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Celah Harrison

1. Introduction- Thesis statement

2. Background Paragraph
a. History of Human trafficking/Relation to Slavery
b. Who is usually targeted
c. Demographics
3. Subtopic 1: Age
Topic Sentence: Victims of all ages experiences mental
a. Children- violent mood swings, PSTD,
b. Young adults- depression, suicide attempts, prone to
become criminals
c. Seniors (over 62)- Depression, dementia
4. Subtopic 2: Sex/Gender
a. Males make up 2%
b. Sexuality change (bisexual/gay/lesbian)
c. Suicide
5. Ethnicity Race
a. Third-world countries are more likely
b. Religion change
6. Counter Argument
a. There are no positive character effects
b. All victims end up having troubled future
7. Conclusion
Restate thesis, talking about mental help and centers to get

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