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Tristin Aubin
Mrs. Hensel
English IV
March 16, 2016
Service Learning Annotated Bibliography
Question: Why is music education important?
Thesis: Music plays a main role in education system beyond self enjoyment.
"11 Facts About Music Education." 11 Facts About Music Education. Do, n.d.
Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
This source is a straightforward and simple source. It delivers the facts to you
straightforward in a list. They explain how music programs keep being threatened by budget cuts
when it plays a vital impact on academics. Explains many reasons music is useful in a school
situation for students who have a mental or speech disability. They even point out the
surprisingly big difference in graduation rates between schools with and without music
"The Importance of Music." Music Education Online. Children's Music Workshop, n.d. Web. 17
Mar. 2016.
The article goes to explain how music helps impact a childs speech and vocabulary skills
at young ages. Emotions are an important part of human beings so it necessary to have it in
educational systems. Helps with physical work as well as mental. It also helps brains achieve a
higher functioning rate while listening in certain classroom scenarios.
Brown, Laura L. "The Benefits of Music Education." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.

Aubin 2

Music can be useful in educational settings for young children as well as older. Listening
to music can help access multiple of the brain at once. Playing instruments are also vital to
education because they are physical acts as well. Making music even helps with your spatial
relation skills. Music is a key importance to education for many valid and important reasons.

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