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Topic #1: UNICEF1

Thank you Honorable Chair. In Myanmar rape is a problem.

This is because minors are more vulnerable than adults.
Myanmars current population is 54 million, 50% are women and
40% are children. There is a lot rape cases in Myanmar, so this
occurs often. A policeman from Myanmar said when a minor gets
raped they do not defend themselves and often dont report. In
2008 the UNV (United Nations Volunteers) worked with Myanmar
by focusing on youth by building peace and collaborating with
other UN agencies.They have been working hard in order to better
integrate youth and increase volunteerism through public advocacy
and awareness raising. President Barack Obama has suggested that
Burma needs to include all people to successfully develop its
economy. The Obama administration sends mixed messages,
appealing cordially with Burmese military leaders even in the
immediate aftermath of violent attacks on Rohingya towns in 2013.

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