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Script becoming Lindsay

Im a simple man with big plans; I want to reverse the modernization of America,
and I need your help.
I. Introduction/Biographical
Born in Springfield, IL in 1879
growing up in springfield: I experienced the springfield riot and gave my
condolences frequently at Abraham lincolns grave that was near my
childhood home (show picture of Abe)
adopted my mothers conservative religious beliefs (touch cross necklace)
eager to apply my poetry gifts after studying at the Art Institute of Chicago
and the New York School of Art
tramps in midwest and urban life
o discovered that I value primitivism and want to use my poetic gifts
to transfer my ideas to the technology-obsessed generation
Themes: returning to a simple America, reversing modernization,
supporting the farmers

Style: performance, I hope to entertain you, inspire you, and be relatable-poetry not esoteric
Common Technique: accurately depict your lives as that is what I am
referring to, imagery helps you understand my new, uncommon ideas with
a picture
Contributions: different as it related to all peoples not esoteric; politically
Famous: Higher Vaudeville method, exciting performances
Unfortunately, the failure of my plan led to my suicide
II. Poem Introduction
inspiration: on one of my tramps I realized the contrast in the Midwest and
urban cities on the east poor farmers way of life compared to the rich
and few monopolists and evil political machines
demonstrate my higher vaudeville
why I picked: I hope to inspire you as you can relate to your own Williams
Jennings Bryan, who wrote the Cross of Gold, a beautiful speech, and
hope to hear my words as Bryan has his hand on my shoulder
III. Poem Recitation
IV: Book Cover Presentation
use of dark and light
white around Lindsay as he is the light and future for America
simple colors representing his primitivism ideas
cover image explanation

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