. There is one example. Paula E 1 Liam 2 lan OO 3 Mrs Dalton 4 Mr Dalton 5 Suzie Listening Unit 1 eS Part 4 » 5 questions <« Listen and tick (V) the box. There is one example. What does Robert’s sister do? A 1 Where does she live? Listening 3 What is her favourite class? 4 What is she doing this weekend? o— Unit 1 Part 5 » 5 questions Listen and colour and draw. There is one example. Part 1 » 10 questions <« Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. a torch scissors a university You go to this place ta buy books. 4 bookshop | a museum abookshop 1 You use this when it’s very dark and you can’t see. 2 You can send postcards from here. a magazine 3 Actors and actresses work in this place. 4 You use these to cut paper. a diary 5 If you don’t remember how to spell @ word you can use this to help you. a toothbrush. 6 You can study here when you finish school. a drawing 7 You need to use this to make your hair look nice. = RB a postman 8 You can write your secrets in this. 9 You can go to this place if you want to see a dinosaur. a bookcase 10 You can buy this once a week or once a month and read about a lot of interesting things. a brush | a post office a theatre a dictionary im Unit 1 Part 2 » 7 questions « Look and read. Write yes or no. Examples It’s a foggy day. #6 There are two white swans on the river. yes Reading and Writing Questions In the field there are two black and two gold butterflies. .. 2 A lot of leaves have fallen under the tree. 3 There is a fish jumping in the river. = The bat is sleeping. 5. The boy wearing glasses has caught a fish. o The wall is too high for the younger boy to climb up. N The red car is empty. 13 14 Unit 1 Part 3 » 5 questions « Nathan and Carrie are talking about what they are going to do today. Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Nathan: Hello, Carrie. How are you today? Carrie: ®!'m fine, thank you. B | don’t think so. C No, Pm not. Questions 1 Nathan: — Where are you going? Carrie: A I’ve gone to the Post Office. B | went to the Post Office C To the Post Office. n Nathan: Why are you going there? Carrie: A No, I’m not. B To buy a stamp. C Because I’m hungry. Reading and Writing 3 Nathan: Can I come too? Carrie: A Yes, | did. B No, | can’t today. C Of course. 4 Nathan: Would you like to go to a café later? Carrie: A Yes, there’s one on the corner. B Yes, | liked it. C No, | didn’t. 5 Nathan: Do you usually drink coffee or fruit juice? Carrie: A Ihaven’t got any coffee. B | prefer fruit juice. C P'm drinking coffee. Nathan: Do you know where the Post Office is? Carrie: Yes, it’s easy to find. Follow me! 15 Unit 1 SS RS a SS Part 4 » 6 questions « Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers. Yesterday morning ! went to the ...Pookshop with my mum and my little brother Jake. Jake is only two years old and sometimes he can be very bad! When we got there he sere o ..... on the floor and played with his toy . ., sess Lwas looking for a book about for my Science lesson but | couldn’t 16 Reading and Writing find it anywhere! Then, | saw Jake climbing up the bookcase. “Don’t do that!” | & Wy ., but all the books Ne on the floor! | picked up one of them. It was the book | was trying to find! “Thank you, Jake” | said! What is the best name for this story? Tick one box. An afternoon in the bookshop Jake at the bookshop A morning in the library Unit 1 ee 2 Part 5 » 7 questions « Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer. Daisy the cow Last July, Lucy was staying at her aunt and uncle’s farm in the countryside. On the farm they had a lot of black and white cows. Lucy’s favourite cow was called Daisy. She liked her because she had pretty brown eyes. Every morning Lucy’s uncle took the cows from the farm to the fields. Example last Jul When did Lucy visit her aunt and uncle? duly Questions 1 What did Lucy like about Daisy the cow? 2 Where did Lucy's uncle take the cows? 18 Reading and Writing One day Lucy decided to help her uncle. They took the cows into the field. She was picking flowers when suddenly she saw the cows running out of the field. “Help, | can’t stop them!” she shouted. Her uncle and his dog caught all the other cows, but they couldn’t find Daisy. No one knew where she was. Lucy felt horrible! 3 What was Lucy doing when the cows ran out of the field? 4 Who helped Lucy's uncle to catch the cows? 5 Why did Lucy feel horrible? 19 Unit 1 After looking for Daisy for hours, Lucy and her uncle went back to the house because they felt hungry! They sat at the kitchen table and started to eat supper. It was chicken and potatoes, which Lucy loves. Then, she saw something strange at the window. It was Daisy who was back home! “! think she’s hungry too,” said Lucy’s aunt. They all laughed. 6 Why did Lucy and her uncle go home? 7 Who did they see at the window? 20 Unit 1 Part 6 » 10 questions « Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Example | Last Sunday it ......”42........ Amanda’s birthday. Amanda wanted a 1 | dog .. . her mum and dad said she couldn’t have one. 2 | Every day Amanda .. her parents how much she loved 3 dogs. Her parents said that ............. house was too small and 4 | that a dog should ... .. a big garden to play in. Last year . her a fish but Amanda didn’t 5 | Amanda’s grandmother ......... 6 like... ... very much. She wanted a dog. On Sunday, all Amanda’s 7 | friends ... .. to her house for her party. It was an excellent 8 party and ... .... had a lot of food and lemonade. Then, 9 | Amanda heard something at the door. She opened it and | 10 | was a small dog outside. “Happy birthday Amanda!” said ... | mum and dad! 22 Reading and Writing Example were was are | 1 but than why | 2 tells said told | 3 them their theirs | 4 has be have | 5 bought buys buying | | 6 they its it 7 came were go 8 anyone everything everyone 9 it there he 10 her hers his Unit 1 SSSR SRE TP Part 7 » 5 questions <« Read the story and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Example |, weekend | love going camping. | usually put my tent on the grass .. the garden. One night last month | my little brother asked me . he could sleep in the tent ws he couldn’t and he | with me. | told .. not very happy. ‘When it was dark, | took my blanket and torch and went into the tent. Later in the night | thought I could see a monster outside the tent. I was very afraid and | looked out .. .. the tent. It wasn’t a monster. It was only my brother! 24 SC Listening Part 1 » 5 questions « Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Benjamin Judy Gemma Sarah Listening SRE ST Part 2 5 questions « Listen and write. There is one example. PET COMPETITION Full name: Dorothy 1 Pet: 2 Pet’s name: 3 | Pet’s age: 4 Prefers eating: 5 Address: 27 Unit 2 SS SS Part 3 » 5 questions « What are these people’s jobs? Listen and write letters in the boxes. There is one example. Roger B 1 Rachel 2 Carl [] 3 John 4 Rebecca 5 Lucy 28 Listening 29 Unit 2 qe Part 4 >» 5 questions « Listen and tick (Vv) the box. There is one example. Where did Laura and her family go last weekend? A Bly] 1 What was the weather like? 30 Listening eum 3 What happened to Laura’s brother? 4 What did he hurt? Unit 2 Part 5 » 5& questions « Listen and colour and draw. There is one example Reading and Writin Part 1 >» 10 questions <« Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. a street a bridge the world There are usually cars, motorbikes and buses on this. a street a bus stop 1 You can put the things you need in apilot this when you go climbing or walking. 2 People wait here ina line. an address 3 You can go to this place with your friends to have a drink. 4 You can buy this every day and rucksack read about important things that have happened. 5 This person’s job is to fly planes. @ flag 6 If the bus is late, you can take this to get to work in time. uniform 7 some people, like doctors or policemen, have to wear this at work. a planet 8 It is in space and goes around the sun. acafé 9 Youcan cross a river or road if you walk on this. a suitcase 10 You can’t send a postcard or a letter to someone without this, ..cccssssssseesseeeeee a newspaper acave a taxi 33 Unit 2 Part 2 » 7 questions <« Look and read. Write yes or no. ~@- 4 - cs a # Se ae CHECKIN 7 Examples There is a storm outside. no The policeman is standing next to three suitcases. yes 34 Reading and Writing Questions 1. The boy is whispering to the girl. vn Both men have got moustaches. w There is a man standing behind the desk who is wearing a uniform. sscsifnee 4 There is nobody sitting at the table on the left. 5 The woman sitting at the table on the right is crying. 6 There is a vase with flowers on one of the tables. N The plane has taken off. 35 Unit 2 Part 3 » 5 questions « Jackie and Jim are in the same class at school. One day after school, Jim sees Jackie in the street. Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Jim: Hello, Jackie. Where are you going? Jackie: A At the park. To the chemist’s C In my bedroom Questions 1 Jim: What are you going to buy? Jackie: A Some medicine. B A box of chocolates. C | bought some apples. 2 Jim: What’s the matter? Jackie: A I’ve got a bad cough. B It’s raining. C I’ve burnt the food. Reading and Writing 3 Jim: Jackie: 4 Jim: Jackie: 5 Jim: Jackie: Have you been to the doctor’s? A Yes, he’s gone to hospital. B Yes, I went yesterday. C Yes, all right then. Are you going to school tomorrow? A Yes, | have. B Yes, if | was. C I don’t think so. Shall | come and visit you in the afternoon? A Yes, I'd like that. B Yes, | shall C Let’s go. 37 38 Part 4 » 6 questions « Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers. I’ve got a pet dog whose name is Ivan. He’s brown with white sass Ivan is very clever. He fetches the .. every morning. Yesterday afternoon | took him for a walk in the park. It was foggy so | couldn’t see very well. | was walking by the river when | saw a and walked across it. | thought Ivan was following me but when! -Z@S) S| oe Reading and Writing behind me, he wasn’t there. Poor Ivan! He fell in the river. _ =< was very wet and had a fish in his ear. | laughed a lot because he looked very . out and ran to find me. He funny but he wasn’t What is the best name for this story? Tick one box. Swimming in the sea Ivan’s holiday The wet dog 39 Unit 2 SS Part 5 >» 7 questions « Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer. Late for school Every morning John catches the bus to school at eight o’clock. But yesterday he woke up at half past eight! He got dressed quickly, brushed his teeth and left. He didn’t have enough time for breakfast or to say good-bye to his parents. Example at eight: o'clock What time does John usually catch the bus? e1ge OOK ae Questions 1 What time did he wake up yesterday? 2 What did he do before he brushed his teeth? 40 Reading and Writing John ran to the bus stop. But he was too late for his bus. “I'll take the train. It’s much faster,” he thought. He asked a policeman where the station was, and walked there as fast as he could! But when he got there, the train was already leaving the platform. Suddenly he looked at the station clock. It was already midday}! 3 Why did he miss the bus to school? 4 Who told him how to get to the station? 5 What time was it when the train left? 41 Unit 2 EERE ieiaeimmiieaiemmimaneimmmmmmmetemmmmameeniemaeaateaccen emitter John couldn’t believe it. There was nothing he could do now. He started shouting, “Somebody help me! | need to get to school!” Then, John heard his mum saying, “John, what’s the matter?” He woke up. “I’m late for school Mum!” he cried. “But it’s Sunday. You don’t have to go to school today,” his mum said. 6 Who woke him up? 7 Why didn’t he have to go to school? 42 Unit 2 Part 6 » 10 questions « Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Example 44 » a o N ° Last Sunday my uncle Pete, who is a policeman, came to visit us .. . Uncle Pete told us a story about a man .... tried to steal the money from the bank is opposite the police station. The man was ...: @ fireman’s uniform. He went into the bank and told the people who were waiting in line to leave the bank ... it was on fire. .. ... he asked the woman at the desk to put all the money in a bag and give it to ... He said that he had to take the money with him so ... it wouldn’t burn in the fire. When he came out .... . the bank my uncle saw him. He realised what .. a. happening and him. | think my uncle is a very clever policeman! Reading and Writing Example our us ours 1 who which whose 2 whose who which 3 wore wearing dressed | 4 but because and 5 Then After Before 6 her his him Unit 2 Read Write Example Part 7 » 5 questions « the letter and write the missing words. one word on each line. o—__ L = Dear Karen, I’m having a lovely time here with my grandparents. I’m staying at the ...... sea, The flat is small but | don’t their flat which is by .. mind. Every morning we .. . to the beach. magazines. My grandmother usually lies down and ... | always sit in the sand with ... grandfather and we make had a beach party! sandcastles. Last night .. Grandad made a fire and Grandma cooked our meal. It cccsssssssnseease Such good fun that we decided to camp on the beach next weekend. See you soon, Love, Jane a Listening Part 1 » 5 questions « Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Donald Jenny Mrs Peters James Mrs White 48 Listening Part 2 » 5 questions « Listen and write. There is one example. SAILING CLUB Full name: 1 | Age: 2 Class: 3 Teacher’s name: 4 | How many times: 5 Would like to come on: 49 Unit 3 SS SEES SS SSS Part 3 » 5 questions « What’s wrong with these children? Listen and write letters in the boxes. There is one example. Scott E 1 Nathan 2 Matthew 3 Susan 4 Ben 5 Rachel Listening 51 Unit 3 Part 4 >» 5 questions « Listen and tick (v) the box. There is one example. What's Lucy’s uncle’s job? aU] BY ¢| 52 Listening 3. How does he get to work? A BL | ce 4 When is Lucy going to visit him? 5 What has Lucy bought for him? Unit 3 Part 5 » 5 questions « Listen and colour and draw. There is one example. Part 1 » 10 questions <« Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. salt vegetables a suitcase There is a lot of this in the sea. Pepper ; You can make a salad with these. a biscuit n | | 2 Some people like eating this | with their tea or milk. a toilet w This person usually works in a restaurant and makes food. S You can stay in this place when acook you are on holiday. dinner a When you travel you need to put your clothes in this. o If you don’t need something anymore you can put it in here. apainter | 7 You have this meal in atardh the evening. 8 It is black and together with salt it makes food taste better. 9 If you don’t have any of this you money can get some at the bank. abin 10 You use this to wash your hands and your body. soap glue a hotel 55 Unit 3 SS Part 2 > 7 questions « Look and read. Write yes or NO. Examples There is an ambulance outside the theatre. A tiger is standing on one of the corners of the street. ho Reading and Writing Questions Someone is playing the drums outside the café . 2. The man going into the chemist’s likes playing golf. w You can make a phone call outside the Post Office. a There is a group of people outside the theatre. a There is a policewoman inside the ambulance. 6 The monster outside the Post Office is eating a sandwich. N The woman who is dressed in pink is getting into the taxi. 57 Unit 3 Part 3 » §& questions « Robert sees his friend, Judith outside the school. She is running. Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Robert: Hello, Judith. Why are you running? Judith: A Yes, lam. ®lm late for school. C I’m waiting for the bus. Questions Robert: Why? What time did you wake up? Judith: A At half past eight. B Every morning. C Every time. Nn Robert: What lesson do you have now? Judith: A I’m good at Maths. B History is difficult. C Geography, | think. 58 Reading and Writing 3 Robert: Judith: 4 Robert: Judith: 5 Robert: Judith: Robert: Judith: Where are you going after school? A Shopping with my sister. B I'm not going. C I went to the theatre, Would you like to come to the cinema tonight? A No, | didn’t. B Yes, it’s empty. C Yes, I'd love to. Where shall we meet? A Ateight o’ clock. B Outside the cinema. C When the film starts. OK. See you tonight. Bye bye, Robert. 59 Unit 3 Part 4 » 6 questions <« Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers. Pedro and his family went camping on a beautiful ens island .. last summer. They camped by the sea. Every morning they .... and played games on the beach. They were having a lovely time but one night it suddenly started raining and there was a terrible . . The rain was heavy and their .. got very wet. Pedro’s dad lost his 60 Reading and Writing so they couldn’t see anything because it was very dark. The tent was too wet to sleep in, so they decided to leave. When they got home they . all day because they were very tired. What is the best name for this story? Tick one box. A sunny holiday Camping in the rain A summer by the lake 61 Unit 3 qu ee Part 5 » 7 questions « Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer. The friendly dinosaur Yesterday at school our teacher told us a story about a friendly dinosaur. His name was Dino and he lived in a cave near a forest. The other animals didn’t like Dino because most of them were afraid of him. They thought he wanted to eat them. But Dino could only eat vegetables and fruit. Poor Dino was the only dinosaur in the world and he didn’t have any friends to tell secrets to. Example a frie What was Dino? Questions 1. Where did Dino live? 2 Why did he need some friends? = cessuse esssusseenseeeee 62 Reading and Writing es One day Dino was whistling the music to a beautiful song when suddenly he saw a fire burning in the forest. He saw the birds flying, the rabbits running, the frogs jumping and all the little animals and insects trying to get away. It was horrible! 3 What did Dino see in the forest? 4 What were the little animals and insects doing? 63 Unit 3 64 Dino felt very sad but he knew that he was the only one who could do something to help. He quickly ran to the river and drank as much water as he could. Then he walked to the forest and threw the water onto the fire. The forest wasn’t burnt and all the animals were happy. So they knew Dino wasn’t dangerous and they wanted to be his friends. Dino left his cave and went to live in the forest with the other animals. 5 Where did Dino go when he saw the fire? 6 Why were all the animals happy? 7 Who did Dino live with after the fire? Unit 3 Part 6 » 10 questions « Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Example Last month, James and his sister Ann visited their uncle .. ... at their uncle’s house because 1 | the countryside. They enjoy ... 2 they always have a lot of fun. Their uncle, va name is William, 3 is married to Maria. Maria loves James and Anne very .... 4 One day, Aunt Maria decided ... .. take the children to the | 5 | forest which is .. their house. 6 | Aunt Maria .. the birds in the trees, Anne 7 | picked ..... flowers and James lay 8) 8 ...... under a tree. When it started getting dark, they couldn’t 9 . the way home. Suddenly, they heard someone shouting . names. It was uncle William. When he found them they were all very happy and went home to have dinner. Reading and Writing Example on. next watched any to staying what many for in front listened some for living whose more to near watching Unit 3 Example ||| Something strange happened ..... 68 Part 7 >» 5 questions « Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. | Zant a. Fiding my bike home from school when | suddenly saw 2 ||| a big, fat elephant crossing the street. ... . was a bus behind 3 || him. It stopped and a camel got .... ... The camel looked ........ me and smiled. | quickly got on my 5 ||| bike ..... came home. | don’t understand why no-one believes me! ec oe Listening Part 1 » 5 questions « Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Bill Debbie Rachel Peter George Michelle 70 Part 2 5 questions Listen and write. There is one example. COMPUTER CLASS Full name: Johnson 1 | Age: 2 Address: 3 Phone number: 4 | Has used a computer for: 5 | can use a computer at: Listening 71 Unit 4 SS SS ET SEITE Part 3 » 5 questions « What would the children like to eat? Listen and write letters in the boxes. There is one example. Simon E 1 Caitlin 2 Angie 3 Dan 4 Lydia 5 Robert 72 Listening 73 Unit 4 Part 4 » 5 questions « Listen and tick (V) the box. There is one example. What did Anna and Tim do on Saturday morning? 74 Listening 3 What did they buy? 5 What time did they go home? QQ2. 75 Unit 4 Part 5 » 5 questions « Listen and colour and draw. There is one example. Reading and Writing Part 1 » 10 questions « Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. astamp | w winter a ne a student | N 2 © a fork | This university. foggy person goes to college or You can watch this on television or listen to it on the radio. If you study this subject you can learn about the world. When you go on holiday it is nice to send one of these to your friends. Every country has one of these. You need this to cut food with. You can buy this at the Post Office and put it on an envelope. If you are ill, you may need to take some of this. One hundred years. There are twelve of these in every year. 10 You can’t see very far in front of @ programme you when the weather is like this. a flag Geography medicine a century sunny amonth @ postcard a present 77 Unit 4 Part 2 » 7 questions « Look and read. Write yes or no. - Examples The team flag is in the corner of the field. Both of the footballers are wearing green T-shirts. 78 Reading and Writing Nv o N Questions There are a lot of fans watching the football match. The girl with long blonde hair is holding an umbrella. .... One of the people is talking on the phone. The football field is near a big town. The footballer on the right is kicking the ball. There is a dog with white spots running after the ball. It’s a warm, sunny day. 79 Unit 4 Part 3 » 5 questions « Bill is at the hospital. He’s talking to a doctor. Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Dr Manson: Hello Bill, how are you today? Bill: @®r’m not very well. B It’s not right. C Thank you. Questions 1 Dr Manson: What's the matter? Bill: A Yes, of course. B I’ve got a bad stomachache. C Fine. 2 Dr Manson: Where does it hurt, Bill? Bill: A She doesn’t know. B It hurt a lot. C It hurts here. 80 Reading and Writing 3 DrManson: How long has it hurt for? Bill: A Two days. B Next month. C Inthe afternoon. 4 Dr Manson: Do you have a temperature? Bill: A No, | can’t. B I'll get one tomorrow. C No, | don’t think so. 5 DrManson: I’m going to give you some medicine, OK? A Ohno, | hate medicine! B No, I’m not. C Yes, | will. Dr Manson: You'll be fine tomorrow, good-bye. Bill: Thank you very much, good-bye. 81 Unit 4 Part 4 » 6 questions « Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers. On Saturday, Matthew’s family went for a walk in the . Matthew took his camera. He wanted to be a famous . one day, It was a windy day and soon a storm began. The rain was very heavy so he had to find a to keep dry in. Inside there was a beautiful oA) ... It had silver and gold 82 Reading and Writing Se Matthew took a photo of it. The following week, Matthew took the photo to his teacher. His teacher was very happy because he thought this type of insect was extinct. Matthew was also very happy because now he would be a famous photographer! What is the best name for this story? Tick one box. The teacher’s photo Matthew's famous butterfly My Science teacher 83 Unit 4 EA SS Part 5 » 7 questions « Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer. Rebecca’s new friend One night, Rebecca couldn't sleep so she went downstairs and into her garden. It was very dark and the sky was full of stars. Suddenly, Rebecca heard someone whistling a happy song. She didn’t know who it was and shouted, “Who’s there?” A friendly silver monster climbed down from a tree! He said, “Hello Rebecca, I’m Zack. Will you be my friend?” Example Someone whistling a son What did Rebecca hear? ee 3 ng Questions 1 What was in the tree? 2 Who did Zack want to be his friend? 84 Reading and Writing gm SE Zack looked hungry so Rebecca took him into the kitchen and gave him some biscuits. Then, she wanted to know about his home and Zack said everybody on his planet looked like him. He was made of metal and his eyes were purple with pink stripes. Rebecca saw that he had three legs. Then, Zack told Rebecca they didn’t have nice chocolate biscuits on his planet. They decided to be friends. 3 Why did Rebecca take Zack into the kitchen? 4 What does Zack not have on his planet? 85 Unit 4 SS aS The next day Rebecca and Zack went to her school. All the children thought Zack was strange but their teacher, Mr Lanson said, “Don’t be afraid, Zack is our new friend.” Zack was very clever and taught Mr Lanson how to fly! When it was time to go home Mr Lanson said, “Your homework for tomorrow is to write about space.” Everyone was happy that Zack was here to stay! 5 What did the children at school think about Zack when they saw him? 6 Who did Zack teach to fly? 7 What did the children have to do for homework? 86 Unit 4 Part 6 » 10 questions <« Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Example | You can find insects .... everywhere 1 | They live in forests, fields and ... .. rivers. Insects are usually 2 | very small and they only live .... .. a few days or weeks. Bo TREY cossssstsstneenee plants and other, smaller insects. 4 | Insects .... ove usually black but 5) .... €an also be green, silver or purple. It is difficult being an 6 insect. Hungry bats, frogs and fish eat hundreds of... 7 | every day! Spiders also sss, insects, because that’s the only . they think they are 8 | food they like. Most people hate insects 9 | dirty and horrible. But I’m not afraid .... .. insects! | think they’re hurt 10 | lovely because they have beautiful colours and they .... | people, 88 Reading and Writing Example everything everywhere somewhere 1 into near next 2 at in for 3 ate eat eating 4 is be are 5 it they he 6 them their which 7 caught catch catching 8 than because but 9 to of from 10 didn’t do don’t Unit 4 Part 7 » 5 questions « Read the story and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Example | Last month it... .. my grandma's birthday! She’s 100 years Id now! My family decided ... .. have a party for her. It was a big secret! We bought a lot of presents and asked her friends to go to her flat ..........:::0+.. Quarter to eight. When she opened the door and saw us she cried because she was so happy}! We .....-. her the presents and a white envelope. Inside .... . were one hundred photos — one for each year! It abig day we will all remember! 90 Listenin Part 1 » & questions <« Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Rachel Mr Brown Janice Derek Larry Barry 92 Listening SS Part 2 » 5 questions « Listen and write. There is one example. DANCING CLASSES Full name: 1 | Age: 2 Phone number: 3 Has had dancing lessons for: 4 Would like to come on: 5 | Time preferred: 93 Unit 5 NESTE Part 3 » 5 questions « What do these people want to buy? Listen and write letters in the boxes. There is one example. Cole D 1 Bruce 2 Darren 3 Brenda 4 Nicole 5 Darryl 94 | @ege e=» 5 questions « Listen and tick (Vv) the box. There is one example. What time does school start? 2 How did he get to school? AL] BL_] 96 cL] Listening SSS SEES So 3 What were the children doing when he got to school? aL] BL] cc 4 How did he feel when the teacher shouted at him? Unit 5 Part 5 » 5 questions « Listen and colour and draw. There is one example. 98 Reading and Writing Part 1 » 10 questions « Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. a rainbow a dentist When you study this subject you learn how to paint and draw. race 1 Atnight you can see the moon and the stars in this. nv At this time of year it’s usually cold and it sometimes snows. w This is weather with strong winds and heavy rain. an ambulance > It’s got many colours and you can see it after the rain. 5 This is a competition to see who is the fastest. o People take this from sheep and autumn make warm clothes with it N You must visit this person if you have a bad toothache. 8 If you are very ill you can go to hospital in one of these. wool ° This is the language that you are learning now. 10 This is a man who has a child. ee the sky winter soap English Art father awife wood a storm 99 Unit 5 Part 2 » 7 questions <« Look and read. Write yes or no. Examples Someone has opened the door, usnsssanstnnnttnsetenee There is a storm outside. Reading and Writing Questions 1 The boy on the right has broken his arm. Nv Only one of the nurses is looking out of the window. wo The boy on the right is enjoying the film on TV. - The woman standing next to the girl is reading a magazine. cessnseeeeseeeccsssssneneessee 5 The boy on the left is asking for his meal. 6 The doctor is explaining something to a nurse. N One of the children does not want to take the medicine. 101 102 Unit 5 Part 3 >» 5 questions « Roderick is riding his bike. He sees his friend Elaine and stops to say hello. és Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Roderick: Hello, Elaine! Where are you going? Elaine: A At the bank. B Inthe library. ©o the supermarket. Questions 1 Roderick: What are you going to buy? Elaine: A She hasn’t decided. B I need some flour and jam. C No, I don’t. 2 Roderick: What are you going to make? Elaine: A Abirthday cake for my mum. B I’ve made a sandwich. C Pm not going. Reading and Writing 3 Roderick: How long does it take to cook? Elaine: A No, it doesn’t. B | don’t know. C It’s difficult. 4 Roderick: Can | come and help you? Elaine: A Yes, | can. B Yes, you have. C Yes, that would be good. 5 Roderick: What time shall | come? Elaine: A In the afternoon. B It’s not too late. C You can come. 103 Unit 5 Part 4 >» 6 questions <« Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers. When Peter woke up on Sunday morning he looked out of the window. It was dark and ety va GlOUAY and there was heavy rain. “Oh no!” he thought. “Another boring Sunday at home!” Then, he got dressed and went slowly ot -_ ... to have breakfast with his parents but they weren't in the kitchen. Peter found them in the living room. They were sitting on the floor in front of the reading their ‘GZ Sunday Ls ven . There was a picnic blanket with Reading and Writing . in front of them. sandwiches, cakes and Se “Come and sit with us Peter,” they said. When Peter sat down, he saw a new computer game on the floor next to him. “It’s a for a rainy day!” said Mum. Peter couldn’t believe it! “Thank you!” he said and quickly ran to his computer. “My Sundays won’t be boring anymore!” he thought and smiled. What is the best name for this story? Tick one box. A birthday present Arainy day A boring picnic 105 Unit 5 Part 5 » 7 questions « Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer. The bear in Jenny’s house Something strange happened to Jenny last Saturday. It was a cold, foggy evening and she was walking home from her best friend’s party. When she got home she took out her key, opened the door and turned on the light. Suddenly she saw a big, fat bear looking at her! It had a piece of cake in its hands and a biscuit in its mouth. “Oh no!” she thought. “There’s a bear in my living room! What am | going to do?” Example What did Jenny do when she went into her house last Saturday? Questions 1 Who was looking at her? 2 What was the bear eating? 106 Reading and Writing She was sure the bear wanted to eat her, so she quickly ran out of the house. She started shouting for help ... but no-one could hear her! Jenny ran to the apple tree in the garden and climbed up as high as she could. The bear followed her and sat under the tree eating its biscuit. 3 What did Jenny do after running outside? 4 Where did Jenny climb? 5 What did the bear do? 107 Unit 5 108 Then, suddenly, the bear took its head off! And then Jenny saw her brother with the bear’s head in his hands. He couldn’t stop laughing! “As soon as | climb down, Pll show you!” shouted Jenny, “You'll never catch me! You're not as fast as me!” said Jenny's brother and he ran quickly into the house closing the door behind him. 6 Who was wearing the ‘bear head’? 7 What did Jenny's brother do when he saw how angry she was? 10 Unit 5 Part 6 » 10 questions « Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. . Dayton Elementary School .... is near Dayton Forest. My classroom is on the ... ... floor and | think it’s the best classroom in the school. We have .. .. lovely pictures and put them on the walls for everybody to see. We have also put up .. .+. Maps on one of the walls so that we can use them for ... Geography lessons. There is a small library in the corner ........::::+00-+. the classroom sss: we can find the books we need for all the school subjects. ... is also a cupboard with scissors, glue, coloured pencils and other things We need when we are working in groups. I really enjoy ... «sw to school because | always learn new things and have a great time too. Reading and Writing eS RNR Example to at in 1 where which who 2 one two second 3 draw take drawn Unit 5 Part 7 » 5 questions « Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Example 112 .. early this morning because | wanted to go to the library, was raining, so | took my umbrella, I was looking ... ...@ book to read when my friend Tracey suddenly came into the library. She was very wet and took her .... because they were full of water. Tracey told me that was a storm outside. Four hours later, | looked out of the window and | saw a beautiful rainbow .... .. the sky, At last | could go home! Speaking Speakin Find the Difference Teacher's Copy 115 Unit 1 fidop squapnas aouasaffia aya puns 116 Speaking Teacher's Copy Information Exchange Holidays in Paris Holidays in Equpt 2,000 kilometres from .. kilometres London! Only | from London! hours by : . See the Pyramids! Tickets £300 > ee Only 4 hours by plane, 117 Unit 1 fidop s.quapnas abupyox9 uolowofuy 093 IPL i amoy Jaffa 243 22S -urog fig sinoy S juopuol wosf sajaworly OSE fjuo sydd UL shopiloH 118 Speaking Tell the Story 119 Speakin Find the Difference Teacher’s Copy 121 Unit 2 fidop s,juapnis nd Tan mT 7 Ml FO aouasaffig ay) puld 122 Speaking Where/work? Mrs Peters What time/start work? Information Exchange Teacher’s Copy Where/work? What time/start work? businessman 8 o'clock Hobbies? tennis, cooking 123 Unit 2 fidop s,quapmas ésaqqoH, 6uipoas ‘bu esaiqqon yom yojs/awny YM 320]2,0 01 | éy20m qups/auna YM, @pOm/azayM, doys say 3D Qpom/asayM, égor upwomssauisng éqor épjo MOH € ép}o MoH, w a | 7 nary umoug JW S12} SW abupyoxq wopouuoful 124 Speaking fuloys 2y3 J2L 125 Unit 3 fidog squapnis aouaiaffig ayy pus Speaking Jason Where was/last night? What/do? What time/go to bed? Information Exchange Sarah Teacher's Copy What have/breakfast today? How get to school/ this morning? Where was/last night? | at home What/do? watch TV What time/go to bed? 10:00 What have/breakfast today? bread, jam How get to school/ this morning? bus 129 Unit 3 g6uri0ow sy) [o0yps 0} 326 MoH éfopoy yspfyoesg/anoy JOYM épaq 0} 06/awny YM EOP/ADUM eqybu ysvj/som aay, youvs, gbuwow s1y3 fjooyrs 03 326 MoH, 409 poaig ‘yyw éfropo} anny IOUM yspfyoasq/: og'0L éPaq 0} 06/aun YM asm a a Zoppoum ‘wooupaq sly uy | g1ybru ysvj/som asayy uosop fidop s,uapms abupyoxg uoHuoful 130 Speaking Tell the Story 131 Speaking — SF Find the Difference 5. Chocolate ‘Lime _ |) Teacher’s Copy 133 Unit 4 134 Speaking Zara Information Exchange Bethany Where/going? How/go? Who/with? How/long? When/home? mountains by car her aunt and uncle 10 days 23rd October Where/going? Who/with? How/long? When/home? Teacher's Copy 135 Unit 4 daquardas wy gawoysuaym gawoyuaym syaam z g6u0)/moy gbu0\/moH Aiwof 124 eymjoum eynm/oum uy fig £06/moH, ¢06/moH, yovaq 6u06/a104m eburo6jasaym fuoweg biog fidop squapmas abupyoxq woyowuoful z 136 Speaking foys 243 1121 137 Speaking |. CULL 4 - aouaiaffig ay) pul 139 Speaking - SPORTS CARI ofa Name: Mike "I Pe. Age! Team: .. Played for Games won: Last competition: Information Exchange Teacher’s Copy ~A Team: Shoreton Rangers Played for: 7 years.” \ Games won: 15 < 141 Unit 5 dio? 3SD1 1p syquow z uoHn QL vom sawod sroah y of pafeld squnig ay woal fidog s,juapms abupyox3 uoyowofu) 142 Speaking Tell the Story 143 Flyers Thematic Vocabulary Li For students’ easy reference, the vocabulary is arranged in semantic groups or themes. Some words have been included in more than one category. The vocabulary lists appearing in Skills Builder for Young Leamers Flyers 1 and Flyers 2 are the same, as they include all the words used at Primary Level 3 of the series. Thematic Vocabulary List ANIMALS animal bat bear bird butterfly camel cat chicken cow dinosaur dog duck elephant fish (s+pD Jy frog insect lion lizard monkey mouse/mice ‘octopus panda pet rabbit sheep snake swan THE BODY AND THE FACE arm back beard blonde body curly ear eye face footlfeet hair hand head leg moustache nose tooth/teeth ‘CLOTHES bag boots cap clothes coat dress (sun)glasses handbag hat jacket jumper pair of pocket rucksack scarf school uniform shirt shoe shorts sweater tights towel trousers uniform watch wear FAMILY, FRIENDS AND OURSELVES: age unt baby birthday birthday card boy brother child/children dad (dy) family father friend girl grandad grandfather grandma grandmother he her him his husband I it man/men me mother mum(my) my name our parent person/people she sister surname they uncle wife woman/women you young your FOLKLORE AND FANTASY castle cave future monster planet secret space strange treasure FOOD (AND DRINK) apple banana biscuit bread breakfast burger butter cake carrot cheese chicken chocolate 147 Thematic Vocabulary List chopsticks coffee dinner drink (n & v) eat egg fish flour food fork fruit ice cream jam juice knife lemonade lunch meal meat milk pasta Pepper picnic pizza plate potato rice salad salt sandwich snack soup spoon sugar supper sweet(s) tea tomato vegetable water watermelon HEALTH ambulance aspirin cold cough dentist doctor earache fine headache 148 hospital matter (What's the matter?) medicine nurse stomach-ache temperature toothache toothbrush THE HOME address apartment armchair bed bedroom blanket bookcase box brush camera chair clock cupboard diary dining room door downstairs flat floor flower ‘garden hall home house key kitchen light(s) living room mirror newspaper phone (n & v) phone number radio rucksack shelf shopping shower (hn & v) sleep soap sofa stairs suitcase table telephone (n & v) television / TV torch towel ‘toy tree umbrella vase wall wallet way window OCCUPATIONS AND THE WORLD OF WORK actor/actress airport ambulance businessman/woman circus clown company computer cook (n & v) dentist doctor engineer farmer fireman/woman garage hospital job journalist ‘mechanic money newspaper office photographer pilot police station policeman/woman postman/woman pound (€) secretary singer teacher uniform work (n & v) Thematic Vocabulary List PLACES AND. DIRECTIONS airport bank bookshop bridge bus stop café CD shop chemist’s cinema circus college corner Eiffel Tower get to left library London museum Paris park police station post office restaurant right safari park shop station street supermarket sweet shop theatre z00 SCHOOL AND THE ‘CLASSROOM, LANGUAGE AND TESTS answer Art board book bookcase box break class classroom. club college colour colour (in) competition desk dictionary draw (ing) end exam example Geography glue group History homework language learn learner lesson letter line listen (to) look Maths no number paint(ing) paper part pen pencil picture question read school Science scissors student subject teacher tell test tick understand unit university wall window word write yes SPORTS AND LEISURE- TIME ACTIVITIES ball basketball beach bike book camera camping cD comic cooking dancing diary draw(ing) drum enjoy fan favourite film football footballer fun game golf hit hobby holiday horse-riding hotel ice-skating kick kite listen (to) magazine match (football) music paint(ing) party photo piano picture play (with) player programme pyramid race radio read (ing) ride rucksack sandcastle 149 Thematic Vocabulary List SS see-saw sledge snowball snowman song sport story suitcase swim (ming) swing team television/TV tennis tent torch toy volleyball watch. TRANSPORT ambulance bike bus bus stop (sports) car drive fy g0 helicopter motorbike plane ride run swim taxi ticket traffic train train station walk WEATHER cloudty) fog(gy) ice rain rainbow sky snow 150 storm sunny weather wet wind(y) THE WORLD AROUND US air beach bridge cave city country country(side) environment farm field fire flower forest grass hill island leaffleaves moon mountain park planet plant rainbow river road rock sand sea sky space star street sun town tree village water waterfall world ‘COLOURS AND PATTERNS black blue brown gold green grey orange purple red silver spot stripe white yellow LOCATION AND POSITION at behind between by down here in in front of near next to on there under MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS AND OTHER NOUNS, bag battery box brush computer diary envelope fan flag key kilometre kind (= type) lights magazine money monster newspaper night paper place postcard present problem secret see-saw shopping soap stamp suitcase swing telephone toothbrush torch towel treasure umbrella wallet watch. way NUMBERS Cardinals: 0-1000 Ordinals: 1st- 31st CONTAINERS. bowl (of) cup (of) glass (of plate (of) QUANTITY AND. MEASURING a piece of a slice of half many much quarter Thematic Vocabulary List THE SENSES. feel like look like sound like MATERIALS glass gold leather metal paper wood TIME EXPRESSIONS afternoon ago century date day evening future half late later midday midnight minute month morning never next (week) night now o'clock past quarter sometimes time today tomorrow week weekend year yesterday The days of the week: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday THE YEAR January February March April May June July August September October November December autumn Christmas Easter New Year’s Eve spring summer winter year GREETINGS AND OTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Be careful Bye(-bye) Excellent! Excuse me Good-bye Good idea! Help Isee No Now Of course (not)! Oh ok Please Really? Right So 151 152 Thematic Vocabulary List Thank you (very much) That's fine That's right Then There you are Well Well done What's the matter? Yes ADJECTIVES afraid angry bad beautiful best better big boring careful cheap clever closed cold coloured correct dangerous dark difficult dirty double dry early empty excellent expensive extinct famous far fast fat favourite ine friendly front full (op funny gold good happy heavy high horrible hot hungry hurt important interesting last late left little long lovely many married metal missing new next nice noisy old older open other poor pretty quiet right round sad serious short sick slow small square strange strong surprised sure sweet tall terrible tired warm well wet worse wrong young DETERMINERS a/an all another any both (of) every more no some that the these this those ADVERBS a lot of again already always anymore anywhere away carefully dangerously down downstairs everywhere happily hard here just last later near never now of course ° often once only outside perhaps quickly quite really slowly so Thematic Vocabulary List sometimes somewhere soon still straight on suddenly there today together too twice up usually very well PREPOSITIONS about above after at before behind between in in front of inside into like near next to of on on (time) opposite out of outside over past through to under until up with PRONOUNS all anyone anything both (of) else enough everybody everyone everything he her him his 1 it me mine my nobody no-one nothing one our she someone something theirs they you your which whose CONJUNCTIONS and because but either if than QUESTION WORDS How How about How much (is it?) How often How old What When Where Which Who Why ‘VERBS: Irregular: be become begin bleed break bring burn buy can/cannot/can’t catch choose come cut do/don’t draw drink drive eat fall feel (like) find fly forget get (offfon/to) get (un) dressed get up give go have (got) have (got) to hold keep know learn leave let lie lie down lose make marry mean 153 Thematic Vocabulary List must read ride run run after say see sell send sing sit (down) sleep spell stand (up) steal swim take take off (clothes) take off (planes) take pictures teach tell think throw understand wake up wear win write Regular: agree arrive ask for believe brush burn call camp carry climb close 154 colour listen (to) live look look (at/for) look (like) love mind miss (the bus) need paint phone pick up play (with) post prefer pull push rain realise remember sail shop shout show ski sledge smell sound (like) spell start stay stop study taste (like) tick tickle try turn (offfon) use visit wait walk want wash watch whisper whistle wish work Modalis: can/cannot/can’t could may might shall should will/won’t would SKILLS BUILDER FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. flyers Elizabeth Gray ETN OTE Lolelg Rea Te Toe dee a) eh Cole Ae Cuello free ome Ce me eT oe eRe ote) Sea eo ee eee re] Flyers — with two books at each oe Se den Ns ce ae eon eal Fel are Tou ees Ree ee umd eote JMNM aS Cary appropriately balanced practice of all four language Ps Coe RC MM ne os Me ome Rese Cana ene n eC N a Re Ree me Ree NVA Cokes a Ne Reuse Weel es en rena en Rn nee men a eta nn aR aa) eC Ce ea Meo erat a ee mien me oe mee Mea euros (erciiaeRuuNe ne Mareicae nec Teacher's Book provides: CAR ees a ocd Peeenet eRe Roa Tue warm-up and follow-up activities for each task Teneo MA eel Teme oui oc Peete! eT IO Beene aera a oreg fel Keren tC nO) Class CDs (set of 2)

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