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Katherinnne Mendoza

EDUC 1300
Professor Lee
9 May 2016


There have been several inventories and surveys this year

each with their own purpose. Although all have been helpful
there has been no survey that helped me determine which career
would be best for me because I had already chosen my future
career. There are several parts of my personality that I see that
fit my current career choice such as being resourceful , being
able to connect with others , and adapting well to different
people and environment. The inventories and surveys have just
reassured me that the career I have chosen is correct.
One of the first few inventories was the SmarterMeasure
and although it was very informative in seeing which areas I was
doing well in and which could use some work but it over all did
not effect my decision in which career I would persue. The VARK
on the other hand helped me in the sense of to have confidence
in what I know. In high school I developed my own way to study
thing because sometimes the way teachers recommended didnt
always work out for me but, this semester the VARK made me
realize that the way I had been studying was the correct way for

me and help me be sure that the career I have chosen is the

right choice for me.

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