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5/12/14 To Whom It May Concern, Itis an honor to recommend Rachel Jacob for a teaching position. | have known Ms. Jacob for the last year and a half and during that time found her to be committed to her students’ growth and potential. To do this she consistently seeks new and innovative ways to help her student flourish, She works tirelessly with the students in her classes frequently creating unique, ‘engaging activities that help students learn while stil having fun. Ihave marveled at how she gets to know each child individually. Once she knows a child's likes, she skillfully and cleverly incorporates this information into the lessons that she creates. You can see in each child's eyes how special they feel when they realize she understands them and has created an activity or game with their needs in mind. More importantly, by getting to know each child, she creates situations where the child does their very best work, happily. On the rare occasion when a child is upset, Ms. Jacob easily settles the child down with a combination of compassion and gentle guidance. Ms. Jacob's talents are amazing. She can implement lessons that are original, entertaining, and educational for the children. She can also design wonderful art work that she uses in the classroom almost every day. She isn’t afraid to think outside of the box when creating activities for the children Additionally, Ms. Jacobs is exceptional in working and collaborating with other teachers. She is quick to share her thoughts and ideas. More importantly, her personality and gentle manner brings a smile to everyone she encounters. Anyone would be lucky to have Ms. Jacobs working for them. She is a solid candidate and would be a great addition to any staff. Sincerely, Ge Aap A

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