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Jordan Carman
Connie Douglass
Inquiry Proposal
Drones can become one of the most useful things that has been
invented in the 20-21st century. The use of Drones could save many lives but
they can also take lives. Through the use of drones 3,74 people have been
killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2009. There are better uses for drones in
the fields of science, commercial, and the private. Drones can be used in
hurricanes to better predict hurricanes or they can be used as vehicles to
transport packages like Amazon Air.
The Problem
Do the pros of using drones in the world outweigh the use of drone
strikes that create causalities? The biggest problem of drones being used in
the military is that high population areas are being hit and people that are
killed from the drone strike are not military personnel. This problem needs to
be addressed because innocent people that may be living in a apartment
next to a terrorist cell are dying. While in our own country drones that could


be very beneficial are being banned because of the scare that these drones
could be used as a military weapon against civilians in the U.S.

There are multiple ways that this issue of civilians becoming causalities
can be fixed. One way to fix this problem is to use more tactical explosives
or to make sure that when the bombs are dropped from the drones that their
target is something that houses only military units and not a combination of
military and civilian. This is possible with better intel and or better
The use of drones can be beneficial to todays society with better
technologies the cons of using drones can be lessened and the pros of them
will become more beneficial to the world. The use of drones in commercial
use could become very beneficial to the world with drones flying the
commercial planes.

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