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Unit 1|Statements, Questions, & Imperatives

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about sentence types: statements (positives & negatives), questions, imperatives
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Kaboom!: Type a list of sentences using the four sentence forms: interrogative, imperative, exclamatory and declarative.
Cut apart the sentences so that each one is on a separate slip of paper. Then fold all the papers and mix them in a basket.
Divide the class into two teams and, one at a time, have each student close his or her eyes and draw a slip of paper. The
student should read the sentence out loud, then identify what type of sentence it is. If he or she is correct, that team gets
one point. If the student is incorrect, say "Kaboom!" His team will then lose all its points and start again from zero. You
can also play another variation of this game by having a student draw the name of a type of sentence from the basket and
then create a sentence of that type. For example, if a student draws the word "declarative," that student would have to say
or write on the board a declarative sentence, such as "The cow jumped over the moon."

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
E) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
F) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Other Sentence Games: Play the command game. Have students take turns writing a command sentence on the board,
being sure to use correct punctuation, capitalization and spelling. If it is correct, the other students then have to do what
the command says. Continue until everyone has had a turn. Another option is to pair up students and have them conduct
interviews with each other and transcribe them into their notebooks. Beforehand, review the traditional words that are
used for questions: "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," "how" and "do."

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 1

Circle all the capital letters and end marks.

A Circle the capital letters and periods.

1. He is scared.
2. These are ballpoint pens.
3. It is noisy.
4. Some balloons are red.
5. They are flying kites.
6. There are some muffins in the basket.

C. Make negative sentences.

1. Mice are not big animals.

2. I am not from Canada.
3. He doesnt like chocolate cake.

F Read the sentences and make them imperatives.

1. Walk to school, Jim.
2. Dont fly fast, birds.
3. Dont be angry, Sally.
4. Dont move around, Gale.

A. Identify the sentences.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 1
4. 3,1
5. 3, 1
6. 2, 4
7. 4, 1
8. 4, 1

B. 1. hospital.
2. She
3. not.
4. sick.
5. is

Positive: I am tired. He likes me.
Negatives :Im not tired. He doesnt like me.
Questions: Are you tired? Does he like you?
Imperatives: Be careful, Dont move.


Lesson 1
3. We take a bus to school.
4. He is not an English teacher.
2. Are they tired?
1. Stand up.

A.1. I am not a doctor.

2. Vince doesnt have any cups.
3. The birds dont fly fast.
4. Children dont move around.
5. Jake and Sue are not students.

B.1. Is she quiet?
2. Do you walk to school?
3. Does Mike come home early?
4. Are Jenny and Tracy friends?

C.1. Dont walk.

2. Be quiet.
3. Sit down.
4. Wash your hands.
5. Dont run in the classroom.

D.1. Theyre not from Canada.

2. Is Annie nice ?
3. Mice are big.
4. Their baby isnt happy.
5. Is he scared ?

Unit 2|He is Strong.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the verb be: positive & negative.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
"To Be" Negation Activities: "To be" negation can be tricky for students, especially when it comes to contractions -- why
doesn't "am not" contract to "amn't," and how does "will not be" contract to "won't"? Explain the various forms of
negative contractions for "to be" verbs, then practice by creating teams of two in your class--or practice with just you and
your student in a one-on-one setting. Take turns making positive statements: "This book is mine," "I am a student," "They
are taxi drivers." Play the contradiction game by having the other member of the team fire back with the negative form of
the statement.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Simple Positive to Negative: The simplest activity for teaching negative sentences is to assign students a list of positive
sentences to be turned into negative sentences. The younger or more inexperienced in English the student, the less
complicated the sentence should be. Begin with simple present statements: "I watch TV" negates to "I do not watch TV."
Contractions can be taught simultaneously or at a later date. Include a variety of subjects and tenses so students gain
experience with past, present, and future negation -- have them negate variations on the same sentences to see the different
forms. Try "I clean my room," "I cleaned my room," "I will clean my room," "She cleans her room," and so on.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 2
Circle the subjects and the verbs.
I, am
He, is
She, is
The elephant, is
We, are
They, are

A Circle the correct words.
1. am
2. are
3. is
4. is
5. are
6. are
7. is
8. is

B. Circle the correct words.

1. am not
2. isnt
3. isnt

4. not
5. isnt

A. 1. isnt
2. isnt
3. arent
4. am
5. arent
6. arent
7. isnt
8. isnt

1. He isnt ugly.
2. She isnt mean.
3. They arent students.
4. Im not weak.
5. My dog isnt small.
6. You arent bad.
7. Kelly isnt boring.
8. We arent sad.

C. is, is, isnt, Shes, those, They arent(They are not)


1. He is nice. He isnt mean.

2. The movie is interesting. It isnt boring.
3. My grandfather is old. He isnt young.
4. The rabbit is slow. It isnt fast.
5. The weather is hot. It isnt cold.
6. It is winter. It isnt spring.

Im not short.
You arent heavy.
She isnt young.
They arent ugly.


Lesson 2










He isnt




She isnt




It isnt




We arent




They arent

A.1. isnt
2. arent
3. is
4. are
5. Im
6. arent

B.1. Im not short.
2. The weather isnt hot.
3. They arent mean.
4. The movie isnt boring.
5. She isnt pretty.

6. The rabbit isnt fast.

C.1. I am, Im not

2. It is, It isnt
3. He is, He isnt
4. It is, It isnt

D.1. Jessica is a student.

2. We arent hungry.
3. My grandfather isnt weak.
4. They arent nice.
5. Im not sleepy and tired.

Unit 3|Are You a Police Officer?

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the verb be: Yes/No questions.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
No Yes No Game: In pairs, students ask yes/no questions, but they are not allowed to answer with yes or no. For example:
'Are you from this city?' 'I'm from this city.' 'Do you come here often?' 'I sometimes come here.' A very simple game, but
it can also be amusing to play.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Sentence Auctions: This grammar activity is slightly more advanced. Divide your class into groups and tell them what
auctions are and how they work. Then allot each group a certain amount of "money" or points and tell them that they want
to bid only on correct sentences. You then auction off sentences, both correct and incorrect ones. Whichever group ends
up with the most correct sentences wins.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 3

1. Are you
2. Is he
3. Is it
4. Isshe
5. Are they
6. Are you
picture: 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 4

B. 1. Ye, he, is
2. No, she, isnt
3. No, they, arent

A. Change the sentences into questions.

1. Is he a teacher?
2. Is she a volleyball player?
3. Am I a cook?
4. Is your father is an engineer?
5. Is his mother a soldier?
6. Are we good friends?
7. Are they funny?
8. Is it a ladybug?

B. Answer the questions.

1. Yes, he is.
2. No, he isnt.
3. No, he isnt.
4. Yes, I am.

C. Correct the underlined words.

1. Are, am
2. Are, they
3. is, isnt
4. he, is

A. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer the questions.
Q: Is he a nurse?
A: Yes, he is.
Q: Is he a teacher?

A: No, he isnt.
Q: Is she a soldier?
A: Yes, she is .
Q: Are they tennis players?
A: No, they arent.
Q: Is he a police officer?
A: Yes, he is .
Q: Are they doctors?
A: No, they arent.

Make questions and answer them.
. Q: Am I a student? A: Yes, you are.
. Q: Are you a nurse? A: No, Im not .
. Q: Is he a vet?

A: Yes, he is.

. Q: Are we friends? A: No, you/we arent.


Lesson 3

you are

you arent


I am

Im not


he is

he isnt


they are

they arent


it is

it isnt


you are

you arent

A.1. Are, Is he a singer?

2. Is, Are you students?
3. am, Yes, she is.
4. are, No, they arent
5. arent, Yes, they are.
6. isnt, Yes, it is.

B.1. Is he
2. No, Im not.
3. Are they, they arent
4. A: No, they arent.

C.1. Is your mom a chairperson?

2. Are they taxi drivers?

3. Is it a mouse?
4. Yes, you are


Unit 4|Those Are Puppies.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about singular nouns & plural nouns.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Around the World: Flash card games help students with words. Write the singular and plural forms of several nouns on
the front and back of flash cards. If your class has been reviewing specific vocabulary, use these words; otherwise, choose
words of appropriate difficulty. Have your students sit in a circle. Choose one student to stand up behind the student to her
left. Show the two students the "singular" side of the first flash card. The first person to give the correct plural form of this
word moves on to the next student. The student who moves the most spots wins. The object of the game is to make it
"around the world" back to one's original seat. You can also show students the plural and ask for the singular form.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Relay Races: Relay races require both teamwork and grammatical understanding. Put students on teams of three to five,
and give the first student from each team a "baton," which could be anything, such as a book or a pencil. At the other end
of the room, set up a station with a puzzle or an exercise for each player to solve. This could be on a computer or on paper,
and it could involve matching, word scrambles, translating from singular to plural, or finding all the singular or plural
nouns in a paragraph. To play, one student runs to the station, solves the first puzzle and races back, handing off the baton
to the next player, who solves the next puzzle. The first team to solve all the puzzles correctly wins.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 4
Circle the correct one.
a glove,
a bookcase,
a chair

Make questions and answer them.
1. a mouse
2. cats
3. a bus
4. geese
5. tomatoes
6. puppies
7. a sheep
8. a child

B. 1. That is
2. Those are
3. These are


A. Write the correct plural forms.

1. These are cats.
2. These are igloos.
3. These are boxes.
4. Are these tomatoes ?
5. Are those puppies ?
6. Are those geese ?
7. Are those sheep ?
8. Those arent feet.
9. These arent dishes.
10. These arent mice.

B. Change the sentences into singular forms.

1. This is an apple.
2. That is a strawberry.
3. This is a sheep.
4. That is a bus.
5. That is a fish.

1. teeth
2. women
3. peaches
4. Are those
5. These are

A.a man,

I go to the circus. This is a man.
He is spinning dishes .
These are kittens in the box .
On the table, I can see mice and balls .

B. Those are cups.

These are flowers.
These are fish.

Rewrite the sentences using the plural forms.

These are cats.

These are eggs.
These are igloos.
These are boxes.
Those are buses.
Those are tomatoes.

Those are peaches.

Those are puppies.
These arent geese.
These arent teeth.
These arent feet.
These arent women.
Those arent mice.
They arent children.
Those arent sheep.
Those arent fish.
















A. 1. These are, These are boxes.

2. a goose, That is a goose.
3. babies, Those are babies.
4. This is, This is a fish.
5. Those are, Those are igloos.
6. mice, These are mice.

B. 1. are teeth
2. are umbrellas
3. is a dish
4. isnt a flower
5. arent balls
6. arent strawberries

7. isnt a goose

C.1. These are buses.

2. Those are tomatoes.
3. This is a child.
4. Those are women.
5. That is an egg.
6. These are boxes.

D.1. Are these, cherries

2. Are these, sunflowers
3. Are those, tomatoes
4. Are those, sheep

Unit 5|I Have Some Juice.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about count nouns & noncount nouns.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Wally's World: The teacher writes some phrases on the blackboard. "In Wally's World, there is --" and a blank. Next, "In
Wally's World, there is no --" and a blank. She then writes the same thing, replacing "is" with "are." She then has students
quickly read the sentences, adding their own nouns. This will teach the students which nouns are count nouns and which
are non-count nouns. For example, if the student says, "In Wally's World, there is a cat," then says, "In Wally's World,
there are a cat," the teacher would correct the student, saying, "In Wally's World, there are cats." The teacher explains that
this is a count noun.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Shopping List Game: This game gets students to get used to using count and non-count nouns correctly. The students and
the teacher get in a circle. The teacher begins with, "I'm going to the store to buy some --" and says an item. Then she says,
"What did you buy at the store?" to the student to her right. The student then says the same sentence, but changes the noun.
The teacher corrects the student if he makes a mistake. For example, if he says, "I'm going to the store to buy some apple,"
the teacher would explain that apple, in this instance, is a count noun and correct him to say, "some apples." The exercise
is continued around the circle.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 5
Count the number and check() if you can count the items.
1 orange

2 sandwich

3 hamburger

x juice

x bread

x meat

1. juice
2. cheese
3. water
4. milk
5. money
6. bread

1. an
2. a
3. three
4. some
5. some

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms.
1. I have some apples.
2. He has some water .
3. There are some boxes .
4. She has some watermelon.
5. They have some cheese .
6. You have some meat.
7. Mia and Jim have some plums .
8. Derek has some sandwiches .
9. Susan has some sugar .

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. ham sandwich
2. some bread
3. some juice
4. some ham
5. some butter
6. some flour

C. Fill in the blanks with a, an, or some.

A green monster is cooking. It has a carrot, some potatoes, and some meat. It has some cheese, some butter, and some
bread. Thats right. It is making delicious soup.

1. two hamburgers
2. some sandwiches

3. some juice
4. some potato chips
5. hamburgers, sandwiches, juice, potato chips

Count nouns potato, sandwich, onion
Noncount nouns water, milk, cheese, bread, juice



A.1. a fork
2. a puppy
3. some onions
4. a box
5. some water
6. some milk

B.1. some mushrooms
2. some money
3. some fruit
4. some apples
5. some butter
6. some cola

C.1. a watermelon

2. some juice
3. some potato chips
4. potatoes
5. an orange/some oranges

D.1. some pizza.

2. some notebooks
3. a sandwich
4. some juice
5. some chocolate

Unit 6|The Apple Is Green.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about articles (a/an, the).
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Disappearing Text: Put a text on the board including examples of the meanings of articles that you have presented or are
going to present, and have one student or team of students read it out loud. They then choose one word and that is covered
or erased. The next person or team must then read out the whole text, including the words that have disappeared. They
then choose the next word to disappear. This continues round the class until the whole text has disappeared or they give
up. The same game can also be played in groups by having a grid that covers one A4 page with one word of the text in
each box. The students then cover a word with a small scrap of paper after they have read out the text, continuing until the
whole text (and therefore the whole grid) is covered with scraps of paper. As an extension that involves production, they
can then go onto write similar sentences with lots of articles on a blank grid to challenge other students with.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice

This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Listening for Mistakes: Make up a story on the spot (or read something you have at hand). Tell students that they will hear
a few grammatical errors during the story. Ask them to raise their hand when they hear an error made and correct the
errors. Intentionally introduce errors into the story, but read the story as if the errors were perfectly correct.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 6
Circle what they want.
Kangaroo: the balls
Zebra: the glove
Elephant: the juice

1. an
2. a
3. a
4. some
5. the
6. the
7. the
8. the

1. A, The, the A kangaroo sees some balls. The kangaroo wants the balls.
2. An, The, theAn elephant sees some juice. The elephant wants the juice.
3. A, The, the A zebra sees a glove. The zebra wants the glove.

1. The ball is round.
2. The apple is red.

3. The peaches are sweet.

4. The water is cold.
5. The umbrella is big.

1. an, the
2. a, the
3. elephants, The
4. an, The
5. A, the
C. Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the to complete the dialog.
Emily: I have an orange, a pillow, an umbrella, and a violin in my room.
John: What color is the umbrella?
Emily: The umbrella is red.
John: Look! I see an ant in your room.
Emily: I see the ant, too. Its big!

A. Complete the sentences using the given words.
1. Its an apple. The apple is green.
2. Its a banana. The banana is yellow.
3. Its a watermelon. The watermelon is round.
4. Its a peach. The peach is pink.

Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the.

. This is a zebra.

. This is an elephant.
. I play the violin.

. I have a pineapple.
. I have an orange.
. I am in the kitchen.

. I have a book.
The book is fun.
. I have an umbrella.
The umbrella is grey.




The, a

The, an



A.1. The
2. The
3. an, The
4. The

B.1. the umbrella
2. a horse
3. The uniform
4. an eagle

C.1. The
2. a
3. The juice
4. a ball
5. a book

D.1. The watch is big.

2. The watermelon is sweet.

3. The mittens are blue.
4. The ball is small.
5. The water is hot.
6. The bread is soft.

Unit 7|I Dont Have Any Pumpkins.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about adjectives of quantity: some & any
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Where is it?: The students must close their eyes while something is hidden in the classroom. They then ask questions: "Is
it behind the desk?" etc.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Where are you?: The students imagine they are somewhere else. Other students have to guess where. "Are you riding an
elephant in India?" ... The location can be restricted to make the game easier. Another one of the many guessing games to
teach English is..

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 7
some rice-Dad
some salad -sister
some lemonade- Mom
some pie-Mom, Dad, me
some apples-sister

A. 1. some
2. some
3. some
4. any
5. any
6. any
7. some

B. 1. some, any
2. some, any
3. some, any
4. some, any

A. Make the sentences negative.
1. She doesnt have any rice.
2. I dont want any money.

3. We dont have any soda.

4. Samantha doesnt need any apple pie.
5. Gilbert doesnt have any potato chips.
6. Bob and Mary dont want any mangoes.
7. You dont need any steak.

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. any salad
2. any books
3. some pie
4. some flowers
5. any money
6. any spoons

C. Complete the sentences with some or any.

In the cave, a bear has lots of food.
He has some steak, but he doesnt have any turkey.
He has some pumpkin pie, but he doesnt have any spaghetti.
Does he have some lemonade?
Yes, he has some lemonade.

A. Write sentences about what they ha
1. Maggie:
Maggie has some turkey. She doesnt have any beef.
2. Jake has some pans. He doesnt have any spoons.
3. Todd has some milk. He doesnt have any water.
4. Melody has some cups. He doesnt have any bowls.

5. Susie and Tom have some bread. They dont have any butter.

. I have some rice .[ rice ] I dont have any rice.
. I have some salad. [ salad ] I dont have any salad.
. I have some pears. [ pear ] I dont have any pears.
. I have some juice .[ juice ] I dont have any juice.
. I have some apples. [ apple ] I dont have any apples.


some, apples

some, milk

some, pears

some, bread

some, plums

some, fruit

any, apples

any, milk

any, pears

any, bread

any, plums

any, fruit

A.1. some, any

2. some, any
3. some, any
4. some, any

B.1. some, a
2. some, any
3. some, any
4. some, any
5. an, any

C.1. My brother has some fruit.

2. We have some French fries.
3. Amy does not have any money.
4. You dont have any flour.

5. He has some soda.

D.1. She does not have any rice.

2. They have some turkey.
3. I dont have any pears.
4. Bonny has some spaghetti.
5. Ron doesnt have any books.
6. We have some flowers.
7. My dad doesnt have any mangoes.

Unit 8|There Are Two Banks Near the River.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about there + the verb be
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Tic Tac Toe Grammar: For this fun grammar activity, you can either draw a giant tic tac toe board on your blackboard or
make some in advance. In each square of the grid, you need to put a sentence with a blank where the verb must be. If your
students can fill in the blank with a verb of the proper tense, then they get an X. The trick with this game is that the
teacher must check the answers as the game goes on (which can be a problem when you have a large group of students
divided into pairs.) You can also use this tic tac toe method to practice other parts of grammar, as well. You can have your
students put the given sentence in past tense, finish a sentence correctly, etc.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Sentence partners: Give each of your students a word. Give some students subject nouns, others should get verbs, and
some should get adjectives (more advanced classes can have adverbs, prepositions, etc.) Then have your students go about
the classroom and find at least two other students that they can make a sentence with. When everyone has found a
sentence to be a part of, read the sentences to the class, and then do it all over again!

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 8
There is
There are
There is
There is
There are
There is

A. 1. There are
2. There is
3. There is
4. Are there
5. There arent
6. Is there

In my town, there is a school.
There isnt a bookstore.
There is a theater.
There are some banks.
There are some restaurants.
But, there arent any hospitals or zoos.


A. Write full sentences using is /are or is there /are there.

1. There is a bank on Pine Street.
2. There arent any restaurants.
3. Are there any schools around here?
4. Are there any theaters in the town ?
5. There are some banks here.
6. There is some ice in the glass.
7. There is some cheese on the plate.

1. Is
2. are
3. isnt
4. Are
5. arent
6. arent

C. Complete the sentences.

Nate: Isthere a library in this town?
Kelly: Yes ,thereis.
Nate: Arethere any banks?
Kelly: Yes, thereare two banks.
Nate: How about theaters? Are there any theaters?
Kelly: No ,there arent .

A. What is in Silver City? Write sentences using the given words.
1. school

Theres a school on Green Street.

2. bank
Theres a bank on Green Street.
3. restaurant
There are some restaurants on Park Avenue.
4. supermarket
There isn't any supermarket.
5. museum
There's a museum on King Street.

There is a bank.
(There is = Theres)
There isnt any water.
Is there a bank?
-Yes, there is.
-No, there isnt.
There are banks.
There arent any banks.
Are there any banks?
-Yes, there are.
-No, there arent.


1. is, isnt

1. Is, there isnt

2. are, arent

2. Are, there are, there arent

A.1. There, is
2. Are, there
3. There, arent
There, are
4. Is, there

B.1. There is a restaurant.
2. There are some schools.
3. Are there any museums?
4. No, there isnt.

C.1. arent
2. is
3. Are, arent
4. a school, is

D.1. There are hospitals.

2. There isnt a restaurant.
3. Is there a zoo ?

4. there are two post offices.

5. Is there a library ?

Unit 9|The Bicycle Is Mine.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about possessive adjectives & possessive pronouns.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Scavenger Hunt: Students can enjoy themselves while participating in a scavenger hunt while reviewing the grammar
rules for possessives. Make 10 or more labels that you will stick to the applicable objects around the room. Labels might
say, "This globe belongs to Ms. Appleton" or "This mural belongs to the students." Students must find all of the hidden
labels around the room and write down a statement in the possessive form corresponding to each label. For example, for
the examples stated above, students should write "Ms. Appleton's globe" and "The students' mural."

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students

are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Memory Game: Pairs or groups of students can play a memory matching game to review possessive pronouns. Half the
cards should have the person forms written on them, such as "I," "you," "he" and "we." The other half of the cards should
have the corresponding possessive pronouns, such as "mine," "yours," "his" and "ours." With all of the cards spread out on
a table face-down, the first player flips two cards over attempting to reveal a matching person-pronoun pair. Students
continue flipping two cards attempting to make a match, while remembering the position of the cards that were previously
flipped. The player to collect the most pairs wins. You can also make a similar memory card game to review possessive
adjectives, such as "my," "your" and "our."

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect
answers reinforce the subject at hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 9
Write the subject pronouns.
His bicycle,
Her cap,
His sunglasses,
Her camera

A. his, his
2. her, hers
3. your, yours
4.their, theirs
5. Sues, Suess
6. our, ours
7. my, mine
8. dogs, dogs, your, mine, hers

A. Change the sentences.
1. The computer is mine.
2. The cake is yours.
3. The sneakers are his.
4. The glasses are hers.

5. The clothes are ours.

6. The food is the dogs.
7. Are the pants Jakes?
8. Is the car theirs?

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. mine
2. his
3. theirs
4. Sams
5. our

C. Circle the correct words and write them in the blanks.

My name is Ali. This is my book. This is mine.
Liz is behind me. That is her picture dictionary. That is hers.
Tony is next to me. That is his camera.
That is his. James and Eddie have action figures. Those are their action figures. Those are theirs.

1.The pencil case is Sams.
It is his pencil case.
2.The backpack is Matts.
It is his backpack.
3.The ballpoint pen is Jennys.
It is her ballpoint pen.
4.The laptop is Dans.
It is his laptop.

5.The jacket is Mollys.

It is her jacket.
6. The notebook is Kates.
It is her notebook.

Complete the sentences.
. Its my ball. The ball is mine.
. Its your backpack. The backpack is yours.
. Its his ruler. The ruler is his.
. Its her eraser. The eraser is hers.
. It is our house. The house is ours.
. Theyre their cameras. The camera is theirs.



A.1. your
2. her, hers
3. their, theirs
4. his, his

B.1. my, mine
2. our, ours
3. their, theirs
4. his, his
5. her, hers

C.1. The pencil case is his.


2. The computers are yours.

3. The slippers are ours.
4. The action figure is mine.
5. The clothes are hers.

D.1. yours, mine

2. her, hers
3. their, theirs
4. our, ours

Unit 10|Whose Shirt Is This?

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about question words: whose.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
What does he/she want me to do?: One or more students whisper an instruction to another student. Other students in the
class must guess what they want the student to do by asking "Does Marta want you to dance and sing?" etc.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Sentence Auctions: This grammar activity is slightly more advanced. Divide your class into groups and tell them what
auctions are and how they work. Then allot each group a certain amount of "money" or points and tell them that they want
to bid only on correct sentences. You then auction off sentences, both correct and incorrect ones. Whichever group ends
up with the most correct sentences wins.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You may
have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as a
class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand
by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 10
Write who the items belong to.
1. Whose hat? Its the rabbits hat. Its hers.
2. Whose pants? Theyre his pants. Theyre his .
3. Whose jackets? Theyre their jackets. Theyre theirs .

A. 1. Whose, is, your
2. Whose, are, his
3. Whose, is, Teds
4. Whose, are, Mirandas
5. Whose, are, my
6. Whose, is, mine
7. Whose, are, hers
8. Whose, are, theirs

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Q: Whose jackets are those?
A: Theyre theirs. [ they ]
2. Q: Whose skirt is that?
A: Its hers. [ she ]
3. Q: Whose hat is that?
A: Its hers.[ she ]
4. Q: Whose pants are those?
A: Theyre his. [ he ]

A. Unscramble the words and complete the sentences.
1. Whose shirt is this?
2. Whose is it?
3. Whose jeans are these?
4. Whose are those T-shirts?

B. 1. Whose
2. mine
3. pants are
4. Whose
5. are these?

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Q:Whoseslipperis that?
A:Its Ericas.
2. Q: Whose shoeis that?
A: Its Junes.
3. Q: Whose high heels are those?
A:Theyre my mothers.
4. Q: Whose boots are those?
A: Theyre yours.
5. Q: Whose sneakers are those?
A: Theyre my fathers.

1. Q:Whose sweater is it? A:Its Jennys.

2. Q:Whose coat is it? A:Its Marthas.

3. Q: Whose dress is it? A:Its my moms.
4. Q:Whose T-shirt is it? A:Its my brothers.
5. Q:Whose overalls are they? A:Theyre Grandfathers. /Theyre my grandfathers.
6. Q: Whose jeans are they? A: Theyre Garys.

Fill in the blanks.

. I, shirt Q:Whose shirt is this? A:Its my shirt. Its mine.
. you, skirt Q:Whose skirt is that? A:Its your skirt. Its yours.
. he, overalls Q:Whose overalls are these? A:Theyre his overalls. Theyre his.
. she, coat Q:Whose coat is this? A: Its her coat. Its hers.
. we, jeans Q:Whose jeans are these? A:Theyre our jeans. Theyre ours.
. they, boots Q: Whose boots are those? A:Theyre their boots. Theyre theirs.


1. Q. Whose, is
A. mine
2. Q. Whose, are
A. his
3. Q. Whose, are
A. theirs

A.1. Q. Whose, these / A. Theyre

2. Q. Whose, that / A. Thats/Its
3. Q. Whose, are those / A. Theyre
4. Q. Whose, is this / A. Its
5. Q. Whose, are those /A. Theyre

B.1. is, that, yours
2. Whose, Theyre,
3. are these, his
4. Whose, Its

C.1. Whose shirt is that? / Its your shirt.

2. Whose sneakers are these? / Theyre Rons.
3. Whose vest is this? / Its his vest.
4. Whose boots are those? / Theyre mine.

D.1. Whose T-shirt is this?

2. Theyre our overalls.
3. Its your jumper.

Unit 11|Tom Is Taller Than James.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about adjectives & comparative adjectives.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Alphabetical Adjective Story: The teacher should begin with a simple story premise, such as "Once upon a time, there was
a man who wanted to travel all over the world. One day, he decided to fulfill his dream, and..." From there, the teacher
should call on a student and ask him to add a few more sentences to the story. However, the student must use only
adjectives beginning with "A." Once he has told his part of the story, the student should call on another classmate. The
next story contributor should use only adjectives beginning with "B." Allow the story to continue until the entire alphabet
has been covered. The student that has the letter "Z" must give the story an ending.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Golfing for Adjectives: Select an object and tell your students that they need to describe it using the most vivid, unusual
adjective that they can think of. Call on a student and ask him to give you an adjective. Have him call on another student
to replace the first adjective with one that means close to the same thing. If he cannot think of an equivalent adjective, he
can add a second adjective that means something different instead. The third student must come up with an adjective that
means the same as either the first or second adjective. If he cannot, he can add a third adjective. The goal is to go through
the whole class and end with only one adjective. The fewer the adjectives, the higher the class score. This is an excellent
activity for teaching adjectives and synonyms, and improving vocabulary.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 11
Fast(lion) faster(cheetah)
Strong(monkey) stronger(gorilla)

A. 1. tall, taller, than
2. slow, slower than
3. big, bigger than
4. heavy, heavier than
5. interesting, more interesting than

B. Make comparisons.
Today is sports day for the animals in the forest.
The cheetah isfaster than the lion. The gorilla isstronger than the monkey.
The giraffe istaller than the zebra.

1. faster than
2. more beautiful
3. older than
4. happier than
5. bigger than

1. Jacob is thinner than his younger brother.
2. The Hawaiian pizza is smaller than the cheese pizza.
3. New York is colder than Washington D.C..

C. Correct the underlined words.

more difficult

1. Mark is tall, but Jim is taller than Mark.
2. Kelly is thin, but Julie is thinner than Kelly .
3. Spider Man is interesting, but Batman is more interesting than Movie.
4. Ted runs fast, but Jason runs faster than Ted.

Make comparatives.
. small- smaller
. short- shorter
. fast- faster
. slow- slower
. thin- thinner
. fat- fatter
. big- bigger
. hot- hotter

. happy- happier
. heavy- heavier
. pretty- prettier
. funny- funnier
. interesting- more interesting
. beautiful- more beautiful








more beautiful

more interesting

A.1. is taller than

2. Is the girl stronger
3. isnt prettier than
4. Are your cousins younger
5. is colder than

B.1. taller than
2. bigger than
3. more interesting than
4. heavier than

C.1. more delicious

2. happier
3. hotter
4. older
5. heavier

D.1. Summer is hotter than spring.

Unit 12|They Listen to Music.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the simple present: positive.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Funny Pictures: Show your students a funny photograph or cartoon and ask them to describe what the person in the
picture is doing. For example, show students a picture of person wearing a gorilla suit and dancing in the street. Students
might answer, "He wears a gorilla suit and dances in the street," or "He acts like an ape and blocks traffic." Depending on
the pictures, students might come up with some surprisingly creative descriptions.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students

are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Charades: Play charades by having one student perform an action while the other students try to guess what that action
might be. Some examples are a student sitting in a chair and students guessing, "He sits," or a student miming eating, and
students guessing, "He eats." This activity can be performed with the entire class or in small groups. Bringing a box of
simple props into class and allowing the students to use them during their charades can add a bit of dramatic fun to the

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 12
Check(V) which sentences match the picture.

1. sleep
2. eats
3. plays
4. walk
5. rides
6. read
7. listen
8. takes
9. buy

B. 1. listens
2. play

3. cooks
4. reads

A. Change the sentences.

1. He plays basketball after school.

2. Sarah reads a newspaper .
3. She rides a/her bike every weekend .
4. Matthew sleeps in the living room. .
5. He drinks some orange juice .

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. sleeps
2. eat
3. listen
4. reads
5. plays

C. Complete the sentences. Change the verbs if necessary.

This is my cat. His name is Lexi. He eats fish.
He runs after a mouse.
He plays with yarn all day long.
He sometimes listens to music with me.
He usually takes a nap in the afternoon.


1. What does Tommy do? He eats pizza.

2. What does Jill do? She drinks juice .
3. What does Richard do? He plays the piano.
4. What does Celine do? She reads a book.
5. What does Hera do? She sings a song.
6. What does Matt do? He takes a nap.

like- likes take - takes
play- plays ride - rides
read- reads drink - drinks
run- runs listen - listens
eat- eats sleep - sleeps
cook- cooks make - makes












A.1. write
2. listens
3. walk
4. lives

B.1. drink
2. sleep
3. rides
4. read
5. eats
6. plays

C.1. Jimmy wants some cookies.

2. I ride a bike with Ann.
3. He lives in New York.

4. They drink hot chocolate.

5. We walk to school.
D. 1. read the newspaper.
2. cooks food.
3. plays the piano.
4. eat ice cream.

Unit 13|She Watches TV.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the simple present: spelling & irregular verbs.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Sentence Building: Write a verb on the board. Ask your students to come up with sentences that use that verb in the
present tense. For example, you could write "swim" on the board, and students could come up with sentences such as "The
fish swim in the sea" or "Jim swims every morning." This activity could be turned into a competitive game by challenging
students to come up with especially creative sentences, by basing the sentences on a story or article read in class, or by
having them focus on one theme.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students

are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Ask and Tell: Have the class sit in a circle. Ask each student to write down a question that can be answered in the present
simple tense, such as "What is the first thing you do each morning?" To begin the game, have a student flip a coin. If it
lands heads up, the student has to answer his own question. If it lands tails up, the student to the left of the student who
flipped the coin must answer the question. Continue around the circle until every student has had a chance to flip the coin
and either answer his own question or have another student answer it.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 13

1. watch- watches
2. brush -brushes
3. catch -catches
4. study -studies
5. fly -flies
6. do -does
7. dress up -dresses up
8. mix -mixes
9. wash -washes
10. cry -cries
11. have -has
12. go- goes

1. brushes

2. washes
3. goes
4. studies
5. does
6. has

A. Change the sentences.
1. James does his homework.
2. Brian flies a kite at the park .
3. She washes the dishes .
4. He has brunch .
5. Betty studies science with Peter .
6. Mark goes to the mall with Mom .

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. cry
2. has
3. takes
4. does
5. watch

C. Fill in the blanks.

Sandy gets up at 7 o clock every day.
She brushes her teeth and washes her face.
She goes to school at 8 o clock.
She studies English at school.
She does her homework after school.

She has dinner and watches TV at 7 o clock.

She sleeps around 9 o clock.

A. What does he do? Write and say the answers.
1. He has lunch.
2. He brushes his teeth.
3. He reads a book.
4. He plays soccer.
5. He goes to bed.

. write writes
. come comes
. drink drinks
. read reads
. watch watches
. brush brushes
. dress dresses
. mix mixes
. study studies
. cry cries
. fly flies
. have has
. do does
. go goes

















A.1. goes
2. has
3. studies
4. watches

B.1. brushes
2. washes
3. flies
4. does
5. does

C.1. I like chocolate cake.

2. She brushes her dolls hair.
3. Lucy studies science.
4. My dog catches a baseball.
5. He drinks coffee in the morning.

D.1. brushes his teeth.

2. take a trip to Europe.
3. flies a kite at the park
4. have dinner at 7
5. study science after school
6. washes her hands
7. mixes water and flour

Unit 14|He Doesnt Like Math.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the simple present: negative.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
"To Be" Negation Activities: "To be" negation can be tricky for students, especially when it comes to contractions -- why
doesn't "am not" contract to "amn't," and how does "will not be" contract to "won't"? Explain the various forms of
negative contractions for "to be" verbs, then practice by creating teams of two in your class--or practice with just you and
your student in a one-on-one setting. Take turns making positive statements: "This book is mine," "I am a student," "They
are taxi drivers." Play the contradiction game by having the other member of the team fire back with the negative form of
the statement.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Simple Positive to Negative: The simplest activity for teaching negative sentences is to assign students a list of positive
sentences to be turned into negative sentences. The younger or more inexperienced in English the student, the less
complicated the sentence should be. Begin with simple present statements: "I watch TV" negates to "I do not watch TV."
Contractions can be taught simultaneously or at a later date. Include a variety of subjects and tenses so students gain
experience with past, present, and future negation -- have them negate variations on the same sentences to see the different
forms. Try "I clean my room," "I cleaned my room," "I will clean my room," "She cleans her room," and so on.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 14
T The dog doesnt like science.
T The ducks dont like music.
F The cats like math.
T The pigs dont like art.
F The two elephants like basketball.(Only one elephant likes basketball.)

1. doesnt, stays
2. dont, like
3. dont, want
4. dont, listen
5. doesnt, studies
6. doesnt, drinks

1. doesnt
2. dont
3. dont
4. doesnt

A. Unscramble the words and complete the sentences.
1. I dont like math.

2. She doesnt watch TV at night.

3. We dont do our homework.
4. Tom and Jake dont read books.
5. He doesnt like English.
6. It doesnt have wings.

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. doesnt
2. have
3. dont
4. doesnt read
5. dont
6. watch

C. Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

Students study different subjects in the classroom.
Tony and Kim dont play computer games.
They play card games. Maggie doesnt study math. She studies history.
Andrew doesnt read a newspaper. He reads a magazine.
I dont play balls. I play with blocks.

A. Complete the sentences using the given information.
1. I play badminton. I dont watch TV.
2. He watches cartoons. He doesnt play outside.
3. She drinks milk. She doesnt drink juice.
4. They have a small dog. They dont have cats.

5. James studies Chinese. He doesnt study French.

Make positives and negatives.
. I, oranges I like oranges. I dont like oranges.
. You, pizza You like pizza. You dont like pizza.
. He, pears He likes pears. He doesnt like pears.
. She, peanuts She likes peanuts. She doesnt like peanuts.
. We, walnuts We like walnuts. We dont like walnuts.
. They, apples They like apples. They dont like apples.


dont like oranges
dont like bananas
doesnt like melons
doesnt like strawberries
doesnt like peanuts
dont like apples
dont like pears

A.1. dont
2. doesnt

5. doesnt

3. dont7. doesnt
4. doesnt


B.1. like, dont like

B.2. have, dont have
3. dont take, take
4. doesnt like, likes

C.1. dont

2. doesnt
3. dont
4. study
5. go

D.1. I dont read books.

2. She doesnt like English.
3. You dont want a sandwich.
4. They dont have cats.
5. Nancy doesnt do her homework.
6. He doesnt play card games.

Unit 15|Do You Have a Dog?

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about Yes/No questions & question words: what.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
No Yes No Game: In pairs, students ask yes/no questions, but they are not allowed to answer with yes or no. For example:
'Are you from this city?' 'I'm from this city.' 'Do you come here often?' 'I sometimes come here.' A very simple game, but
it can also be amusing to play.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
What's in my bag?: Put a variety of objects into a bag (which the students cannot see into). Students must guess: "Is there's
a pencil.." The student/teacher holding the bag must answer, "Yes, there is." "No, there isn't." If this becomes difficult
students can be allowed to feel the inside of the bag without looking. They must then make guesses: "There's a
potato/pencil etc."

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 15
A. Yes, they do.
A. He wants the goldfish.
B. She has a parrot.

1. Do, do
2. Do, dont
3. Does, doesnt
4. Does, does
5. Do, do

1. What, does, wants, the goldfish
2. What, do, have, rabbits
3. What does, has, a parrot

A Unscramble the words and complete the sentences.
1. Q: Do you like cats?
A: Yes, I do.
2. Q: Does she have a bike?
A: Yes, she does.
3. Q: What do you drink?

A: I drink milk.

B. 1. Does, does,
2. Do, dont
3. watch, does
4. do you, like
5. want, wants

C. Make questions and answer them.

1. Q: Do you havea lizard?
A: Yes, I do .
2. Q: Does Julia have a turtle?
A: No, she doesnt .
3. Q: What does Lyn have?
A: She has a dog( puppy).

A. Look at the chart. Ask questions and answer them.
1. Q:Does Jim have a bicycle?
A:Yes, he does.
2. Q:Does Harry get up early?
A:No, he doesnt.
3. Q: Do Sally and Tom go to the mall every day?
A: Yes, they do.
4. Q:What does Jim like?
A: He likes cheeseburgers.
5. Q:What does Harry want?

A:He wants a new laptop.

Make questions using the given expressions.
. Q:Do you go to school? A:Yes, I do .
. Q: Does he come home early ?A: No, he doesnt .
. Q: Do they play the flute ?A:Yes, they do .
. Q:What do you eat for lunch? A:I eat sandwiches.
. Q:What does she listen to at home? A:She listens to pop music.



you do

you dont


I do

I dont


he does

he doesnt


they do

they dont


He has


She has


You have

A.1. Do, do
2. Does, does
3. What does, bones
4. What do, milk and juice

B.1. Q. Do you have a lizard?
A. Yes, I do.
2. Q. Does she want some cake?
A. she No, she doesnt.
3. Q. What do they have?
A. They have a game player.

C.1. Do you listen to music?

2. Does she have a dog?
3. Do they get up early?
4. What do you want?
5. What does he like?

Unit 16|I Go to School at 9 Oclock.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about prepositions of time.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Prepositional Puzzles: Prepositional puzzles can help students explore the structure of a sentence. Print out several
sentences in a large font and cut each sentence apart word by word. Put the pieces of each sentence into individual
envelopes. Divide your class into groups and give each group an envelope. The purpose of the game is to put the sentence
together and then point out which part of the sentence is the prepositional phrase. If you want a faster-paced game, offer
prizes to the first couple groups that finish the puzzle successfully.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students

are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Prepositional "Mad Libs": "Mad Libs" are word games in which a story has been pre-written but players must fill in the
blanks, without knowing the story, to complete the story. When all the blanks have been filled in, the silly story is read
aloud. If you are creative, write two to three single page stories and erase all of the prepositional phrases from them. You
can also print out free Mad Lib exercises, but they will have all types of words and phrases (see Resources). Call on
students in your class to fill in the blanks with prepositional phrases, not allowing them to repeat the same one twice. Read
the story to the class when it is complete..

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 16
Circle the time expressions.
at9 oclock.
in December.
on Sundays.
in the morning.

1. on
2. on
3. at
4. in
5. in
6. at
7. on
8. on
9. in
10. at
11. in
12. in
13. on
14. on
15. in
16. on

B. Fill in the blanks with in or on.

Elf bear goes to school at 9 oclock in the morning.
His birthday is in December. Its on Friday.
Its on December 25 and its also Christmas.
He gets a lot of presents on Christmas.

1. on
2. in
3. at
4. on
5. on
6. in

B. 1. on
2. in
3. at
4. on
5. on

C.on, at, in, in, on

*There is no school on Thursday, so Jane goes to the library.
She has an art class there at 10 oclock in the morning.
After the art class, she eats lunch at noon.
She plays ball with her friends in the park.
The park is very beautiful in the fall.

It is Thanksgiving Day, too. She has a big party on Thanksgiving.

1. He goes to the hospital at 9 oclock.
2. He does his homework on Thursday.
He does his homework on Sept. 5.
He does his homework at 5:30.
3. Its on Monday, Sept. 16.
4. Its on Thursday, Sept.19.
5. He goes to the movies on Friday.
He goes to the movies on Sept. 13.

Fill in the blanks.
. at 9 oclock . at 6 oclock
. on Monday . on Sunday
. on December 25 . on May 1
. in October . in December
. in 1998 . in 2010
. in spring . in fall
. in the morning . in the afternoon



at, at
on, on
on, on
in, in
in, in
in, in
in, in

3 oclock


2010, (the) afternoon

January 21

spring, December

B.1. in
2. on
3. at
4. in
5. on
6. in

C.1. on Halloween.
2. in summer (in the summer)
3. on Saturdays
4. on December 25
5. at 11 oclock
6. in 2015
7. in fall ( in the fall)

D.1. He watches a movie on Saturdays.

2. Her birthday is on November 15.
3. He goes to the mountains with his family on November 17.
4. The mountains are very beautiful in the fall.

Unit 17|Im Watching TV Now.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the present progressive: positive.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Timeline: A time line helps students visualize a verb tense's function. Simply draw a horizontal line. Label the left end
"past," the middle "present" and the right end "future." Because most beginners studying present progressive should
already have a good understanding of simple present and past, explain to them that an "x" on the time line denotes an
exact moment. For example, an "x" on the left side of the line, along with the verb "to play," becomes "played."

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students

are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Role Playing: This is a fun exercise and can help students understand present progressive. Give each student a note card
with a verb, like "drink" or "write." The students take turns acting out the action, prompting the other students to say, "She
is drinking."

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are

finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 17
Write the basic form of each verb. Theyre ...
studying English - study
writing an e-mail- write
watching TV - watch
reading a book - read
washing the dishes- wash
taking a shower - take

1. am riding
2. are studying
3. is reading
4. is eating
5. are playing
6. is running

1. is reading
2. is writing
3. is watching
4. are washing


A. Unscramble the words and complete the sentences.

1. Betty is studying English in the bedroom now.
2. He is taking a shower now.
3. Jessica is making dinner now.
4. I am writing a letter now.
5. We are waiting for our friends now.

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. am watching
2. is reading
3. are studying
4. is having
5. swimming

C. Complete the sentences.

Jason is playing baseball with his friends now.
He is a pitcher and he is throwing a ball. Jane is a catcher and she is catching a ball.
Eric is hitting the ball and he is running. Home run!
All the children are having a great time.

My family is having a good time in the yard now.
My grandma and mom are sitting around the table and they are drinking tea. Dad is cooking hot dogs. I am playing with a
ball. My grandpa is taking a picture. Our dog is running around.

. Im watching TV.

. Youre reading a book.

. He is writing a letter.
. Theyre running.
. Were swimming.














A.1. am reading
2. are taking playing
4. is writing
5. is washing
6. are making
7. are sitting
8. is riding
9. is swimming
10. is running

B.1. Mandy is drinking tea now.
2. Terry is sleeping now.

3. Joey is listening to music now.

4. I am writing a letter now.
5. You are running too fast now.

C.1. go
2. is taking
3. is jumping
4. are eating
5. sleeps

D.1. is waiting for

3. is swimming
5. is throwing the ball

2. take a shower
4. play baseball
6. has dinner at 7

Unit 18|He Isnt Buying Any Flowers.

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the present progressive: negative.
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
Use both positive and negative statements when teaching present progressive. Questions in this tense also help, as they
prompt students to answer in the correct tense and boost their confidence. For example, ask "Are you studying English
now?" to illicit the response "Yes, I am studying English."

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Tic Tac Toe Grammar: For this fun grammar activity, you can either draw a giant tic tac toe board on your blackboard or
make some in advance. In each square of the grid, you need to put a sentence with a blank where the verb must be. If your
students can fill in the blank with a verb of the proper tense, then they get an X. The trick with this game is that the
teacher must check the answers as the game goes on (which can be a problem when you have a large group of students
divided into pairs.) You can also use this tic tac toe method to practice other parts of grammar, as well. You can have your
students put the given sentence in past tense, finish a sentence correctly, etc.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 18
Are these true? Circle Yes or no.
A monkey is driving a car. - No
A bear is listening to music. - No
A lion is buying some hot dogs. No

1.a. arent
b. Im not
c. arent
d. arent
2.a. arent
b. isnt
c. isnt
d. arent

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. He isnt reading a book now.
He is listening to music now.
2. They arent buying any flowers now.
They are clapping their hands now.
3. I am not walking now.
I am taking the bus now.
4. She isnt selling hotdogs.

She is selling flowers.

A. Make negative sentences in the present progressive.
1. He isnt playing computer games.
2. Im not buying any toys.
3. You arent washing the dishes.
4. She isnt stopping the bus.
5. We arent making bread.
6. They arent surfing the Internet.

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. isnt cooking
2. writing
3. am not walking
4. arent studying
5. clapping

C. Complete the sentences.

We arent sitting on the bench, were standing.
The elephant is running now.
It isnt sleeping now.
Its riding a bike.
Greg is clapping his hands.
But I am notclapping my hands now.


It isnt raining.
Im not swimming now.
Jimmy and Kate arent eating any hamburgers now.
Mom isnt taking a nap now.
We arent having a bad time.

. Im not watching TV.
. You arent buying any flowers.
. He isnt rollerblading.
. She isnt making dinner for us.
. We arent sitting on the couch.
. They arent stopping the bus.
















A.1. Im not watching TV now.

2. isnt running
3. isnt dancing
4. arent singing

B.1. isnt reading a book
2. arent buying any flowers
3. isnt writing an e-mail
4. arent playing volleyball
5. isnt walking the dog

C.1. He isnt washing his face now.

2. They arent playing soccer now.

3. Im not writing a letter now.
4. She is not eating dinner now.
5. We arent going home now.

D.1. is sleeping now.

She isnt dancing.
2. is running now .
He isnt walking.
3. am roller skating now .
Im not swimming.
4. are playing tennis now .
They arent playing soccer.

Unit 19|What Are You Doing?

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about Yes/No questions & question words: what
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
What's in my bag?: Put a variety of objects into a bag (which the students cannot see into). Students must guess: "Is there's
a pencil.." The student/teacher holding the bag must answer, "Yes, there is." "No, there isn't." If this becomes difficult
students can be allowed to feel the inside of the bag without looking. They must then make guesses: "There's a
potato/pencil etc."

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students

are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
No Yes No Game: In pairs, students ask yes/no questions, but they are not allowed to answer with yes or no. For example:
'Are you from this city?' 'I'm from this city.' 'Do you come here often?' 'I sometimes come here.' A very simple game, but
it can also be amusing to play.

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 19
Read and circle the correct answer.
1. a
2. b
3. a

1. reading, am
2. playing, are
3. drinking, isnt
4. playing, arent

1. What is, gluing the picture
2. What is she, coloring the picture
3. What are they, writing letters

A. Make questions and answer them.
1. Q: Is she drawing her friends? A: No, she isnt .
2. Q: Are they coloring the pictures? A: Yes, they are.
3. Q: What is he doing? A: He s sending an e-mail.
4. Q: What are you doing? A: I am waiting for my mom.
5. Q: What is she doing? A: She is answering the phone.

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. taking is
2. doing listening
3. Are, writing
4. is , is reading
5. cutting, arent
6. making, is making

C. Fill in the blanks.

Q: Are they walking on the road?
A: No, they arent.
Q: Is it raining?
A: No, it isnt .
Q: Are they riding bikes?
A: Yes, they are.

A. Look at the pictures, make questions and answer them.
1. Q: Is she waiting for the school bus?
A: No, she isnt. She is taking the subway.
2. Q: Is it sitting on the tree?
A: No, it isnt. Its flying in the sky.
3. Q: Is he taking off the(his) clothes?
A: No, he isnt. Hes getting dressed.
4. Q: Are they making a snowman?
A: No, they arent. Theyre having a snowball fight.
5. Q: Is it raining?

A: No, it isnt. Its snowing.

. Q: Are you drawing pictures? A: Yes, I am
. Q: Is he cutting the paper ? A: No, he isnt
. Q: What is she doing?

A: She is writing her name

. Q: What are they doing?

A:They are sending e-mails.


Am I drawing a picture?

What am I

Are you

What are you

Is he

What is he

Is she

What is she

Are they

What are they

Are we

What are we

A. 1. Q: Is, making A: she is.

2. Q: Are, writing A: they arent.
3. Q: Is, standing A: he is .
4. Q: Are, studying A: Im not.
5. Q: Am, doing A: you are.
6. Q: Is, going A: she isnt.
7. Q: Is, raining A: it is.
8. Q: Is, eating A: he isnt.

B.1. Are they dancing?
2. Are we calling our teacher?
3. Is he waiting for a bus?
4. Are you and your sister jumping?

5. Is she selling clothes?

6. Am I receiving a postcard?

C.1. Is it raining now?

2. Are you visiting Saras house now?
3. Are they ordering noodles now?
4. Is Jake buying a new MP3 player now?

D. 1. Q: Is she eating A: Yes, she is.

2. Q: Is he drawing A: Yes, he is.
3. Q: Is he riding A: No, he isnt.
4. Q: Are they swimming A: No, they arent.

Unit 20|Can She Go Home Now?

Gammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn about can: possibility & permission
2. Students will understand the meaning of new words and be able to use the words in grammatically correct sentences.
3. Students will learn major grammar skills and concepts and learn to apply them.

Discuss the picture with the students. Encourage brainstorming as to what they see in the picture and the types of things
the students can name. Model some answers (in grammatically correct sentences) for the students if necessary. Explain the
directions of the section. Make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.
Complete the first question as a class to ensure that all students understand the exercise. Then have the students complete
the rest of the exercise on their own. When completed, go over the answers as a class by calling on individual students to
present their answers to the rest of the class. For further reinforcement offer the students other examples and more indepth explanation of the grammar skills being covered.
Extra Idea (optional):
What does he/she want me to do?: One or more students whisper an instruction to another student. Other students in the
class must guess what they want the student to do by asking "Does Marta want you to dance and sing?" etc.

Notice and Say

This section is key in helping students gain awareness of the grammar topics they are about to be introduced to. Make sure
to thoroughly explain the grammar topics being introduced. Have students repeat after you or read the examples in the
chart. Offer the students examples of how to apply the grammar topics and encourage student questions.
This part of the unit is extremely important, as it describes and defines the key grammatical topic that will be covered in
the unit. Take as much time as possible to ensure complete student understanding on the topics given. Encourage students
to ask questions as much as possible.

Guided Practice
This section will introduce students to application of the grammar topics covered in the Notice and Say section. Since it
will be the first time for many of the students to apply these skills, many of the exercises will have to be closely guided by
the teacheranswers should be modeled for the students as much as possible.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Extra Idea (optional):
Sentence Maze: For this game you need to draw a "maze" and print it out for each student. Students all start at the start
space at the same time. You then read a sentence. If the sentence is correct, the students take the dotted line out of the start
space and to the next space. If the sentence is incorrect, they take the bold line to the next space. Then you read another
students and if it is correct, the students take the dotted line, etc. Eventually, if the student has correctly answered all
sentences, she wins (all correct students will win at the same time).

Expanded Practice
This section will offer the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned on their own. For slower classes,
sample answer modeling may be required. Explain all of the directions thoroughly and have the students complete the
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Write and Say

A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise by writing their answers downor you may have them write their answers on the board. You
may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are finished, go over the answers as
a class. Check all student answers for spelling errors. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at
hand by explaining exactly what their mistake was.
Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have them
complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students are
finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.

Go over the chart with the students. Briefly review and explain the topics covered. Encourage the students to ask
questions about the topics covered to ensure complete students understanding of the material at hand.
After you are sure that all the students understand the concepts being covered in this unit, explain the directions of the
exercise and have them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When
all the students are finished, go over the answers as a class.
A) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
B) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
C) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.
D) Explain the directions to the students thoroughly. After they have fully understood what the exercise requires have
them complete the exercise. You may have to model the first question as a guide for the students. When all the students
are finished, go over the answers as a class. For students who have incorrect answers reinforce the subject at hand by
explaining exactly what their mistake was.


Lesson 20
Circle the questions theyre asking.
O 1. Can I go home?
O 2. Can you play the guitar?
O 3. Can I borrow your pencil?
O 4. Can I use your phone?
O 5. Can you open the door?

1. can play, Can you, can
2. can
3. Can I, Yes, you
4. Can we, Yes, you

B. Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes.

1. Q: Can I go home now?
A: No, you cant.
2. Q: Can you play the guitar?
A: Yes, I can.
3. Q: Can I open the door?
A: Yes, you can.

A. Make questions with the given words.

1. Q: Can I go to the bathroom?

2. Q: Can he use your phone?
3. Q: Can they eat some chicken?
4. Q: Can you sing well?
5. Q: Can she play the cello?

B. Answer the questions.

1. you can
2. you cant
3. he can
4. they cant

C. Correct the underlined words.

1. Can I , can
2. watch, cant
3. use, you
4. play, she
5. Can they, No

A. Look at the pictures. Make questions and answer them.
Q: Can I watch TV tonight?
A: No, you cant. Its late.
Q: Can I use your phone?
A: No, you cant .

Q: Can I borrow your pen?

A: Yes, you can . Here you are.
Q: Can Mark ride a bike ?
A: Yes, he can.
Q: Can they play computer games well?
A: Yes, they can .
Q: Can I buy a new MP3 player ?
A: No, you cant . You have an MP3 player.

Make questions and answer them.
. I can go home.
Q: Can I go home? A: Yes, you can.
. He can play the guitar.
Q: Can he play the guitar? A: Yes, he can. /No, he cant.
. She can jump high.
Q: Can she jump high? A: No, she cant.
. We can borrow your pencil.
Q: Can we borrow your pencil? A: Yes, you can. /No, you cant
. They can use your phone.
Q: Can they use your phone? A: Yes, they can. /No, they cant


Q: Can A: you can, you cant.
Q: Can A: she can, she cant.
Q: Can A: he can. he cant.

A.1. Yes, you can

2. Can she
3. you cant
4. watch
5. Can she go
6. I cant

B.1. Q: watch TV A: you can.

2. Q: borrow your book? A: you can.
3. Q: play the piano? A: he can.
4. Q: have A: you cant.

C.1. Can I talk to you?
2. Can she play soccer?
3. Can they speak English?
4. Can he borrow money?
5. Can you go to the bathroom?
6. Can we bring flowers?
7. Can the dog eat chicken?

D.1. go
2. come
3. stay
4. can
5. cant

Review Test 1|Unit 1 ~ Unit 4

Grammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Review Test Objectives:

1. To review previously learned material.
2. To enhance and gauge student understanding of the material covered.
3. To serve as supplementary material for the lessons covered.

Explain the purpose of reviewing previous material and topics. Then have the students fill in the top portion of the Review
Test (Date, Name, Class, Score).
A) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
B) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
C) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
D) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
E) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.

Review Test 1
A. Write the sentences under the correct categories.
Positive: Youre quiet.
Negative: The turtle isnt slow.
Question: Is your father a cook?
Imperative: Go home.

1. Are, you
2. they, are
3. I, am
4. Is, he
5. Is, it

1. 1Those are
2. 3 arent
3. 2 isnt
4. 1 Are

1. No, they arent.
2. Are they kittens?
3. No, they arent.
4. Are they babies?

1. I, am,
Im, not
2. She, is,
She, isnt
3. Is, it
It, isnt
4. students

Review Test 2|Unit 5 ~ Unit 8

Grammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Review Test Objectives:

4. To review previously learned material.
5. To enhance and gauge student understanding of the material covered.
6. To serve as supplementary material for the lessons covered.

Explain the purpose of reviewing previous material and topics. Then have the students fill in the top portion of the Review
Test (Date, Name, Class, Score).
A) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
B) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
C) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
D) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
E) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.

Review Test 2
A. 1. A, the
2. a, The
3. any, some
4. some, any
5. an, the

B. Make the sentences negative.

1. Brandon doesnt have any bread.
2. There isnt any/a museum in town.
3. There arent any banks near my school.
4. There arent any parks in my village.
5. I dont have any chocolate.

C. Complete the sentences or dialogs.

1.Q:Is there some bread on the table? A: No, there isnt .
2.Q: Are there any bookstores near here? A:Yes, there are.
3.Q:Is there a hospital near here? A: No, there isnt.
4.Q: Is there a zoo near here? A:Yes, there is.
5. Q: Are there any libraries? A: No, there arent.
6. Q: Are there any schools in this town? A: Yes, there are. There are some schools.

D. Correct the underlined words.
1. an

2. any
3. some
4. arent
5. is, isnt

E. Complete the sentences.

1. There are some buses.
2. Its a kangaroo. The kangaroo has (some) balls. The balls are small.
3. They have some soda. They dont have any hamburgers.
4. There is a library. There isnt a school.

Review Test 3|Unit 9 ~ Unit 12

Grammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Review Test Objectives:

7. To review previously learned material.
8. To enhance and gauge student understanding of the material covered.
9. To serve as supplementary material for the lessons covered.

Explain the purpose of reviewing previous material and topics. Then have the students fill in the top portion of the Review
Test (Date, Name, Class, Score).
A) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
B) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
C) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
D) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
E) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.

Review Test 3
A. 1. his, his
2. her, hers
3. their, theirs
4. my, mine
5. our, ours

1. Jack reads comic books .
2. He sleeps on the lawn chair .
3. Tom plays basketball .
4. The cat eats fish .

1. Whose, Theyre
2. Whose, are, Jennys
3. Whose, Its
4. Whose, sweater, his
5. Whose, Theyre
6. Whose, are, Theyre hers

1. 3 than
2. 2 thinner
3. 3 likes

4. 3 your
5. 2 Its

1. Whose, Sams
2. are, these, Theyre his
3. more beautiful than
4. listens
5. bigger than

Review Test 4|Unit 13 ~ Unit 16

Grammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Review Test Objectives:

10. To review previously learned material.
11. To enhance and gauge student understanding of the material covered.
12. To serve as supplementary material for the lessons covered.

Explain the purpose of reviewing previous material and topics. Then have the students fill in the top portion of the Review
Test (Date, Name, Class, Score).
A) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
B) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
C) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
D) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
E) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.

Review Test 4
1. in
2. at
3. in
4. on
5. on

1. She doesnt like ballet.
2. Does he take a trip to Europe?
3. My dogs dont get up early.
4. Do they wash the dishes?
5. We dont want any fruit.

1. Does, doesnt, goes
2. have/want/like, dont, have/want/like
3. play, plays
4. at
5. in, on(a)

D. 1. in
2. like

3. doesnt
4. does
5. on

E. 1. has, have
2. doesnt, reads
3. Do, do
4. on
5. gets up at

Review Test 5|Unit 17 ~ Unit 20

Grammar in Mind 2: Teachers Guide

Review Test Objectives:

13. To review previously learned material.
14. To enhance and gauge student understanding of the material covered.
15. To serve as supplementary material for the lessons covered.

Explain the purpose of reviewing previous material and topics. Then have the students fill in the top portion of the Review
Test (Date, Name, Class, Score).
A) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
B) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
C) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
D) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.
E) For this section, thoroughly explain the directions given. Explain and model what is expected from the students. After
the students have completely understood the directions, have them complete the exercises. Make sure all the students have
completed this section before moving on.

Review Test 5
A. 1. is hitting
2. are riding
3. is writing
4. is swimming
5. is sleeping

B. Change the sentences into negative statements(N) or questions(Q).

1. He is taking a shower. -> N: He isnt taking a shower.
2. The child is walking now. -> Q: Is the child walking now?
3. I am talking to you. -> N: Im not talking to you.
4. She is playing volleyball. -> Q: Is she playing volleyball?
5. You are taking pictures now. -> You arent taking pictures now.

C. Complete the dialogs.

1.Q: Can we go home now?
A: No, you cant . We are taking a class right now.
2.Q:Can you play the tuba?
A:Yes, I can. I can play the cymbals as well.
3.Q: Are you watching TV now?
A: No, Im not. Im doing my homework.
4.Q: Is the cat playing with the ball?
A: No, it isnt playing with the ball.
5. Q: Can I borrow your pencil?
A: Yes, you can . But you cant borrow my books.

1. riding
2. taking
3. is
4. use
5. having

1. are studying
2. is buying
3. Are, making a snowman, they, arent
4. Can, Yes
5. Can, borrow, cant

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