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Brittany Wrigley

March 22, 2015

Lab report
Descriptive Chemistry of the Elements
Purpose: This lab focused on the pattern of properties of the representative elements as
well as observing the different reactions to Hydrochloric acid (HCI).
Hypothesis: The elements will have different properties because none are the same, also,
only a few will react with the HCI.
Covered plastic dishes containing small samples of elements.
Stoppered test tubes containing small samples of elements.
Conductivity apparatus.
1.0 ml HCI
6 test tubes
Filter paper
Test tube rack
10ml glass graduated cylinder
Glass marking pencil
1. Observe and record the appearance of each element sample. Observations
should include, physical state, color, texture, luster, etc
2. Hold and study a sample of the elements to see if it is malleable (able to
bend) or brittle (able to shatter).
3. To test an elements malleability or brittleness, take a sample of each
element in turn and put it on its own filter paper, then try to bend it or
break it.
4. Use the conductivity tester to determine which elements conduct
electricity. An illuminated light bulb is evidence of electricity.
5. Label each test tube with a number corresponding to the order in which
the elements are in.
6. Using a graduated cylinder, add 5 ml of water to each test tube.
7. Use a spatula to put a small amount of each of the six elements
(approximetly 0.2 g) using a graduated cylinder add 5 mL of 1.0M HCI to
each test tube. Observe each test tube for at least one minute. The
formations of bubbles is evidence of a reaction between the element and
the acid.
Observations: there were seven different elements that were used in this lab. The
elements were labeled A-G. Elements A, C, and E were all brittle elements. A was solid

and black as well as dull. C was solid, rocklike and shiny; E was solid, yellow and chalklike. Elements B, D, F and G are all malleable elements. B was a clear gas. D was solid
and goldish as well as shiny. F was solid and rusty colored with shiny specks and G was
solid, silver with some dull and some shiny parts. The elements with electrical
conductivity were A, D, F, and G. Surprisingly only two of the elements reacted with the
HCI. The elements that reacted were F and G. F was highly reactive whereas G was only
mildly reactive.

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