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Journal of Our Famliy Travel to The America

By Yager Gurgenslurp (aka David)

January 29 1907
My mom and Dad, Slaus and Fierd Gergenslurp announced to my family this
morning that we are fleeing our family farm in Germany. My father has worked so
hard but our taxes are so high and the drought has been hard on the crops. We are
poor and my family is struggling. My sister and I have been sick. We have
breathing problems, especially when we work with the crops. My Dad, Slaus, is
strong and smart he can read and write and had done well for many years but the
taxes on our land have taken away his profit and we struggle. We can eat off the
pigs we raise and I have discovered a great way to cook pig I call it Bacon. But we
must leave or we will not survive. My sister is sick many times and I struggle too.
My Dad is trying to take us to the new land the Island of Hope. It is supposed to be
a long journey but we cannot take everything.
Mom cried a lot today because she cant take everything with us. She has to leave
behind many of the items that have been in the family for many years. Sheneekwa
is coughing again. She coughs all the time. More than me. Its so annoying.
February 2 1907
My parents wake us early before sunrise. It will be a long walk they say.
They want us to get far before the sun goes down. We need to make our way from
Hogintown to Hamburg to depart on a boat for America. My parents seem happy
now. I think they are excited for the good fortune America will bring. They are
telling me to hurry along. I better go.

February 4 1907
Its late. We stopped for another rest. Still walking.. we have walked for days
now. Shaneekwas cough is getting worse. She drips of sweat. She cries a lot and
my mom tries to make her feel better. Her feet are bleeding from all the walking.
My dad and my brother, Puup, and I make a wagon to put her in for the rest of our
Late tonight we finally arrived in Hamburg. The sight of the sea is exciting
but terrifying too. Its as black as the night and the waves crashing on the shore is
a bit ominous. I need to put my fears aside I cannot wait to get on board the ship
and get off my feet. My knees hurt so bad. We are 3 rd class, so it will be tight
quarters but just excited to find a better life for my family and hopefully better
health for my sister.

Febrary 20, 1907

The boat was horrible. It smelled of sweat and pee. There was a woman that
died in our room, and you couldnt not notice we were all shoved in there like a pack
of sardines. Her daughters screamed. It was awful. Little kids were peeing and
people were getting sea sick and puking and it was all over the floor. I had to keep
my journal tucked away for fear someone would get sick on it. It seems now the
waters have calmed so I dare to pull out my journal and write. The quarters stunk
this whole bot ride stunk! Shanekwas cough is getting worse. Shes running a fever
now. Her eyes look sunken into her face like that lady that died. I hope she doesnt
have what that lady had. Im scared for her. I can tell my mom and dad are worried
too. They just keep looking at eachother like they know something and arent
telling us.
I met a boy my age on the ship. His name is HaagenDaaz. He has blonde curly hair
and has quite the humor. We get a long really well. He is alone. He was traveling
with his mother and she didnt survive the journey to the seaport. He said she
begged him to go on without her. I feel bad for him.
I think we have been on this ship for at 2 weeks now. It seems like forever. The
waves are annoying and make my stomach turn. The horrible smell is enough to
make a person sick but when we hit those rocky waters in the late night it was even
worse. HaggenDaaz puked almost every night. My mom cared for him. She said he
wasnt really sick just sea sick she called it! Ha!! Seas Sick!!
The horn on the ship is sounding. I actually thought it was Shaneekwas cough but
this sound shook my bones to the core. We are here!!! We are here!!! The Statue
of Liberty is in sight!! It is so beautiful! She reaches her arm up to the sky as if a
reminder to us to look at the Heavens for God is reminding us He is our key to the
hope of the New World. I must go now.

February 23, 1907 (The Arrival)

They finally took us off the boat today. Doctors boarded the ship and we were some
of the last passengers to get checked. They kept talking about my sister but I
couldnt understand what they were saying. My mom was crying a lot. Today we
walked off the ship and onto land. I felt like I was still rocking but I was finally on
steady ground. We all got little passes that had a number on it and were sent to this
Baggage Room. It was hard leaving our belongings in Germany. Now we had to
leave the rest of it in this room. Everything we owned is no longer with us. My
father made sure he had his book a map and money with him and my little brother
took his blanky out of his luggage. There are so many people yet I only understand
my familys words. It is so crowded I was afraid if I got lost I would never be able to
find my way back to my family because I cant understand anyone! I wonder if they
can understand me? We had to walk this long winding staircase. Shaneekw is so
weak but my parents were not aloud to carry her up all the stairs. They keep talking
to officials but I dont understand what they are saying. Finally we got to this room
it was the biggest room. I have every laid my eyes on. My parents called it the
Registry Room. _______________. My parents told us to be super serious here

because these officials that asked us questions decided our fate and acceptance
into America. I was so nervous because I hadnt been able to understand anything
anyone has said this whole day and what if I misunderstood them and got denied
entry. I would never see my family again. They would move on without me. But
thats not how it happened. I was cleared. My friend HaagenDaaz was not. Then it
got worse. This man took a piece of chalk and marked a big P on Shaneekwas
dress. She was so weak and tired she didnt even notice but my mom fell to the
floor my Dad tried to give her comfort. Then Shaneekwa was taken into the center
line at the bottom of the stairs, just like HaagenDaaz. Haagen Daaz looked back at
me but though there was his own pain and desperation in his gaze I could see he
was also assuring me he would look after my sister. I think they are sending them
both back to Germany! Will we never see her again? Now I think I understand those
looks that my parents kept giving eachother and all the talking that I didnt
undersand is all making sense now. Will Shaneekwa die without the comfort of her
family near. She would never survive the boat ride back to Germany. My mom is
inconsolable. This is not the Island of Hope, its more like the Island of Tears and
Despair. Our dreams of a better life a not coming true this is more of a nightmare.
There is so many people and so much waiting and standing. Luckily I have my
journal or I would go crazy. At least I can excape the smell of these stinky people
when I write. I wonder if I smell as bad as they do?

My legs hurt just as bad as they did after our journey to the seaport in Germany. We
have been standing all day. We waited in this room forever. I wasnt sure why, On
the other side of the doors was America. We were so close and yet we stayed in
this room for hours. Then finally, it happened. Some official wearing a uniform had
Shaneekwa and was bringing her toward my family. My mom ran to her and
grabbed her and kissed her and kissed her. My Dad had tears in his eyes but they
were tears of joy and he chuckled and mumbled something like, The Kissing Post?
I didnt understand. Shaneekwa actually looked a little better. There was more
talking between the adults that I couldnt understand. My Dad grabbed my arm and
explained Shaneekwa had something called pneumonia. She was still weak but the
American Doctors gave her some medicine to help her. As my mom carried
Shaneekwa, my Dad held the hands of my younger brother and I and then Puup
opened the doors to lead us to our new life. America IS an Island of Hope. We
survived and are reunited.

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