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Chapter 5 - Conclusion

4. In conclusion to this study, the researchers found out the respondents of the study,
which are Red Cross Volunteers have a high level of psychological well being in relation to
altruism. Altruism is also highly related to life satisfaction, personal growth, positive relations
and self acceptance for Red Cross volunteers aged 18 and below.
5. For the respondents aged higher than 18, the researchers concluded that there were no
significant relation between altruism and the dimension of psychological well being. Moreover,
only life satisfaction and happiness have relation to altruism for respondents aged 25 and higher.
The researchers believed that respondents; Red Cross Volunteers have different relations to
altruism basing on their ages.
6. The researchers concluded that altruism has a big effect on the Red Cross Volunteers
which leaves them rather satisfied with their lives. Also, helping others promotes good health to
people; it is also related to life satisfaction.

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