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1English 1103, Critical Review Reflection

Majed Alowais

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. Did you feel that the six questions, used as a lead-in, were helpful to starting your own composition? Why so/Why not?
Yeah, It gives a push to start writing and to know exactly what to focus on to write a good paper.
2. Influence me as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you most want weighed in your favor as I grade
your overall project? Why?
Honestly I dont know, but it would be nice of you look over the content not for simple mistakes such as, spelling, grammar
and forms.
3. Influence me further as to what to focus least upon during grading: what do you want weighed least against you as I
grade your project? Why?
As I have mentioned in the pervious question, Grammar and spelling and word forms are not a big deal.

4. Was the peer review beneficial to you? How so?

Yeah, it guided me what read for and it gave me a start to read deeply for the needed points.
5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
I have what I have been asked, hopefully. However, I am not a self-judge. I like to let others have the opportunity to judge
me. Each student would say a deserve an A. But, I would say whatever was my grade, I am thankful.

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