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Alrashoud 1

Naser Alrashoud
Professor Holly Batty
English 113B
10 May 2016
Self Reflection
Struggle of Disabled Person during Education is an essay which focuses on the life of
physically challenged people. It mentions the daily life struggles of the physically challenged
people. The physically disabled people have a tough life when compared to the physically fit
people. Physically disabled people do not earn as much as the fit people because they arent
physically able to work as extensively as physically fit people. They also face discrimination in
the education, earning money, etc. It mentions why they are at a disadvantage when compared to
physically fit people. For example: Physically disabled people have trouble working for longer
shifts. They cannot work in jobs which require physical exertion. Because of this, they are paid
less and have lesser opportunities to grow. The essay also mentions the facilities, put in place by
the government, for the welfare of physically challenged people. It mentions how physically
challenged people are given special support in schools. Government has created reservations for
them to support them in the field of education, and jobs. Special schools and colleges have been
setup, which provide quality education to the physically challenged people. They are facilitated
to listen to online classes, work online on their assignments, etc. These facilities have helped the
physically disabled people to make knowledge as their strength. They have used these facilities,
provided by the government, to gain knowledge and use it to earn their livelihood. Today, they

Alrashoud 2

can use their knowledge to earn money by tutoring, working in the administrative departments,

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