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Majed Alowais

Wild Card: Academic

Andrew Brown
05- 06-2016
Being a part of an educated family will make your life a bit of challenging, either to work
hard and be better than them or be as you and be less then them. However, I made a new
path to my life, which is to be the first one of them who studies abroad. I already have a
diploma degree in electrical engineering so I knew what I am going to be majoring in at
UNCC. The sophomore courses were familiar to me since I studied them in Saudi Arabia.
However, junior courses are challenging and the one of the courses requirement to pass is
to design a light switch remote control.

Each group was 3-4 members, my group was the smartest group in the class, first few
weeks I was think that I dont belong to this group because I was seeing my self stupid
with them. However, I challenged my self to be part of each step to make this project to
be done. So, I started watching videos and know each electrical component function. The
final meeting in building the project was coming and I prepared my self with notes and
samples of electrical circuits so we connect each component as needed. When we met I
explained my sample and it will be operated, I got shocked when they really liked my
idea and started to design it. Since then I knew that I can be what I want even if I was
against smart people.

The final test was to present the project to the class and the instructor, So we presented
the project and we tested front all the class and they actually liked it. I was so proud of
my self of what I have did.

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