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Minutes for Celebrating Cromford

meeting held at The Boat;

Tuesday 10th May, 2016
7.30 pm.

Apologies: Ian and Sylvia Evetts, Isabelle Chatfield, Russ Boyack, Clarice
Present: Marie, Paul, Dave Mitchell, John Pass, John Haines, Nigel, Richard Ash, Stewart, Lorraine,
Rosie, Rachel & Tony Walker, Ted, Malcolm.
1. 200 club renewals- pay up!
John handed out lists of the people who need to be asked to renew to Nigel and Marie.
2. Marquee- new one has been delivered. Next hired out on??? Help needed please.
Next needed, Peak Village, Rowsley, 25th May, evening about 6pm? Ian to send message to the
volunteers. Take down 31st May.
3. Programme- thanks to all for selling ads and writing articles. Thanks to Ted for compiling it all!
What needs doing now? Delivery?
Ted passed round a mock-up/draft need Ian Evetts to put the date on the logo. 99.9% done, but
theres some spare space about a page. So ideas? We could put a garden show advert in. Marie
will give Ted the details of the printer and Ted will deal with the printer.
Delivery as soon as they are ready and with the village magazine if possible.
4. Weekend schedule- double check all events and timings for programme; sort out any issues
Yes, did all that during the meeting.
5. Bunting- buy more good quality stuff? When are we putting it up?
Yes, lets have some more bunting. Ian to message the helpers to see who is prepared to go up
high and see when they can make it about a week before. Also John Pass and Tony Walker will
do it. Marie will email suggested dates.
Banners Marie to speak to Ian as he has them.
6. Prom clean up- when? Can we also do around Allen Cave, Bear-pit and the Old-Lock up?
Tuesday night before (14th).
Marquee put up Thursday 16th June, 6pm.
7. Stall rota for Saturday
Volunteers volunteered and Marie made a note and will make a rota.
8. OG/ pallets- update from Isabelle
An update from Isabelle via email was read out by Dave Mitchel. It all seems to be in hand and
going well.
Re: voting slips. It was decided that we would not co-ordinate these with the programme. They will
be distributed around post-office, Clems, and maybe in Tupperware boxes at the pallets.
9. Poster for CC- attach to the minutes so people can print out and display.

Next CC Meeting: Tuesday 24th May, 7:30pm at The Greyhound

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