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Art Gallery of Western Australia - Education

Responding to ARTWORKS
Student name:
Artists name:
Date (birth/death)
When it was made:
What materials have been used:
1. List what you can see in the artwork (people, buildings, animals, shapes)

2. What techniques have been use to make the artwork

3. Where does your view enter the artwork? Describe the pathway leading
your eye around the artwork.

4. Artists create depth in a painting. What devices has the artist used to do

5. What is the focal point in the artwork? Why is your attention drawn to it?

6. Why does the artist use repetition of shapes, lines, colours and textures?

7. How does the colour or the light make you feel about the artwork?

8. Do you think the artist imagined, observed or remembered? Why?

9. Responses to artworks can be very personal. What is your response to this


Draw a detail of the artwork

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