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The Doctor

Keyana Pregent

Dr. Lucas Wright sipped coffee from his mug, while looking over the latest test results of his
patient Sarah Melvin. She has been quite concerned about her health lately, to help calm her
nerves Lucas ran several tests on her to meet her concerns. All the tests came back negative,
giving Mrs. Melvin a clean bill of health. Looking around his brightly coloured office, his eyes
stopped at the large window. He can see the sun setting over the tops of the city buildings.
Collecting his things, he heads home to see his son and wife.
Lucas had grown up in a rough neighbourhood in the Bronx. His family wasnt as poor as some
of the other families but they still werent as well off as they would of liked. He was taught
throughout his youth that you need to work hard to achieve your goals and to never take
anything for granted.
The second lesson never fully resonated within Lucas, he didnt seem to care, much to the
frustration of his mother. He on the other hand was always happy, especially with his family.
The Wright family were perfect. Lucas Wright was a dedicated family man and was a well
respected doctor in the city of New York. His wife Maya, was a kindergarten teacher with a love
for baking. Their son Joshua, had several ivy league college and universities interested in him.
They were envied by all their companions.
Walking into the two-story house Lucas took off his shoes and jacket, calling for his wife and
child. They were sitting in the brightly coloured living room waiting for him.
Hey dad, how was work? Joshua asks excitedly
Lucas gives his wife a hug and kiss on the forehead before answering his son
It was great Joshua! How was school? he replied with a cheery, energetic smile
It was alright; it was just really boring Joshua says a bit drained
They spent the rest of the night sitting in the glistening light of the dining room, eating their

The next morning, Lucas was reading the newspaper in the vibrantly lit kitchen. The article he
was reading was about a fatal car crash that occurred the night before. To his surprise he learns
that his patient Sarah Melvin was involved in the crash. Quickly grabbing his things Lucas
rushed to his office to get in contact with Sarahs husband Eric.

Once at his office, he saw that Eric was already there waiting for him.
Hi Mr. Melvin, I read about the crash. Is Sarah ok? Lucas asks concerned
His concern is met with a wad of papers being slapped into his hands with an angry see you in
court thrown in.
Taken aback Lucas doesnt look at the papers until Eric has left and he is hidden away in his
The papers were a lawsuit from Eric Melvin claiming that his wifes death was at the neglect of
Lucas. Eric states that his wife death from excessive bleeding is at the fault of Lucas because
he didnt inform the Melvins of Sarahs condition. The condition being her low count of red blood
The trial, because Eric couldnt stand for a simple and civilized approach at sorting this out,
drags on for weeks.
Lucas tried to focus on the positive of the situation, because none of what Eric claims can
actually stand in court, due its lack of evidence. His level of stress rose as the trial prolonged, it
seemed that no matter the lack evidence of the alleged neglect, the judge didnt budge on his
views of Lucas being guilty. After weeks, the judge finally gave his verdict.
The verdict came with the loss of Lucass medical practice.
After the trial, his lawyer informs him that he saw a photo of Eric Melvin and the judge in his
office, leaving Lucas to understand why the judge was so adamant on his guilt despite the lack
of evidence.
The night of the deliberation, Lucas went home in a sour mood. Walking in the house, he
brushed past his wife and son, both of whom were waiting for him, not saying a word. He went
straight up to his bedroom, changing into his pyjamas not saying a single word, letting the
warmth of his bed engulf him and putting him to sleep almost instantly.
A month after losing his medical practice, Lucas receives a call from an old friend from his
childhood neighbourhood.
Thomas Johnson has been a member of the Black Street Gang since he was 14 years old. Over
time he has gained respect and climbed up the ladder of success in the gang. Currently, he is
the leader of the Black Street Gang in the state of New York.
Thomas isnt a man that likes to waste time so he cuts to the case when he calls Lucas.

I want you to come work for us Thomas says in an authoritative voice, giving the details of the
pay and benefits of working for his gang
This job offer is one of the first things to put a smile on Lucass face in the past month. Not
going over it with his wife, Lucas accepts the job without hesitation.
A week later, Lucas walks into his new office at the Black Street Gang headquarters. Its not as
bright as his last office, its dreary, and unwelcoming. He cant see the tops of city buildings like
he could from his old office, he can see the side of a graffiti ridden building.
Months into his new job with the Black Street Gang, Maya started to notice changes in her
husband. He stayed out later, avoided conversation with his family, didnt smile as much as he
used to and closed doors behind him as he entered rooms.
Maya could see that Lucas was heading down a dark path, she tried to talk to him but, the more
she tried the more he pulled away. She could tell this whole situation was affecting their son.
Joshua quite upset, that such an important aspect of his life isnt consistent. Maya wasnt certain
how much longer she could stand watching her husband shut down, and her son break.
One night, Lucas gets a call late in the night. Reaching over to answer his phone, Lucas wakes
his wife up in the process. Maya hears low grunts from Lucas as his responses to who she
suspects to be his boss.
Lucas rolls out of bed, getting dressed in dark clothing.
You never get calls this late, did something bad happen Hun? Maya asks feigned with
Its nothing. Go back to sleep Maya. he responds irritated
Its obviously not something. Just tell me! Its not like I have anyone to tell! Maya says, voice
Grabbing his bag of tools and shoes, Lucas walks to the front door. Maya follows.
Maya, I havent spoken about it and I dont plan on it. Leave this alone! Lucas says annoyed,
slamming the front door behind him
Maya lets out a scream of frustration, knowing now what she needs to do, she walks upstairs
Arriving at the warehouse 15 minutes later, Lucas hears his phone ring. Its Maya, probably
calling to apologize he thinks. He answers the phone

Yes Maya he answers exasperated

Joshua and I are leaving she states calmly
What the hell are you talking about Maya? he asks confused
Come home and we wont leave
Im not going to leave my job to entertain your little game Maya.
Well Im going to leave because I refuse to stand by while this job consumes you and hurts our
son. Youre becoming toxic, not only for yourself but also to others. Goodbye Lucas.
The line goes dead, Lucas cant bring himself to feel anything in that moment. Walking into the
warehouse, Lucas can see Shawn Palmer sprawled out on the metal table, applying pressure to
his wound.
This wasnt an usual call for Lucas, he usually deals with rehabilitating patients, not emergency
procedures to prevent their deaths.
Lucas is putting the final stitch in when he is interrupted by a loud thud. Quickly rounding the
corner, Lucas finds a man laying on the ground in a puddle of blood. His chest impaled with a
knife, reaching out for help.
Lucas couldn't help but think of this as some form of metaphor. He was the man, wounded by
his new job, the blood was everything he was losing. His friends, family, and most importantly
the person he was before.
He pulls the man into the room with Shawn, who is now sitting having finished his last stitch
Thats the guy who stabbed me. What the hell is he doing here? Shawn spits out angrily
I dont know, I just found him bleeding out in the hallway Lucas responds
Just throw him out on the street. We dont want him to be connected to us in anyway. Shawn
says putting his shirt back on
Impatiently, Lucas smacks the man upside the head. The man wakes, jerking his head around
trying to find out where he is.
How did you end up with a knife in your chest James? Shawn asks irritated
I came back to finish you off but, I tripped and fell onto my knife

Shawn help me get him on the table so, I can stop him from bleeding Lucas demands
No, throw him out
Lucas thought about it, throwing this James man out could get him home quicker. Maybe just
maybe, quick enough to stop his wife and son from leaving.
Going dead in the eyes, he decides otherwise
Shawn Im not arguing with you, put him on the table Lucas demands once again
Reluctantly Shawn helps Lucas put him on the table. James then proceeds to start shouting,
stating what hell do to both Lucas and Shawn when hes done and how if he isnt fixed properly
hell kill the doctor.
Annoyed, Shawn knocks James unconscious, allowing Lucas to work in silence.
Once Lucas is done he grabs his medical instruments, packs up and heads towards the exit. His
mind racing between thoughts of his wife and son, will they really leave?
He heard footsteps booming towards him, he turned around to be meet by the loud gunshots
and the thud of Jamess body hitting the hard concrete of the warehouse. Lucas and Shawn
glance at each other, then at Jamess body, both blank faced and dead eyed. They leave the
warehouse without a word, separating at their vehicles.
Lucas parks in front of his home, staring up at the familiar scenery, he cant stop himself from
hoping that nothing has changed. Walking through the front hallway, he senses the change in
atmosphere. Maybe this was what Maya and Joshua felt every time they came home, hoping
that their family would be whole again, that maybe Lucas would be back to his normal self, the
self that appreciated them.
It was in that moment when he saw his sons empty bedroom, that he truly understood the
lesson his mother had fought so hard to teach him throughout his childhood. He took his family
for granted, the people who were there for him when the judge and his joke of a friend Eric took
away his medical practice. The people who were there for him when the stress of his shifts with
the Black Street Gang made him feel like a completely different person, the people who truly
loved him unconditionally.
His mind is bombarded with thoughts, would they come back, could he actually change if they
came back? After hours of sitting in the darkly lit room, Lucas realized he wasnt what his wife
and child needed. They needed the person he was before he started his new job with the Black
Street Gang but, that wasnt him anymore.

He enters his room, laying down in the cold, unwelcoming bed. He attempts to sleep before he
gets another call to go back to work.

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