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Julian Hardy

UWRT 1103
Professor Wertz-Orbaugh
29 February 2016
The Pitch
My inquiry proposal multimedia remix will be on the topic of the Euthanasia program.
The Euthanasia program is the killing of disabled adults and children. This program pre dates the
Holocaust. The methods used to kill the victims of the program were the same in the events of
the Holocaust. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died in this program. In my research I
hope to discover the purpose of this program, the methods used to kill its victims, and how the
project was kept under wraps for so long. For the research part of the project I am aware that it
will be hard to find primary sources because most of the victims were killed. Another reason why
it will be hard to find primary sources is due to the fact that this program was so secretive so
there might be little records of its occurrence. Most of sources will be secondary sources. The
scholarly articles I find will either be about the children killed or the adults killed in the
Euthanasia program. While doing some of my research I found that there are multiple articles on
my subject. This is a huge benefit for me because my final project will have plenty of
information to answer all my questions. The vehicle for my project will either be a PowerPoint or
maybe a Prezi. I want my multimedia remix to be informative, but also visually pleasing too. I
hope with my resources and new information that I will be able to present my project and not
only I, but my group members are able to enjoy my topic and perhaps want to do further research
on the Euthanasia project in the future.

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