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Vol. 15 No 5 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China Oct. 2005 Article ID: 1003 ~ 6326( 2005) 05 1178-07 A new extraction process of carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate’ MENG Yurqun( ihe‘? #¥) (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Seiences, Shenyang 110016, China) Abstract: new hydrometallurgical process for a carbonaceous tefractory gold concentrate al ambient temperature and pressure was presented, including grinding leachi ate leach tnd cementation by zine pow der. The experimental results show that the grinding leaching. and intensified lal leaching process result in the selective oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite. The oxitation rato of As ix 96.6%, and 46.7% for S, The total consumption of NaOH in alkaline leaching is the constions of full oxidization forthe same amount of arsenopyrte and pyrite transforming into arsenates and su fates, and 83.6% of gold i synchrordissoluted by thiosulfate selF generated during pretreatines cous matter in concentrate possesses a strong capability of preg robbing, the eyaniation process is not suitable for the extraction of gold after pretreatment. However, the gold leaching rate by thiosulfate leaching for 24 is in- creased to 91.7% from 0~ 3.2% by ultrfine grinding without the pretreatment. ‘The recovery of gol by mentation gets to 99, 6%. Due to the thiosulfate selF generated during alkaline leaching, the reagent addi sulfate leaching afterwards is lower than the normal one. lensified alkaline leaching( IAL), thios ly 28% of that theoretically ealeulated under Since the carbone inthiow Key words: carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate; alkaline leaching: selfleaching of gold thiosulfate Teaching CLC number: TF 111.3: TF 803.21; TF 831 1 INTRODUCTION The treatment of refractory gold ores( or cor centrates)'"'7 attracts more concerns of metallur gists. If there is not only arsenopyrite( FeAsS) hearing gold but also carbonaceous matter com tained in the refractory ores, it eould be more diff cult for the extraction of gold'™*. Under many conditions, the carbonaceous matter in refractory ores could possess a strong capability of preg rob hing!” so that the cyanide leaching is not suitable for the extraction of gold after pretreatment. Mo- reover, the cyanide is very toxie. Therefore it is important to develop the nomeyanide method for gold extraction. Thiosulfate is an alternate to ey 721 However, due to the high reagent cost nide! as well as requiring heating the pulp!” ventional thiosulfate leaching, its application has been defi In this paper, a hydrometallurgical method is described for the processing of carbonaceous re fractory gold-bearing arsenopyrite concentrate un- der ambient temperature and pressure, including alkaline leaching pretreatment!" and thiosulfate leaching. During alkaline leaching, the oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite( Fes), which always took place under high temperature and pressure, d to some extent. © Foundation it preg robbing Document code: A was induced to occur under ambient temperature and pressure by ways of the mechanical activation of an ultrerfine pulverizing leaching tower mill and the intensification of enhanced agitation tanks. The arsenopyrite was oxidized faster than the py- rite, owing to the lower oxidation potential of FeAsS. Due to the constituent change, lattice diss tortion and dislocation, and other mineralogical re actions caused by the gold born in minerals, the difference of oxidation distribution happened on the pyrite surface and the pyrite was selectively ox dized as well. n of low con sumption of NaOH, a high oxidation of As (FeAsS was almost completely oxidized), a low oxidation of S(FeSs was partially oxidized) and a high expo- sition or liberation of gold born in arsenopyrite and pyrite were got. In the meantime, a portion of gold synchrordissoluted by thiosulfate which selF generated during alkaline leaching!" . Under the con 2. EXPERIMENTAL 2 Experimental flowsheet and apparatus The experimental flowsheet is Fig. 1, in which the main apparatus used includes feeder, stirringrtype pulverizing-leaching tower shown in Projct{ 2001101015) supported hy the Natural Science Foundation of Lisoning Province af Chinas Project( AMOS-0866) supported by the Free Study Item of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Received date: 2004 1028; Accepted date: 2005-05 ~ 15 Correspondence: MENG Yirqun, Senior Engineer, PhD; Tel: + 862423971931, Fax: + 862423971931 mail: yqmeng@ imr. ae. Vol 15 NaS A new extraction process of carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate 179+ mill of 159 m tank of d 190m n x 840 mm, enhanced agitation % 285 mm, laser particle size an alyzer ( Mastersizer Ver. 2.15), _ temperature gauge, pH meter, voltameter, air compressor, flow meter, leaching tank, filter, baking oven and XRD, [Grinding while alkaline leaching | 1 Coarse grains| ae 1 | Classification + Intensified alkaline Teaching(IAL) ‘Sodium thiosulfate leaching J Filtration }-H—~Ts q [Cementation by zine powder Fig.1 Flowsheet of gold extraction Experimental materials The raw material used in this work was are fractory gold concentrate, produced from Guangxi Provinee of China, whose chemical composition is shown in Table 1. The carbonaceous matter in the concentrate included the graphite and some organic compounds. The specific mass was 3.17. The gold was not visible, mainly born in FeAsS(78. 3%) FeS2( 14. 2%) and gangue. Under the condition of ultrrfine grinding size (99. 9% < 30.5 Hm), the dissolution of gold by cyanide was about 0, or only 3.2% by sodium thiosulfate. This is one of the typical refractory gold concentrates. Table 1 Chemical composition of concentrate mass fraction, % Aw Ag As Fe x10? 271x107 10327 Pb. oi 09 0.8 3 reagents used were NaOH (IR), NaCN (AR), CuSO + SH20(AR), NHs * H2O(AR), NaSO3(AR), HCI(AR), NaS2Os * SH20( AR) CaO(IR), Zn( AR), Fe2(SO.)s(AR) and activated carbon( AR) pipe. The water came from the city water 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Grinding and alkaline leaching The pulverizing leaching tower mill_mainly utilizes the abrasive action to carry out grinding, which possesses not only a strong capability of fine grinding with high efficiency but also a function of mechanical activation. It enables some chem act ied and sped up!" with rev duction of the size, and it can be used as a pre reactor during pulverizing in the fields of activer tion, cyanidation, alkaline leaching pretreatment, and floatation! ""), During alkaline leaching, the active and inten sive functions are as follows!'": 1) The coarse arsenopyrite particles are well ground to inerease their surface area as well as the active points of re action; 2) The freshly liberated arsenopyrite parti cles are subjected to reaction with O2 and NaOH; 3) The enhanced mass transfer conditions increase the contact probabilities among arsenopyrite parti cles, NaOH and Oz; 4) The surface coating and tarnishing are removed from the arsenopyrite part cles under the high shear conditions so that the passivation is impossible; 5) The diffusion film is smashed or thinned to reinforce the diffusion; 6) The heat generated from grinding and oxidation in- creases the oxidation rate. Thus, the combination of grinding-leaching in the tower mill with to be intensi ntensified alkaline leaching in the enhanced agitation tanks can substantially irr crease the reaction kinetics of alkaline leaching so that the oxidation probabilities of FeAsS, which always takes place under high temperature and can he induced to occur under am! eactions are as follows: 3FeAsS+ 9NaOH + 40: NaAsSi+ 2NasAsOs+ 3Fe(OH)s (1) 4FeAsS+ 4FeS2+ 12NaOH + 30:+ 6H20= ANasAsSi+ 8Fe( OH) s Q) sS+ 4NaOH+ 702= 2FeAsOx+ 2Na2SOs+ 2H20 (3) 2FeAsS+ 1ONaOH + 703= 2We( OH) 3+ 2NasAsOs+ 2F 2NaS0s+ 2H20 (4) ANaOH+ 30: 2NaS:0s+ 2Fe( OH) > (3) Under certain conditions, the anions $:0% and AsS¥ can he further oxidized to SOF and AsO! , Fe(OH)2 is oxidized to Fe(OH)a, and Fe(OH); is decomposed to Fess. The occurring extent of reaction(5) will depend on the reactivity of FeS: +180 + Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China Det. 2005 Under certain conditions, the activated degree of a material corresponds to the grinding size. In this work the grinding size (listed in Table 2) is suitable for the intensified alkaline leaching( IAL) afterwards, whieh can he economically obtained by the pulverizing-leaching tower mill!'®. When the grinding-leaching is completed, i. e. at the begit~ ning of IAL, the oxidation of As and S are 13. 3% and 4, 8% in mass fraction, respe tribution to arsenopyrite oxidation by gr leaching in the tower mill is large. 3.2. Intensified alkaline leaching( IAL) 3.2. 1 Selective oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite After grinding-leaching and with IAL( listed in ‘Table 3) going on in the enhanced agitation tanks, the arsenopyrite and pyrite are selectively oxidized, and the arsenopyrite is oxidized faster than the py rite. As shown in Fig. 2, after IAL for 48h, the oxidation ratios of As and $ are 96. 6% and 46. 7% in mass fraction, respectively. During IAL, the color of the solid phase chan- nes fast. After IAL for 3h, the solid appears yellow obviously. In the end of IAL, the solid be comes brownish yellow contrasted to the blackish gray of raw material, And the specific mass de creases to 2. 61 from 3. 17 before pretreatment. Due to the precipitation of Fe“ and Ca™ with AsO! in the solution, most of the oxidized As is turned into the solid phase again. In the end of IAL, the concentration of As in solution is 3.8 e/L. Due to the selective oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite in IAL, the arsenopyrite is almost com pletely oxidized, but the pyrite is partially oxidized and the norroxidized pyrite still keeps its primitive phase. This is further verified by the analysis re~ sult of XRD, as shown in Fig. 3. After IAL, there is no FeAsS but FeS: in the solid residue. Thus, most skeletal structures of particles could he om As 2 24 36 8 Time of ALA Fig. 2 Selective oxidation kineties of arsenopyrite and pyrite reserved “|, As shown in 4, the particle di tributions between 10 Hm and 30 Bm before and ter IAL are well matched. This is profitable for the subsequent extraction of gold. 3.2.2 @ change of pulp Fig. 5 shows the ® change of the pulp. After IAL for 12h, @ rises quickly from initial — 378 mV to = 163mV. Then it increases gradually. AF ter IAL for 48h, it is— 97mV. In fact, the chanx ting tendency of § of the pulp is the objective reflection of the oxidation progress of arsenopyrite and pyrite. The more the arsenopyrite and pyrite are oxidized, the weaker the capacity for the pulp to be oxidized, and the higher the § of the pulp. At the end of IAL, the refractory concentrate he comes easily extracted for the gold. 3.2.3 Consumption kinetics of NaOH and variation of pulp temperature As much heat comes out from the oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite in IAL, the temperature of pulp rises quickly, as shown in Fig. 6. After IAL for 1.25h, the temperature is increased from Table 2_Conditions for grinding-leaching Concentrate) Water? Particle wie of Aerating air) NOH Temperature! Concentration! kg L Producti Hm meth") (kere) c % 2 2 << 30. 5( 99. 956) on 5 2724 1x10" 50( solids) Table 3_Conditions for intensified alkaline leaching( IAL) Water of Goncerr ‘Tempers Aerating Speed of Time of regulation’ tration? ure Preenurel i) agitation — NSO aay teachigy Temperature L % c meh) (mest) (hese hal 33( beginning) 1 40(solis) 21-24 1x1 0.270.310“ 13014858, peak) 42nd) D* Without preheating and incubation; 0 kg/ t of CaO is added when IAL for 47 h Vol 15 NaS @) 20K") 26K") Fig.3_ XRD patterns of solids (a) “Before IAL: (b) After IAL ‘Accumulative yield% Particle size! um 4 Change of particle distribution after IAL, ial 33 C to the peak value of 58 °C. The rising d of pulp temperature gets to 20 C/h, and the consumption rate of NaOH for 1 t ore reaches the maximum value of 32 kg/h. During 1.257 2.5h of IAL, the temperature drops to 45. C quickly, and the consumption rate of NaOH falls to 8kg/h. Af ter IAL for 3h, both the pulp temperature and the consumption rate of NaQH (about 1. 8 kg/h) vary A new extraction process of carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate + ust 100 > z B 200 2 @ of standard solution a 180mV “4G 2 286 ro ‘Time of ALA Fig.5 § change of pulp und pH= 1 at 21°C Tempeature of pulp — Consumption of NaQH ‘Tempeature of pulp"C ‘Consumption f NaOH/ o 2 4 36 a Time of ALA Fig.6 Consumption kinetics of NaOH and variation of pulp temperature slowly. At the end of IAL, the pulp temperature is 420. Due to the selective oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite as well as the generation of thiosalts shown in reactions(1), (2) and(5) during alkaline leaching, the amount of sulfur which needs to be fully oxidized is decreased and a smaller amount of NaOH is required. After IAL for 48 h, the total consumption of NaOH for Lt ore is 135 kg that cludes 5 kg NaOH consumed during the grinding leaching process. This is only 28% of those theo retically calculated under the conditions of full ox dization for the same amount of arsenopy e transform and nu, into arsenates and sulfates ion change of $203" in solu and self leaching of gold Concentra The thiosulfate is a good and now toxic rea gent for the extraction of gold". During alker line leaching, some thiosalts, including fate, can be generated in the oxidation of arsenopy- actions (1), (2) and (5)). With the alkaline leaching going on, the osuk rite and pyrite( shown in sue Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China et. 2005 gold born in arsenopyrite and pyrite is progressive ly exposed or liberated, and simultaneously some af them ean be synchrordissoluted by the self generated thiosulfate. phenomenon is called synchrorselF leaching of gold during alkaline leac hing pretreatment!" , Fig. 7 gives the concentration change of S207 in solution and the result of synchrovsel leaching of gold during alkaline leaching. When the grind ing-leaching is completed, i.c. at the beginning of IAL, the concentration of $203" in solution is 0. 98 g/L, and the self-leaching rate of gold is 10. 6%. After IAL for 12h, the concentration of $207 in solution rises to 36. 2 g/L quickly, and the sel leaching rate of gold is 65.7%. Then, the sel leaching rate of gold slowly increases to 83. 6% the end. However, for the contentration of S30% in solution, after it reaches the maximum value of 57.9 g/L for 36h IAL, it drops a little to 50.4 ¢/ L in the end. This is because that the amount of suk fur oxidized during 36~ 48h LAL was much less (only 5. 6%) and the oxidation speed of S:0% to igher than its generation rate. Anyhow, this little decrease for the concentration of S207" in solution does not affect the selFleaching of gold under the conditions of IAL. 100 8 3 Concentration of $07" in solution | Self-leaching rate of Au o 2 24 36 48 Time of AL CConcentzaton of $;0% in solution\g-L"!) Self-leaching rate of AW% & Fig 7 Concentration change of S:O7 in solution and corresponding, selF leaching rate of gold 3.3. Gold extraction 3.1 Preg robbing of carbonaceous matter in cyanidation Some activated carbon ingredients in the car honaceous matter can adsorb the gold from the eya nidation solution, resulting in a low rate of recov ery of leaching. This behavior is called preg rob- hing'”. After pretreatment, the action of preg robbing is tested in eyanidation, as shown in Fig. 8. For 3h cyanide leaching, the leaching re covery of gold gets to the maximum value of 89.0%. Afterwards, it drops gradually. For 24h ey ther drops to 79. 6%, which is ing rate of 83. 6% duris alkaline leaching pretreatment. These results show that the carbonaceous matter in the coneentrate possesses a strong capability of preg robbing. 100 nide leaching, it f lower than the Teael 88 2 Recovery of AW% g — Leaching without activated ‘Ketated coal aso — Activated charcoal adsorption while leeching 0 4 8 2 i 2 24 ‘Time of eyanidationh 80 18 Fig. 8 Preg robbing of carbonaceous matter in eyani If 30 g/L activated carbon is added in the pulp at the beginning of eyanidation in order to generate a competitive adsorption together with the earbor naceous matter, the effect of preg robbing could be cut down to some extent. However, the recovery of gold by activated carbon for 24h absorption while eyanide leaching is 84.7%, only 1. 1% high er than the selleaching rate during pretreatment and yet is lower than the maximum cyanide leac hing rate of 89.0% after pretreatment. It is shown that the competitive adsorption of activated earbon could not completely eliminate the preg robbing effect of carbonaceous matter. Moreover, the co sumption of NaCN is very high, about 18 kg/t. Based on the results above, the eyanidation process is not suitable for the ex- traction of gold from the oxidized pulp. 3.3.2. Sodium thiosulfate leaching After pretreatment, the recovery of gold by nnide and activated carbon is low because of the preg robbing effect of carbonaceous matter in the gold bearing materials, Besides, the eyanide is very toxic, which ean cause serious poison problem to the environment. Therefore it is important to gold extrac reagent that possesses a strong capability of gold extracting from ores"! Different from the anions Au(CN)3, the anions Au($:0s)3* cannot be ad sorbed by carbonaceous matter!” Since there is an amount of self-generated thiosulfate and a por tion of synchrovdissoluted gold during alkaline leaching, it might’ be more reasonable for shown that Vol 15 NaS A new extraction process of carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate sss + thiosulfate leaching process just following the pre treatment. On one hand this can eliminate the preg robbing effect of carbonaceous matter in the gol bearing materials; on the other hand in not only a now eyanide extraction of gold but al so a less reagent consumption. In fact, due to the main defect of high reagent cost in conventional thiosulfate leaching, its application has heen de fined to some extent!" Under the conditions listed in Table 4, Fig. 9 shows the dissolution results by an additional NazS:0s in the oxidized pulp for 24h leaching at the ambient temperature of 21 24 C, When the addition of Na2S203 in solution increases to 0. 11 mol/L, the dissolution of gold is the highest, reac hing 91. 7%. When it further increases to 0. 22 mol/L, the dissolution of gold drops a little to 88. 6%. More ad geous to the gold ext it can cause the stabil can result in of NasS:0s is disadvanter tion. This is because that ing equilibrium of reaction (6) generated by the additional NazSOs to move to- wards the left: 6H* + 480% + 283 OF +3) (6) However, the anions $3 could give rise to the sulfide film precipitated on the surface of gold, im= peding the extraction process. Moreover, it is no~ ticeable that the dissolution of gold under the con dition of no NasS:03 addition in the pulp is only 86. 6%. These results show that a high dissolution of gold can be obtained at ambient temperature without heating the pulp in contrast with leaching al 40~ 60 °C for some other conventional thiosuk fate methods!" and the consumptions of NaaS:02, CuSO4, NH3 * H20 and NasSOs listed in Table 4 are several times lower than those in [ure other thiosulfate leaching processes! Table 4 Conditions for conventional mixing of sodium thiosulfate l Concentration of pulp! Temperature dition in regulation of pH from 11 to 9 3 Cementation by zine powder After thiosulfate leaching, if 30 g/L. activated carbon is added in the filtrate, the adsorption of, gold for 24h is zero. This further confirms the point of view that the anions Au(S203)2 can not 2 3 Dissolution of AW% Ordinary agitation of 24h after IAL & 0005 010 O15 020 025 ‘Addition concentration of Naz8;Oy(mol+L-!) Fig.9 Sodium thiosulfate leaching of gold be adsorbed by carbonaceous matter!'“!. However, when 0. 18 kg/m’ zine powder is added in the fik trate, the recovery of gold by zine cementation for 0.5h gets to 99. 6%. 3.4 Environmental control and techno economic assessment After zine cementation and filtration, 6.5 kg/ m’ Fe2(SO4)s is added steprby-step to the solution in a conventional agitation tank. The arsenide in the solution is precipitated to form a stable phase of ferric arsenate, The concentration of As in the decreased helow 0. 5 mg/L, which meets the requirement of the environmental pollu solution tion control system. A. preliminary ent shows that processing of the objective concentrate is about RMB 430 yuan per ton. technoreconomic assess 4 CONCLUSIONS 1) After grinding-leaching in a pulverizing leaching tower mill and intensified alkaline leaching for 48 h in the enhanced agitation tanks at ambient temperature(21~24 ‘C) and pressure( 10° Pa), the dissolution of gold by thiosulfate of the objective carbonaceous refractory concentrate is enhanced to 91.7% from O~ 3.2% by ultrafine grinding with out the pretreatment, and the recovery of gold by zine powder cementation in the solution gets to 99. 6% 2) Due to the selective oxidation of arsenopy- rite and pyrite as well as the generation of thiosalts during alkaline leaching, the total consumption of NaOH in the present processing is only 28% of those theoretically ealeulated under the conditions of full oxidization for the same amount of arseno- pyrite and pyrite transforming into arsenates and sulfates. 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