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Martin Luther The Man and his Mission!

In this assignment you are to research Martin Luther, the man and
his times.
Acceptable formats for presentation include: Power Point presentation
Keynote presentation
ComicLife presentation
Poster presentation (must be bigger than A3 size)
Write a collection of Martin Luther poems (5+)
Produce a series of short newspaper articles related to Martin
Luther (5+)
Create a Martin Luther / Reformation board game
Imagine that you are to interview Martin Luther. Write a script
incorporating the seven key questions. You must also include
Luthers responses to the seven key questions.
Creation of a Wanted Poster and written police report as to
why you are going to arrest him.
Please note that whichever form of presentation you choose,
(and must be approved by your teacher if not on the list above)
the seven key questions and their associated responses must be
included in your presentation. Remember to also include

1: Who was Martin Luther? (basic biography, birth, death, major

achievements and a picture of the man)
2: When did this all happen? (Give dates be as specific as you can)
3: Where did all of this happen? (find a map and explain the major
places and their significance)
4: What were Luthers greatest achievements? (give a detailed
explanation of what happened: 100-200 words)
5: Why did Martin Luther do what he did? (this requires some major
6: How did Martin Luther change the Catholic Church and challenge
the existing practices of the Church?
7: In your opinion were Luthers words and actions a good or bad
thing for the Catholic Church? Explain your reasons.

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