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Why do you pay Union dues? By Karen Kendall, Vice President for Political Activities Ifyou were asked “Why do you pay union dues?” | hope you'd have an answer. Your dues go to all levels of the union such as National (AFT), state (IFT), local (943) and your district. These groups all work together for the betterment of your contract negotiations, servicing members, legal fees, education, organizing and communications to name a few. You pay dues to any organization because it does cost to run. Just as your place of worship, your ski club and your government need funds to operate, so does the union. - We complain about taxes but in reality we know they are necessary as dues are, Union negotiated benefits are not a perfect fit for everyone but you may have taken this job because of the great benefits. Just like when you don’t like where your taxes are going, you talk to your legislator, mayor, school board, the same is true of your union, Unions are democratic. Get involved by educating yourself on issues and run yourself. We are always looking for ways to inspire activism. The Illinois primary is March 15th. By the time of this printing Super Tuesday, (the day with the most states voting), will be over and maybe the front runners of each party will be decided. There are still several reasons to go vote. j e — Inthe last two primaries (2010 and 2012) only 23% of voters turned out. | © Voting is your way to let your voice be heard. Your elected officials are listening. ! © This is how you show your concern for schools, neighborhoods, your employment, and your beliefs. © Your vote is power. Do not let it be wasted or silent. Guest Speaker, Union endorsed- Senator Mike Hastings Tinley Park (19th District) Senator Michael Hastings stopped by the local to update us on Springfield. He also had some advice to our members: "Become as active and organized in your schools as possible-get politically active-vote- use social media to be involved. Work on a campaign.”

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