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Holly Millenium Arend

Block 4

Digital portfolio; refection 1984

When we started this project I hadnt written a synthesis paper before. The process I
went through to produce this piece was about ten minutes of looking at documents and then
about 30 minutes of frantic writing. Ways I need to improve are using stronger vocabulary, use
more description, and lastly go over my work. A problem I encountered while working on this
piece was time, the time constraint left me making errors in my paper and skipping some stuff to
finish the paper. I solved the problem of time constraint by taking things out f my essay which
left me having problems with it.
I found many things frustrating about this piece like how I left things out to compensate
for time. The piece did meet y standards but it couldve been better on my part. There couldve
been more detail and expansion within it. My goals for this piece were to score a 6 or above,
have a piece that overall flows, and lastly a piece that makes sense t the reader.

If I was a teacher the comments on my piece were to use stronger vocab and use more
detail within the piece. I mean I wouldve given this written piece a 7 considering it did answer
the prompt and it also did add detail but it did lack range of elements and vocab. Ways my work
met the standard of this assignment would be answering the prompt, using an overall theme,
having a strong thesis, and having a strong flow to my paper.

One thing I would improve on would be my vocab it does tend to hold me back a bit in
my essay writing. if I had to the chance to write this again I would change how much time I had
and I would also take more time writing this piece and perfecting it by using strong vocab and

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