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My Teaching Philosophy

I believe Confuciuss doctrine No child left behind, and put that doctrine
into my teaching methodology: treat all my students equally no matter what the level of
their proficiency is, and work with them and encourage them to try their best. I
understand everyone is different and each student is unique, and the teachers job is to
encourage that uniqueness and explore their desire to learn. I try my best to not leave
any of my students behind.
I will try my best to make my class interesting and attractive, and grasp
any chances to show the beauty of Chinese characters. In the beginning level, my goal
is to eliminate their fear of making mistakes by encouraging them to participate in
conversations actively and to write characters comfortably, while learning from any
mistakes they made. In the higher level, I will work with my students to find the mystery
of Chinese culture by exploring historical events and traditions. Ultimately, my goal is to
not only teach students new things, but also make my class fun and enjoyable.

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