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Majed Al-Owais

Professor R.Andrew Brown
UWRT 1102

What is your personal kind of privilege?

Personally, I totally believe that each person has at least one privilege. Each

person has something that always works to his or her benefit. On the other hand,
each individual has at least one negativity on his or her journey in life, that annoying
disadvantages that keep on popping.
I know that I have multiple privileges. Some I did not notice and did not pay
attention to them at all, until I started writing this. I was born in a supporting caring,
and loving family. We are so connected to each other. They have always been there
for me, in every bad turn and whenever bad luck strikes. Also, now I consider being a
bilingual, I am fluent in Arabic and English. Furthermore I was given the opportunity
to study abroad, on my countrys scholarship.
However, there is that annoying disadvantages which always against me.
Luck. I have always been bad friend with luck. My luck always betrays me, and
makes me in the wrong place on the wrong time. Another negative is that I live in a
country where many people are so close-minded. Even a mall change, good change,
may annoy them and consider the person who seeks the change a freak.

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