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AUTOCORRELATION AS A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL James C. Robinson ABSTRACT In normal vibration analysis on rotating machinery, the procedure generally is to capture a digital (limited bandwidth to avoid aliasing) time block of data followed by transformation of the time block of data to spectral data. The analysis mainly focuses on the spectral data to identify the presence of various possible faults based on the rate of occurrence. In addition to spectral data computed from the time wave form, it is possible to compute an Autocorrelation Coefficient block of data, The autocorrelation Coefficient data has not been widely used as a tool for diagnosties (reasons not clearly known) in vibration analysis of rotating machinery. The autocorrelation data computed from the PeakVue time waveform are presented for several classes of faults in this paper. It is demonstrated the autocorrelation data are very beneficial for the identification of: 1. Faults occurring at a low periodic rate (low relative to analysis bandwidth). 2. Separation of random events versus periodic events. 3. Identification of certain faults based on “pattems” in the autocorrelation graphical presentation Autocorrelation Coefficient data can be envisioned as scalar averaging versus veetor or time synchronous averaging. Thus the periodic events which are not synchronous to the time reference mark (usually once per revolution) survive the averaging process which is not the case for time synchronous averaging. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ‘The most common tools employed for vibration analysis on rotating machinery are (1) the capture (digitally) of a band limited time waveform at a predetermined sampling FFT) of the time waveform. For normal vibration analysis, it is customary to carry out the spectral analysis in (digitization) rate for a specified data block size and (2) spectral analysis (usually the velocity (ips) domain. In addition to the velocity spectral analysis, a separate analysis, recommended by Emerson Process (CSI) is the capture of a time data block consisting of “peak values” (PeakVue™ time waveform) and compute the PeakVue spectral data ina manner analogous to the velocity (or acceleration) spectral data.' The spectral data is obtained by first computing a function proportional to the Power Spectral Density? (PSD) function and secondly taking the square root (proper normalization) of each element in the PSD data (line by line). The integration of the PSD function over all frequencies is the variance (mean square) of the original time wave form from which the PSD ‘was computed.” The integration over all frequencies of the discrete PSD consist of a a) squaring the spectral data (with appropriate normalization) at each discrete frequency point and b) summing the individual values together. Thus each spectral estimate at the discrete frequencies represents the narrow band (width of Af = # lines/F;uq) energy at that particular frequency in the time waveform. For events which are short term duration relative to the repetition rate, the RMS will be of low value (low duty cycle) due to the averaging process. As an example, defective cages frequently do not show up in normal spectral analysis. An alternate analysis(to spectral analysis) which can be carried out on the time waveform. is autocorrelation function” analysis. This function will be discussed in greater detail in the next section, The strength in the autocorrelation function lies in its ability to identify low repetition rate events with low duty cycle. An additional strength of autocorrelation analysis will be shown to be its ability to separate random events from periodic events. These strengths will become evident in the various case studies included in this paper. In the next section, autocorrelation will be discussed in more detail with key features identified. The third section will be case studies selected to illustrate the strengths of the autocorrelati yn function analysis. The last section will be conclusions. 2.0 AUTOCORRELATION Let the time varying signal be represented by x(0). Assume x(7) has been scaled so that the mean (average) value of x({) is zero. Then the autocorrelation function, R(t), is defined as: 1+ Ry(e)= Lim a fxn + 7) @ Ton where + is called the “delay time.” Att = 0, R,(0)= Variance of x(t) In Equation 1, it has been assumed that the signal x(t) is known for all previous and future times (which is not the case). Assume that x(t) is known at fixed time increments (At) from an arbitrary beginning time (t= 0) to final time T. Designate the time block of data as X; for i= 1, 2, -- N where Nat is the total time T. Then define the autocorrelation function R(z) as: Q) where and the summation is restricted to N/2 since no knowledge of X; exists for > NV. The autocorrelation function, as defined in Equation 2 has a maximum time range of (T/2), From Equation 2, the value of R(t») is concluded to be the variance. The mean value of the X; data set was set (X; scaled) such that there are both pos ive and negative values (mean value is zero). The series of numbers (X;Xj) which are being summed can have positive and negative values (except when j = 0) and hence no value of R(t) will be greater than R(t). This property makes it convenient to introduce a new function, A(z), (called Autocorrelation Coefficient) defined as: where and =1.0< Ale;)<1.0 forall j=0, 1, ....N/2. It is the Autocorrelation Coefficient function which has proven valuable as a tool to aid in the interpretation of vibration data (especially for the PeakVue analysis). The key properties are: 1. For random data, the value of 4(t)) will approach zero for all j > 0. 2. For periodic data with no (or little) noise, the value of 4(7;) will approach 1.0 at the 1) = period of the periodic data, 3. The pattern of the A(z) can be very helpful in identifying the fault type (will become obvious in the studies). ‘The Autocorrelation Coefficient function is not an average value obtained over the entire time block of data at a specific narrow band such as the spectral data. The resultant fact is that low duty cycle periodic data shows up very strongly in the Autocorrelation Coefficient data. The higher frequency periodic data (high duty cycle) is much more obvious in the spectral data than in the autocorrelation data. 3.0. Case Studies 3.1. Introduetion Case studies are selected to demonstrate key features of the Autocorrelation Coefficient functions for commonly (and not so common) encountered problems. In the “Case Study One” subsection, the cases presented demonstrate the patterns of the Autocorrelation Coefficient for ‘Various types of faults associated with rolling element bearings. In the “Case Study Two” subsection, examples are presented for a low frequeney periodic and a high-frequency periodic event. In the final “Case Study Three” subsection, examples are presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the Autocorrelation Coefficient data in a variety of difficult to identify defects. 3.2 Case Study One 3.2.1 Introduction. In this subsection, results from bearing defects from outer race, inner race, roller, and cage are presented, The emphasis is placed on the pattern present in the Autocorrelation Coefficient for these type faults. These patterns have proven to be very beneficial in fault identification. 3.2.2 Outer Race Fault. The PeakVue spectral data and time waveform acquired from a gearbox with accelerometer placed on the bearing housing over a shaft turning at 360 RPM are presented in Figure 1. The PeakVue spectral data is dominated with the BPFO fault frequency (with many harmonics). The PeakVue time waveform has peak g’ levels of 37 g which is 12 times the recommended fault level (for this speed) of 3 g's. The Autocorrelation Coefficient function data computed from the PeakVue time waveform in Figure | are presented in Figure 2, ‘The correlation is about 0.6 which implies the time waveform has significant contribution from the periodic impa ting event. The pattern is a series of spikes occurring at the fault frequency rate with no obvious pattern in the amplitude variation. 3.2.3 Inner Race Fault, The PeakVue data (spectra and time waveform) for a measurement point over the input shaft to a gearbox turing at 892 RPM are presented in Figure 3. The inner race fault in the spectra is marked. It is side banded with the turning speed (as expected due to going in and out of the load zone). Additionally, 1X with several harmonics are present in the spectra. This could be due to an impacting event at 1X or simply is the modulating frequency. Figure 1. PeakVue spectra and time waveform on bearing housing of shaft in gearbox turning at 360 RPM showing BPFO fault. |4TPG - 44 TAL A3 PINION GRBOX 41-43 a -AT3PINGBOX.O3H_WEST INP SHAFT MILLEND BRG HOR Route AComWn) 15-S0p-97 10:48:37 RMS = 985 LOAD = 1000 | RPM = 380. (6.84 He) 1 ae tet day | se SU pr Tad ba AR RT Rl 08. Coneation Factor os ° 0 0 stmt Time in mses Figure 2, Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from time waveform in Figure 1 for a BPFO fault. The Autocorrelation Coefficient data are computed from the PeakVue time waveform in Figure 3 and presented in Figure 4, The pattern here is a series of impacts separated at a time increment equal to the inverse of the BPFI fault frequency. The data in Figure 4 is expanded and presented in Figure 5 with the inner race fault frequency superimposed. It is obvious from Figure 5 that the only periodic activity is that associated with the fault going in and out of the oad zone at the turning speed, i.e, there is no periodic activity at the running speed. 3.2.4 Rolling Element Fault. The expected behavior for the Autocorrelation Coefficient for a rolling element fault is similar to that for an inner race fault since a defective roller will be going in and out of the load zone at the cage frequency, Additionally, the dominant activity may be at the BSF fault or sometimes at twice the BSF fault. ‘The PeakVue data (spectra and time wave form) for a measurement point on the input of a gearbox (shaft turning at 450 RPM) are presented in Figure 6. The dominate activity in the spectra of Figure 6 is at the cage frequency. The next dominate activity is the BSF fault frequency which is being side banded with cage. The Autocorrelation Coefficient data (computed from the PeakVue time waveform in Figure 6) are presented in Figure 7. The patter Figure 3. Figure 4. MS Acceleration in G's Accolraton in Ge 200 108 Roller Mil Peak Wwe RIKPY G2" Gearbox Pont 2 160 70026030038 Frequency nz dada a i 00 “Te in secs 00 ‘oan 1249:10 (Prvue H? 1000 Hy Guenatte eae a3 rus = 4387 Toap= 1000 eM = 092. (1487 Ha) Route Waveform oanda 1240:10 (envueite 000 1) ‘ams son PRl)= 388 CRESTRO 3.96 Fre Ora 000 a0, PeakVue Data (spectra and time waveform) from measurement on input shaft to gearbox turning at 892 RPM with BPFI fault 168 - Roller Peak vue AMpv "G2" Gearbox Pole? yn ase ea Mtr alta hl Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from time waveform of Figure 3 with a BPT' fault. 108 - Roller Mi Peak Vue x Point? Route ACor(W) oslanga 12:43:10 (eve 1000 He) 52 (1487 He) P(e) = 4834 PR()= 1173 oRestF= 6.27 | >xrw nus36 Correlation Factor Ampt 2t am: 375 Freq: 17882 Figure 5. Expanded time scale for Autocorrelation Coefficient Data Figure 4. 80RD -R4 MOTOR & GEARBOX 2 RAMTRUGHOX-P3V GBOX MOTOR END INPUT PK:VUE VERT Route Spectrum os cage ewlane 12:44:59 Pm 50. (7.50 He) RMS Acesertion in Gt ° a 6 Rosas ease passa weasel smaici | Frequency in Orders Route Waveform ‘eanso 12:44:58 is 181 Prien) 8.79208 Rese: 640 Accaloration in Gs ° oe 70 18 2 ote Tine n Second eae Figure 6. PeakVue data from measurement point on Gearbox input shaft tuming at 450 RPM showing a BSF fault. in Figure 7 (BSF fault) is similar to that for the BPFI fault (Figure 4) with the exception the larger activity occurs as the roller goes in and out of the load zone at cage. There are no faults attributable to occurring at the cage frequency. 3.2.5 Fault at Cage Frequency. For a “cracked” cage fault, the expected behavior for the spectra and autocorrelation would be similar to an outer race fault except the rate would be at the cage frequency. The PeakVue data (spectra and time wave form) from a combustion air blower turing at 1788 RPM are presented in Figure 8. The impacting levels are high (~20 g's) with the dominant periodic activity at cage. The autocorrelation coefficient are presented in Figure 9. The pattern in the autocorrelation data is more sinusoidal than the expected sharp pulses as seen in the outer race fault (see Figure 2). This suggests the fault is not a cracked cage but a more continuous source of noise being modulated at cage. The actual fault was identified to be the inner race was placed on shaft skewed. ORD - Ré MOTOR & GEARBOX RAMTRIGBOX-P3V _GBOX MOTOR ENO INPUT PK-VUE VERT. T [ese T Route ACorWh if Ja ulon98 12:48:59 10 RMS = 1225 LoaD= 1000 RPM 480. (7.50 Ha) k(e) = 5052 PKC) 1980, CRESTS 412 SKF 24078CA astTF Correlation Factor 08 esrb? He 40. | Time: 27275 ° 200 400 00 200 1000 me ‘Time in mSecs tim: 3474 Freq: 4047 Figure 7. Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from the time waveform in Figure 6. 506 SHS COMBUSTON AIR LOWER. _votagk "F393 Herz Pv, edu 1000) Ren (2090 2) ° oa os 2 18 20 24 eee aa ee ae Figure 8. PeakVue data from a combustion blower turning at 1788 RPM with high g levels and dominate periodic activity at cage frequency. 3.3. Case Study Two 3.3.1 Introduction. In this subsection, results are presented which demonstrate the behavior of the Autocorrelation Coefficient for a) a slow frequency periodic event and b) a high frequency periodic event. The first case demonstrates the ability of the Autocorrelation Coefficient to identify low frequency periodic events which are missed in the spectral data. The second case demonstrates the Autocorrelation Coefficient for high frequency periodic events. 3.3.2 Low-Frequency Periodic Event, ‘The velocity spectral data and acceleration time waveform from an accelerometer on a roll (turning at 240 RPM) in a paper machine are presented in Figure 10. The energy around 30 and 55 Hz in the spectral data could be from a structural resonance. There are no indication of periodic activity at 1X (4 Hz) or lower frequencies, The autocorrelation data, computed form the time waveform of Figure 10, are presented in Figure 11. There are two times, around 1.3 and 2.5 seconds, which have significant increases in activity (correlation) This corresponds to a periodic event occurring at 0.79 Hz which is the felt turning speed (there is a defect on the felt). This is the same information which could be extracted from time synchronous averaging relative to the felt. 10 . ss er | | eee] | | | | || psa os Hes || [Rowe ee fenz0 a) lel | VT mene : Eee ie pr) is oe os 12 18 ims oS Figure 9. Autocorrelation coefficient data from time waveform presented in Figure 8. om | : [emer Velocity ntnee Figure 10. Velocity spectra and acceleration time waveform for 150 Hz bandwidth data acquire on a paper machine roll tuning at 240 RPM. noure acon) Proje wer = = Figure 11, Autocorrelation coefficient data from time waveform presented in Figure 10. 3.3.3 High Frequency Periodic Event, The acceleration spectral data and acceleration time waveform for data acquired over the output shaft of a planetary/spur gear box are presented in Figure 12. This gearbox has three gear mesh frequencies with the highest being the opinion gear (has 31 teeth) on the output shaft. The dominant ac orders). The Autocorrelation Coefficient (computed from the time waveform of Figure 12) data ity is at twice the output gear mesh (62 are presented in Figure 13. The graphical data here is very busy. The level of correlation decreases as the delay time increases suggesting there was a drift in the speed over time (very probable since this is a gearbox being driven by wind). Basically, limited diagnostic aid can be acquired from this data due to the dominant high frequency activity, 3.4. Case Study Three 3.4.1 Introduction, In this subsection, three examples are chosen to illustrate the beneficial assistance the autocorrelation provides for fault identification. The first case is from the inboard of an Air Supply Fan. The second is from a gear meshing problem on the ring gear of a planetary gear box. The Third case is from a roll ina steel mill with the cage “missing.” wor -cB0x GBOX__-P7_ Measurement Pr7 bead = Routine Spoctrur 0.20] & 03-Feb-03 09:06 RMS = .2320 46) 2] 0.08; 004 ° 0 60 90 120 Routine Waveforn ‘8-Feb-03 09:06, RMS = 2427 PAU) = 676517 3 5 i z Ordr: 8.214 rr ee a ee “Te n msoes Spee 0505 Figure 12. Acceleration spectra and time waveform data acquired on output shaft of a planetary/spur gearbox turing at 1441 RPM = eating ACen [Ono 1000 se (2601 He) Figure 13. Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from time waveform presented in Figure 12 3.42 Air Supply Fan, The PeakVue data (spectra and time waveform) for a measurement point on the coupling end are presented in Figure 14, The fan is turning at 2595 RPM, The cursor is located on the best estimate of the turning speed and shows a few Harmonies are present. The same data in Figure 14 are presented in Figure 15 where the cursor is set at 0.987 orders (1.3% deviation) which shows many harmonics of this frequency (could this be the running speed?). ‘The autocorrelation data are shown in Figure 16. The activity increases around 1X but is broad. ‘The autocorrelation data in Figure 16 are expanded and presented in Figure 17. Here itis evident the primary activity is at 4.93 orders with significant amplitude modulation at 1X. The conclusion is the fault is most probable an inner race fault (based on the pattern and rate). 3.4.3 Planetary Gearbox. The input to this gearbox is the carrier being driven with the sun shaft driving a spur gearbox (in same housing). There are three planetary gears. The cartier is running at 20 RPM, Data was acquired during as extended life test of the gearbox. ‘The baseline PeakVue data for a measurement point over the input carrier shaft are presented in Figure 18. The dominant activity is at 3 ti es carrier speed with several harmonics. ‘The peak g-level is 0.55 g's which is judged to be acceptable. ‘The autocorrelation data computed IMNG - 12 Nozzle Ai Supply Fan ‘T2NooFan FP” FAN COUPLED END BRG HORIZ Route Spectrum ‘7-bee G3 1033:26 (PkvueHP 1000 #2) OVERALL= 2.02 A-3G RMS Acceleration in G-s 0 ‘ . 2 6 Ea 4 Frequency in Orders Route Waveform 7-Dee03 10:32:98 (hue HP 1000 Hs) 86 Acceleration in G-s nde 997 Freq 42.569 Spot 90 © 100=—-700-=« 300-400 5006070000 ture 14. PeakVue data from an Air Supply Fan for measurement point on the coupling end. 14 UNG +72 Nozze Alr Supply Fan ‘T2NoaFan F1P FAN COUPLED END BRG HORIZ Route Spectrum 1a) ‘r-Doe-03 1033-98 sal | (etvuetP 1000 8a) OVERALL= 2.02 &.0G iS = 2.02 ° 2 Py Frequency in Orders Route Waveform ‘r-Dee 09 103898 (hve 4000 2) Rus 385 PR) = 10.70 CRESTR= 295 Acceleration in 3 ortr 367 Spee 810 Figure 15. Same PeakVue data presented in Figure 14 with cursor set at a slightly different frequency than in Figure 14, ING -12 Nozae Air Supply Fan ‘aNoaFan F1P_ FAN COUPLED END BRG HORIZ Route ACor) "-bee-09 10:33:96 (Prvue-HP #000 #2) Ms = 2637 TOAD = 1000 od 1 Rem 2008. (930 Pa) = 9814 Peas cResté= Correlation Factor ° 2 . ° 2 16 0 Revolution Number Figure 16. Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from the PeakVue time waveform in. Figure 14 (or 15).. ING -T2Nozale Ai Supply Fan “T2NoxFan F1P FAN COUPLED ENO BRG HORIZ Route Cor 9) "irbec 8 109036 lreqes.23 offers (eve 1000 Hs) ne mms 3 “4 | Beas en | a Correlation Factor | ‘ 5 . 7 ° ° so Re ogee Revolution Numbor om 203 Figure 17. Autocorrelation coefficient data of Figure 16 with expanded time scale. from the time waveform in Figure 18 are presented in Figure 19. There are three distinct events occurring per turn of the carrier. This could be introduced by a “rough spot” on the ring gear where three planetary pass over per turn of the carrier. ‘The data in Figure 18 was aequired on October 23, 2002. PeakVue data acquired on December 30, 2002 at same measurement point are presented in Figure 20. The data in Figure 20 are significantly different than that presented in Figure 17. At first glance, it appears that there may be a lot of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, ... activity which is typical for ‘looseness’. The peak g-level increased from 0.55 g’s in October to 2.3 g’s in December. The correlation data computed from the PeakVue time waveform in Figure 20 are presented in Figure 21. This data is significantly different than that presented in Figure 19. The data in Figure 21 are presented on an expanded time scale in Figure 22. The dominant activity (identified with the cursor marks) is at 0.827 Hz or 2.472 orders of the carrier. The 2.472 orders is the ratio of the number of teeth (89) on the ring gear to the number of teeth (36) on the planetary gear. Therefore, the most probable source for the increased activity seen in PeakVue is an area on the planetary gear is not property meshing with the ring gear. This “fault” was near 16 absent in data recorded on February 2, 2003 suggesting the defective spot was “smoothed” out over time. 3.44 Missing Cage on Steering Roll. On July 14, 2005, PeakVue data was acquired from two identical steering rolls (seldom monitored) turning at 48 RPM on both ends. Three of the four measurement points had peak g-levels less than 0.05 g’s. One measurement point had a peak g- level of 1.23 g’s. The PeakVue data for this high g-level reading are presented in Figure 23 (the frequency scale has been expanded from original data of 100 Hz band pass). The most periodic data in Figure 23 appears to be IX with harmonics. The correlation data (computed from the time waveform in Figure 23) are presented in Figure 24. In Figure 24, the dominant activity is the 0.5X activity (not the 1 x). The data presented in Figure 23 are presented again in Figure 25 with the cursor set at 0.5 x where the many harmonies of 0.5 x are evident. This signature is an indication of looseness. The fault was the cage was “ jssing” in the bearing. wor -ca0x nok _ #1 vacerent faces T _ Routine Spectrum 3 Biocon sans 2 om! | ewes a0) ; i at i ; [noes Bova) i | RPM = 20.( 38 Hz) = oot | 7 a \ i i \ K Oe ene peek regueneyb nts cap Routine Waveform : Eras gous Pavwcte 200) fog maa s Paice Eon GRESTF= 265 to coral 8 oso = os ° l rr n00 eae ace eee Figure 18. Baseline PeakVue data from a measurement point over the input carrier to the planetary section of a planetary/spur gear box turning at 20 RPM on October 23, 2002. 17 wor -caox BOK PZ Measurement PA Routine ACorr( Wh) Oct? 13:16:58 (Piven 2000 #2) RMS = 1256 toao \ j \ \ h | \ m \. N Hdl a Coreation Factor ° 4 8 2 6 Time in Seconds Figure 19. Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from the time waveform in Figure 18. wor -080x 80x "SP2A Measurement P2A Routine Spectrum 0g SoDecda Haass oo (Pres 2000 2) muse 77 a | | foo 1000 semcz0 (3) 0 i / ool | ek RMS Acceleration in G-s iu) Wu h 0 ‘ 8 2 6 Frequoncy in Orders Routine Waveform 30-D0e-02 12:46:34 (Pxvue-HP 2000 #2) RMS= 2261, Acceleration in G-s rar 1.010 . 0 0 09 © 5 8 mM Bw fer Ine Time in Seconds ‘Spec 046590, Figure 20. PeakVue data from same measurement point as Figure 19 data but on December 30, 2002 (turing at 20 RPM). 18 wor -@Box GBOX_-P2A Measurement PLZA TTT Routine ACorr{W") ry ce Aco, || eb onrsedra (Prvuest 2000 Hy Hl ae | PK(+) = 8097 : moray : i \| ee, 2 ol MT | LA | f A hh 3 I" i A APP a | 1.0 al i Secret sear eg ee ae Figure 21. Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from time waveform in Figure 20, Routine ACor() ‘0-Dee-02 12:46:4 ‘PxvuesHP 20002) fs = 1778 LOAD = 1000 RPM = 20. (33 He) (y= se PKU) = 2615 (REST 476 correlation Factor 08 ° 4 2 al 4 5 6 Revolution Number Amol 118 um: 08 Free: 827 Figure 22. Autocorrelation coefficient data of Figure 21 with time scale expanded. 19 ETLS -#2 Analysis Machine 2AM V0 O/B VERTICAL ROLL BEARING -PkVu pore. [Analyze Spectrum ors, “4-JuL08 06:28:23 (avue- HP 00H) oor 0.009 0.006. = hd | Wid il will jit ° . 2 a Frequency in He RMS Accaleration in Gs ‘Analyze Waveform -Ju-05 08:28:25, ° ‘ 8 2 16 Grae ib00 ‘Time in Seconds Spec: 01008 Figure 23. PeakVue data from measurement point on steering roll turning at 48 RPM showing a relatively high g-level LX and harmonics highlighted with cursor. TLS -#2 Analysis Machine 2AM _-Vob OF8 VERTICAL ROLL BEARING - PAu 10 ‘Analyze ACorr(Wf) ] ahs sole | avert mona beoniae hey 0k rf ris «390 Tose os earead (9 ce) = ast i n()= 0 4 cea boo : os 40 f L an ° 1 2 . 4 5 6 a 8 ee a Tine n Seconds ery Freq: “ine Figure 24, Autocorrelation coefficient data computed from time waveform in Figure 23. ETLI- #2 Anahysis Machine 28M__-VoB” OB VERTICAL ROLL BEARING. Analyze Spectrum “06 06:29:29 (Pvue- He 500 He) ams = 2874 LoaD= 1000 Pate (70 Ha) IS Acceleration in Gt ca lbs. Lutter Lidia daft ‘Acceleration Ore “o02 Spec: 00349 Figure 25. Same PeakVue data as in Figure 23 with the 0.5X and harmonics highlighted with cursor. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS ‘The general procedure in carrying out vibration analysis on rotating equipment in the industrial market place when an accelerometer is used to acquire the vibration data are: 1. Choose an analysis bandwidth which adequately covers the probable fault frequencies which could be present. 2. Collect a bandwidth limited (bandwidth chosen to avoid aliasing) digital time data block. 3. Compute the spectral data corresponding to the time data block. 4, Analyze the spectral data for the presence of possible fault frequencies. If present, identify the fault and assess the severity of the fault, In addition to the spectral data function computed from the time data block, a second function which can be computed from the same time data block is the Autocorrelation Coefficient data block. This function has been introduced in this paper and applied to several case studies, It has been concluded that this funetion has a few definite advantages over the spectral data for assistance to the diagnostic process. The definite advantages are: 21 1. The Autocorrelation Coefficient data are very beneficial for identifying periodic events occurring at a low periodic rate, 2. The Autocorrelation Coefficient readily separates periodie from random oceurrences. 3. ‘The Autocorrelation Coefficient data has strengths in identifying the fundamental frequency in situations where the spectral data has difficulties due to large harmonic activity present. 4. Various bearing faults have “patterns” in the autocorrelation data which are easily recognized. his provides significant assistance in fault identification in those situations where the fundamental fault may be very close to a harmonic of the turning speed. The Autocorrelation Coefficient data provides the analyst a second tool (relative to spectral data being the first) for assistance in diagnostics of many faults. It is not a replacement to the generally used spectral analysis data. 1. 5.0 REFERENCES James C. Robinson, “Detection and Severity Assessment of Faults in Gear Boxes from Stress Wave Capture and Analysis,” Available at, click on “technology.” click on vibration, click “search” and type in “PeakVue.” Julius . Bendat and Allan G. Piersol, Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, Wiley-Interscience, 1971.

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