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Voluntary Euthanasia is legal in most countries, and

non-voluntary euthanasia is illegal in all countries, and
involuntary euthanasia is also illegal in all countries and
considered murder. As of 2006, euthanasia is the most
active area of research in contemporary bioethics.In
some countries there is a divisive public controversy
over the moral, ethical, and legal issues of euthanasia.

At 20 weeks, the fetus is able to feel pain

A late euthanasia can go up until the fetus is 35 weeks,

and the process will continue for 3-4 days.
Nearly 15,000 later abortions occur a year.
Fetus may have complications or have a short period of

The fetus has a heartbeat at 8 week of conception.

28 out of 37 worldwide studies have independently
linked induced abortion with breast cancer.
Against religions, and some believe the baby should
have chance to live.
Late term abortion can reach until 35 weeks of the
pregnancy, the baby has a fully formed face, hands, and
feet, with a strong heartbeat and organ function.

Identify threads


Planned Parenthood is illegally selling aborted

fetus tissue to research profits. Mr. Herbert, a
republican was aware of the passing of this

Republican candidates believes in changing the

Republican platform on abortion. Presidential
candidates wants to change the platform of
certain circumstances such as rape, incest and
the the risk of the life of the mother. He believes
in these circumstances abortion should be

In state Ohio, North Dakota, and Texas women

who are seeking a abortion will have the option
of receiving Mifeprex while being 10 weeks
pregnant. This is a abortion-inducing pill.

Scientist have been able to study and learn
when exactly contraception happens. We know
that a full term pregnancy is 38 weeks, and a
later term abortion can take place at 32 weeks.
With pregnancies doctors are able to know the
process of fetal growth at each week and stage
of the pregnancy. Abortions allow scientist to
examine the fetus and its appearance and
health status at certain points when the abortion
takes place. In special cases such as a
diseased fetus may help doctors and scientist
with future procedures and cures.

Abortions may contribute to science in terms of
supplying fetus tissue and parts, but to receive
these things a life of fetus, which is a egg
fertilized by sperm, must be aborted.
Babies can be born and successful live at only
24 weeks old. The fetus that undergo abortions
are considered to have the right to a chance at



ABORTIFACIENT: An agent whose sole or primary purpose
is to cause abortions. Such agents include low-dose birth
control pills, minipills, 'morning-after' pills
ACROSOME: The large head of the sperm cell that contains
DNA and releases enzymes to dissolve the protective surface
of the ovum.
AFEBRILE ABORTION: A natural or spontaneous abortion
resulting from a tubal or abdominal pregnancy. Does not refer
to a procedure designed to remove the fetus from the
Fallopian tube or abdomen.
ALPHAFETOPROTEIN (AFP) TEST: Maternal serum blood
test performed during pregnancy to detect various fetal

AMNION: A thin membrane enclosing the preborn child,

containing the amniotic fluid in which the child is immersed.
CLEAVAGE: The stage of cell division that occurs
immediately after fertilization and that continues until the cells
begin to segregate and specialize and develop into a
FETUS: The term (literally meaning "little one" in Latin)
referring to the preborn baby after eight weeks's gestation.
ANTENATAL: A term used to describe any event before
DILATION AND EVACUATION (D&E): Abortion procedure
by which the preborn baby is cut or torn apart by a sharp
instrument and withdrawn from the uterus.


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