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Schematic examples of my opening sequence titles.

My titles for my opening sequence will be located in the

bottom left and corner of the screen because I want the
viewer to remain focussed on the centre of the screen. The
font is a bold strong text that also has a slow ripple which
represents the mystery of the thriller film. The titles are going
to start of white and slowly fade to red as shown on the right
hand side. The colour change represents the way that the
opening sequence goes. The title starts of white who
represents the main character at the beginning of the
opening sequence; the young boy is fine and happy in his
element. When the title begins to fade to a pink this
represents the character getting angrier and angrier. When
finally the titles have faded to red it represents when the
character has had enough and begin to fight back. The bold
capital letters represent the strong personality of the main
character. The font size varies because I wanted the viewer
to concentrate on the larger font as this is the most important
information displayed. These titles link with the main film
titles, I need to make sure that all these titles link as it will
make my piece seem more professional.

Here was my original title and opening sequence. The

reason that I have changed the idea was because it had
no context. The opening sequence titles need to be red
and have the relevant animations to excite the viewer. The
plain titles do not give the right image for my product. I
want the viewer to remain thrilled from start to finish. This
font is not usually seen on thriller films. As a result of this it
does not thrill the viewer as it does not have a thrilling correlation. Adding red to the text and making it
bolder would give it more of a thrilling correlation which is why I have not chosen this text.

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