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28 April 2016

To the EEOC New Orleans

It has taken me a long time to find the courage to lodge this formal complaint a
gainst my supervisor, Mr. Emmanuel, but I can t take his abuse anymore. Mr. Emman
uel has been emotionally abusing and treating me unfairly for the past few mont

I have asked if I could speak with him and I told her that I do not like how he
has been talking to me, listing the words he has used. He said that he had no i
dea what I was talking about . I told him that maybe we should have a meeting wi
th our boss to try and clear this out but every time I try to talk to him about
this , he is busy or says it s pointless. Meanwhile, the comments have not stopped
, and when I point them out to him, he says he s joking. If I tell him I don t think i
t s funny, he just laughs it off and walks away.
His comments are not conducive to a healthy atmosphere in the workplace. If this
issue isn t resolved, I don t think I can continue working here, even though I love
the company, and love working for the company.
I would like to have a mediated meeting with someone, addressing all of the issu
es I have addressed in this letter. I think he may deny his actions, but some pe
ople who are prepared to come forward and testify as witnesses.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Johanna Pipkins

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