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Goal Statement

A lot can happen in five years. Five years can change a persons job, relationships, and
character. I hope to accomplish a lot in five years. In five years I hope to have acquired my
bachelors degree in public health from Pacific University. I also hope to be attending a graduate
school and working toward my masters in epidemiology. Another goal I have is to have traveled
to another country during those five years. I could either have traveled in a study abroad
program, or just for a vacation. I also hope to work at a national park for a summer during the
next five years of my life. The ultimate goal would be to work at a different park each summer
during my first four years of college. My last goal for the next five years is to have a job or
internship that would better prepare and introduce me to the type of work I would do in the
future as an epidemiologist.

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