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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Write a recursive algorithm to solve the towers of Hanoi problem.
//move disc 1 A to c ACB
//move disc 2 A to b ABC
//move disc 1 C to b CBA
//move disc 3 A to c ACB
//move disc 1 B to a BAC
//move disc 2 B to c BCA
//move disc 1 A to c ACB
int moves(0);
void Hanoi(int m, char a, char b, char c);
void Hanoi(int m, char a, char b, char c){
if(m == 1){
cout << "Move disc " << m << " from " << a << " to " << c << endl;
Hanoi(m-1, a,c,b);
cout << "Move disc " << m << " from " << a << " to " << c << endl;
int main(){
int discs;
cout << "Enter the number of discs: " << endl;
cin >> discs;
Hanoi(discs, 'A', 'B', 'C');
cout << "It took " << moves << " moves. " << endl;

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