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Alrashoud 1

Naser Alrashoud
Professor Holly Batty
English 113B
10 May 2016
Self Reflection
Animals in Entertainment is an essay about the cruelties animals go through in todays
world. This essay begins with the importance of freedom for a living being. It explains how
animals, in todays world, are being exploited by humans for the sake of luxuries and
entertainment. The essay focuses on Circus and Zoos, which are considered the prime spot for
animal harassment for the sake of humans entertainment. Circus and zoos are places where
animals are deprived of their freedom and put for display. Animals in zoos are circuses are made
to learn tricks to perform in front of other humans. If an animal does not co operate in learning or
performing, it is punished by hitting, or making it starve. The mentality of animals is mentioned
in an interesting manner with an example of using polite creatures like monkeys, bears, etc for
circuses instead of ferocious creatures like tiger, lion, etc. The Madari in India is highlighted in
this essay. Madari is a person who uses monkey as a prop to entertain people. Indian
governments initiative of protecting the wildlife is also highlighted in this essay. Indian
government has introduced the Wildlife Protection Act, under which all the wildlife is declared
to be governments property and other humans should not exploit it for their personal interests. It
is also mentioned how, because of lacking of implementation of laws, people are still exploiting
the wildlife for their personal interests. Exploiting the animals for the sake of movies is also

Alrashoud 2

mentioned. The essay ends with a point mentioning that there is great need to spread the
awareness about animal cruelty.

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