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Shot Number







Description of whats being filmed

Zooms out to show the boy sat all alone in a small room with books all
around him. Location: Room 308 day time. Camera angle: Mid shot
The bullies enter room 308 where the boy is revising. The bullies throw his
things on the floor. This is at 12:00pm on Friday. Camera angle: Mid shot
Camera 360 degree pan around the main character sat at the table alone
with school books. Location: year 11 canteen. Camera angle: Wide shot
Shot shows the young boy walking up towards the Trinity Academy fields.
The bullies can be seen in the distance. Location Trinity Academy fields Day
time. Camera angle: Wide shot
Bullies begin top shout abuse at the young boy tries to ignore the abuse.
The bullies approach the young boy. Location: Trinity Academy fields.
Camera angle: Mid shot
This shot shows the bullies pushing the boy onto the floor. The young boy
gets up and runs up the hill. Location: trinity academy fields. Daytime.
Camera angle: Mid shot
Shot shows the young boy getting on his moped, the shot shows him
starting the bike and leaving the car park. Camera angle: Close-up shot
Shot shows the moped riding past the camera leaving the Trinity Academy
Halifax car park. Daytime.
Shows the boy waking up in bed next to the phone. This is in his bedroom at
home. Night time. Camera angle: Extreme close-up shot
The shot shows the phone on the bed side table, the camera zooms in to
the phone on the phone. Location: bedroom night time. Camera angle: Mid
shot zoom to close up.
The shot shows the insults that have been sent to the young boy. Location:
bedroom night time. Camera angle: Mid shot
The shot shows the young boy scrolling through his phone looking at all of
the insults. The viewer can see his rising anger. Location: bedroom night
time. Camera angle: Close up shot
The shot shows the young boy throwing his phone at the wall. Location:
bedroom, Night time. Camera angle: Wide shot
Shows the boy walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. Location: house
hallway Morning Camera angle: Mid shot
Shows the boy walking in to the kitchen. Morning Camera angle: Mid shot
The shot shows a POV of the young boy getting a knife out of the kitchen
draw. Location: kitchen. Time of day: morning. Camera angle: POV shot
Shows the young boy leaving the kitchen. Location: kitchen. Time of day:
morning. Camera angle: Mid shot
Shows the young boy looking angry in his fashionable clothing looks angry.
Location: kitchen. Time of day: morning. Camera angle: Mid shot to close
Shows the young boy drop a knife out of his sleeve ready to attack the
extras that can be seen in the background. Location: Trinity Academy
Halifax main entrance. Time of day: morning. Camera angle: Wide shot
Vengeance logo to show the name of the film.

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