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Wood 1

John Hayden Wood

Mrs. Pritchard
English II
19 November 2015
Shamefest: Laziness
The door to the house opened slowly, a figure stumbling out of it, hair a mess and
shoes in hand, still trying to tuck in his school shirt. The boy walked to his car where he
found empty PowerAde bottles and half a dozen sweatshirts in the back seat, indicating
that he is somewhat of a slob, but that is not the case, his carelessness to pick up after
himself plagues him. The homework, which he had been too lazy do when he got home,
kept him up until midnight, leaving him exhausted to this point, which happens every
night, also plaguing him with this terrible habit. His actions portray that of a lazy slob,
however it is not only his actions that seem to depict his lazy nature. He depicts apathy in
his daily life, causing him to feel emotionless and have the desire to do absolutely
nothing during his waking hours. He sins constantly, infracting the cardinal sin of sloth
causing God to look down at him and disapprove of his current condition.
His room is a complete mess, consisting of dirty clothes and socks from the day
before on the floor, making him feel "imprisoned" in the presence of the reminders of his
lazy character. His room is a constant indication of his laziness, from the clothes on the
floor to the consistently unmade bed. The boy has been lazy his whole life and hasn't
done anything to change that, leaving many things unfinished, including homework
assignments and various other types of schoolwork.

Wood 2
On his untucked school shirt lays the letter "L", which his parents made him wear
as a punishment for not doing his chores. They made him make it himself, so being the
lazy person that he is, he made it out of stapled manila folder. He wore the poorly crafted
letter on his chest for several weeks, which started to become distasteful by the second
day. His parents thought that it had been long enough for him to keep the letter on, so
they agreed to let him take it off. However, being plagued by the sin of laziness, he did
not have it in him to do so.

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