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Majed Alowais

Final Reflection
Andrew Brown
UWRT 1102
Being far a way from your country and your family is a scary
idea, however; for a great future people might sacrifices a lot of
important things. I have been here for 4 years. And my life has
changed in a good way, every single day I spend here is a lesson for
me and I learn a lot from it.

Being a student in UWRT 1102 taught me a lot, life lessons and

education lessons. One of the lessons that I gained not only from the
class also from my teacher is no one can judge you except you self. I
believe the instructor-teaching path is what makes his class
outstanding. Also, I believe that he has a good taste of picking the
assignments and projects. What can I say; this class was one of the
reasons that changed my thoughts in different things. The last lecture
taught me how life is too short and start from this point to do the
things that you ever wanted. Coraline was emotionally touchable, and
how sometimes we dont understand how parents really loves us and
we always think that they only love themselves.

To sum up, I wish this class will never end, but this is life force us to move on. I hope
who ever take this class to learn and gain the knowledge as much as they
can. My thinking path has changed and improved in a good way thanks
to the projects and videos that I watched for this class.

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