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INQUIRY LEARNING PLANNER UNITTITLE: — What makes me, me? LEVEL TEAM TERM DURATION 456 Gen, Tayla, Latisha 3 weeks UNDERSTANDINGS: FOCUS QUESTIONS: 1. Everyone has a body with different parts and features. 2. Everyone is a part of a unique and special v family that influences who they are. v 3. Allhumans use their five senses to experience the world around them, 1. What features to function? family? are unique to me? 2. How do the parts of my body allow me 1, What role does each member of my family play in shaping who | am? 2. What genes have | inherited from my 1. How do your senses help you find out ‘more about the world? 2. When can you use two or mors senses at the same time? KEY CONCEPTS: Health and physical education, Human Body, Family and Culture, Thinking Processes Make observations about important People who influence who they are, particulary their family members, and ‘Communication Skills Present findings and Information in a variety of media and communication forms, such as writen, oral, digital and visual Personal Leaming Students are needed to manage their own learning. They need to be able to ask ‘questions when needed and motivate Interpersonal Development ‘Students need to work cooperatively and collaboratively in groups to complete their work ‘make connections as. | Describe how parts of | themselves to Students must build tohow they are the human body work | extend their research | relationships across the influenced by these | and how the five senses | so that they are able | year levels to enable people. help us to experience the | to broaden their —_| them to assist one Identify parts of the | world, and how people | knowledge. When | another and learn from body and senses _| have different features | working in a group all | each other. which help them ‘and family backgrounds | peers are to be make sense oftheir | that influence who they | included and work is word are. to be divided evenly. RESOURCES AUSVELS. (2014). The Australian Curriculum jp Victoria. Retrieved from hitovJausvels vena viewed a National Geographic Society,. (2014). Human Body 101, Video. Retrieved 2 October 2014, from hi Hot. -body-sci?source=relatedvideo ‘The Nemours Foundation. (2014). What Is @ Gene?. Retrieved 4 October 2014, {rom http,/kidshealth orakiditalkiaa/whats_gene.himi “Baby photos 2 Butcher paper A -A3 Venn Diagram templates yo Jp ai Wool $ “Googly eyes ry, -Cut out smiles and noses “Face templates -Whiteboard Concept map templates -Ipads , -Poster paper -Laptops/computers, Eye test -Noise CD “Scented jars -Food samples -Leaves, playdoh -Life size Skeleton / -Example of family trees TUNING IN, Lesson 1: Activity 1: Guess Who? Get the children to bring in their baby photo with their name on the back. Have the photos grouped with § in each group. Then display these photos at the front of the classroom, Have those 5 students scattered around the classroom, When you reveal each picture hhave the students go stand near the student they believe itis. When they have decided, write the ‘name of the most popular voted’ student under the photo. This will continue untl all the photos have been ‘voted on’. The students whose photo it is will reveal which one is their. ‘Activity 2: Video clips ‘Show the students the clip, .0,nalionalgeographi .os/human-b nce it has been played, ask them what they think itwas about and wha the unit may be. Get them to brainstorm on the board wat they think once you nave heard @ few options then display the unit question “what makes me, me?" alow ‘them to have a minute to think about the question and then ask them to each write down a «question about the topic they have and once they have done tha o put iin the “postbox’located at the font ofthe classroom Activity 3: Vote with your feet“ Have a series of questions ready about the human body. Make one comeriside of the room true, yes or agree and the other comeriside of the room false, no or disagree. Have all students stand up ‘out of their chairs and ready to move around based upon their current knowledge of the topic. This, activity can be completed silently or you can allow for there to be discussion. Read the statement ‘out to the students and then have them move to the side of the room according to what they believe Is the right answer. Itis important to make it clear that there is no great importance on getting all the answers ‘correct’ so to speak as it is just an indication of what they know already and through this unit of work they will have the opportunity to gain more knowledge on the topic. Lesson 2: Activity 1: Guess Who? This willbe the second session of ‘Guess Who?" Have the photos grouped with 6 in each group. Then display these photos at the front of the classroom. Have those 5 students scattered around the classroom. When you reveal each picture hhave the students go stand near the student they believe itis. When they have decided, write the ‘name of the most popular voted’ student under the photo. This will continue unti all the photos have been ‘voted on’. The students whose photo itis will eveal which one is their. Activity 2: Body Outline In groups of three, students nominate one student from each group to lie down on butcher paper and hhave the outline of their body traced by the other members of the group. Students then use the ‘outine to brainstorm everything they know about the human body, as well as other factors that ‘make them who they are. On the inside of the body, students write down anything they know about the systems and functions of the human body, as well as any organs and body parts, which they can also draw and label if they know where they are. On the outside, students write down aspects that make them who they are, such as family, culture, physical features etc. This activity requires students to have discussions in their groups and work cooperatively, and also provides the ‘opportunity for students to leam from each other. Itis necessary to emphasise that there are no right or wrong answers and therefore students should write down whatever they can think of to demonstrate their knowiedge. Once the activity is fnished, students come back together and one member from each group shares their ideas to the cohort. The brainstorms should then be displayed in the classroom/s as an indication of students’ existing knowledge. In this way, students will also be able to observe how ‘much new information and knowledge they gain throughout the unit compared to what they initially knew. ‘Students wil also be instructed to bring in two photos for the next lesson. One photo of them at the ‘age of three and one of them at their current age (recommend their school photo). Lesson 3: Activity 1: Guess Who? Tris will be the last session of ‘Guess Who. Have the photos grouped with § in each group. Then display these photos at the front of the classroom. Have those 6 students scattered around the classroom, When you reveal each picture hhave the students go stand near the student they believe itis. When they have decided, write the ‘name of the most popular voted’ student under the photo. This will continue untl all the photos have been ‘voted on’. The students whose photo its will reveal which one is their. Activity 2: Each student will have two photos, one at the age of 3 and one at their current age. They will place the two images onto an A3 piece of paper with a Venn Diagram template. eg, Vy wh ‘These images will be ‘compared.’ Under both images they will write down any features that they see, key events that may have happened around that time that may have helped shaped their life and any interests including hobbies. In the middle circle is where they ‘contrast’ with anything that is the sare in both images. Reflection Bring all the students back together and look at the differences on the Venn Diagrams and point out ‘the main differences. Go through the Post Box questions and discuss them withthe students. Stick them up on the wall according to three groups - what you want to know, what you already know, and what you've learnt (approximately 20 minutes). Create a separate display area in the ciassroom surrounding the question ‘What makes me, me?" Put the Venn Diagrams and the body outines up, and leave enough room to add things as the unit continues, FINDING OUT SORTING OUT How can we: Take students beyond what they already know? Challenge their ideas, beliefs and attitudes? Enable them to use skills and ‘knowledge to collect new information? Provide a range of experiences fo develop our understandings? How will students sort out, organise, represent and present what they have found out? How can they communicate and express what they know? How will they use preferred ways to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and values? Lesson /to:/kidshealth ora/kiditalk/aa/what Is. gen him The story on this website, beginning with The doorbell rings. Emma's dad calls out, "emma, answer the door! Y'm making dinner and my hands are ful!" wil be read to the class to start off the lesson, Lesson 6: 4. ‘Who am|?'- Students are to create ‘concept maps of themselves and their ‘own immediate family (Mum, dad, brothers, sisters. If they don't have siblings grandparents can be done). ‘These maps are to be based on their inner self. They should include things that the children do and say, their 1. ‘Walk around class’ - There will be different stations set up around the room, including hair (wool), eyes (different colours), nose (different sizes) ‘and mouth (different smiles). Students will choose what suits them most to create their own faces as best as possible and glue it on @ face outline Provided by the teacher. Once this is done students will use ipads/computers fo research genes and traits or their own knowledge and answer the following questions V What are genes? Who gave me my hair colour? Who gave me my eye colour? ‘Who gave me my nose? ‘Who gave me my smile? Other interesting information about your family traits, Reflection: ‘Some students, selected by the teacher during the lesson will present their mages of themselves that they have created, They will need to expiain each feature they have chosen ‘and why they chose it. ‘Students will be asked to bring in photos oftheir {emily for the next lesson, going as far as they would like (o at least their grandparents). Allow those who wish to extend and learn more to go further, |, ~~ cultural background and any otter information they thinks impotent in making them them. Once they have created those maps they ae to make connections wth themset and their parents: what o they have the same, that a connection made because of genes ore relied to something els6? ‘The last 30 minutes of the clasé6 to be ‘ent looking atthe connections and how ites to them, ‘These maps canbe completed using an ipa, computer or drawing ion postr paper ~elang back o the lesson on genes they can ook at a personality at hat they get roma parent and they wil be ajo explain owt works. or they playa sport that ho femy has played rom generation to generation they willbe abl to relate aso back o genetics and explain wy Reflectio ‘Students will be asked to share how they are Connected to their family members and to explain the connection that is made between genetics. . By looking and discussing the connections from the interpersonal aspect ofthe student they should be able to make the connection that not only are there connections with genetics that are visible but there are also genetic traits that are non visible, Lesson 5: 2. Students will be split up into 6 groups, five will be allocated with a sense - sight, hearing, smell taste, feel and the sbath will be about the human body, «There will be 6 stations around the class * and each group will have 10 minutes at each station. Each station will have a page of information about each Lesson 7: 2. Using the information that they have gathered from the previous lesson on the five senses the students, using either Ipad, laptop or handwritten, must ‘come up with a creative way such as a story, information report or powerpoint to

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