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What is Holdens older brothers name?

a.) Allie
b.) Stradlater
c.) Ackley
d.) DB
How old is Holden?
a.) 14
b.) 17
c.) 16
d.) 18
What are some of Holdens personality traits?
a.) Calm, sympathetic, outgoing
b.) Attention seeking, narcissistic, passive-aggressive
c.) Confused, optimistic, diligent
d.) Shy, sympathetic, satisfied
Choose the correct set of events in chronological order.
a.) Holden meets Maurice, Holden goes to the Hotel, Holden gets kicked out of
b.) Holden gets kicked out of pencey, meets Maurice, Holden goes to the hotel
c.) Holden gets kicked out of pencey, Holden goes to the Hotel, Holden meets
d.) Holden goes to the hotel, Holden meets Maurice, Holden gets kicked out of
What are some differences between Holden and Stradlater?
a.) Holden goes out a lot; Stradlater stay in his room most of the time
b.) Holden is very studious; Stradlater goes out a lot
c.) Holden doesnt enjoy going out as much; Stradlater goes out a lot
d.) Both Holden and Stradlater have similar personalities
Why is Allies death significant in the novel?
a.) It shows the grieving process of Holdens family
b.) It explains Holdens erratic behavior
c.) It caused Holdens family to move
d.) His death was not significant
What is the significance of Holdens red hunting cap?
a.) He thinks it makes him look cool
b.) It hides his unsightly hair

c.) It helps him feel protected

d.) He has to go hunting later
What does Holden mean when he calls people around him phonies?
a.) Someone who doesnt completely live an authentic life and just seems to be
so on the surface
b.) Someone who rides horses
c.) People he has dated
d.) Someone who doesnt like him

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